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Requirements Submissions

MHS Information Management Logo

Information Management (IM) is an independent and honest broker for coordinating governance, functional input, prioritization of portfolio for Defense Health Agency leadership. IM:

  • Manages or supports every step of the acquisition process, from submissions to system deployment.
  • Works with customers (submission requestor/Functional community) and keeps them engaged throughout the process.
  • Leads the development of the work packages in coordination with Functional community until Milestone A.
  • Coordinates with Functional community in remaining acquisition activities.

Information Management Process Gantt Chart

Strategic Planning  Submissions Management  Requirements Delivery  Lifecycle Management
  • Supports Portfolio by accessing capabilities and requirement gaps
  • Analyzes strategic imperatives/iniatives
  • Supports Capability Managers in routing submissions
  • Analyzes submissions to find duplicate requests
  • Supports Capability development of problem statemsnts and DOTMLPF-P
  • Support Functional/ Requestor to develop both initial and final business cases, which include the problem statement, DOTMLPF, BRD, AoA and BPR assessment forms
  • Manages process to ensure efficient cycle times
  • Supports IT by coordinating with Functional community throughout development to foster faster, more accurate deployement 

Submission Requirements

IM receives requests for changes and facilitates the requests through the submissions process. This includes ensuring an understanding of the request and aiding in routing the request through the appropriate governance channels for approval.

Information Management Requirements Submissions Process Graphic

What is a “requirement?”

A requirement is a functional or technical description of a need that a solution is to be designed to meet.

What is a “submission?”

A submission is any idea that fosters a change (addition, modification, or removal) to a capability, policy/process, or system. It is not a “trouble ticket” that identifies that a current function is not working properly. For additional guidance or questions, contact us

How is the submission processed?

The status of the submission will be communicated throughout the process. A tracking number and a point of contact will be provided and used to communicate the status of the submission throughout the process. Requests are screened for duplication and existing functionality, evaluated by management and either approved for implementation or returned to the end user with an explanation as to why the particular submission was or was not adopted.

Find out how to submit:

How to Submit Diagram

More Information

DHA Address: 7700 Arlington Boulevard | Suite 5101 | Falls Church, VA | 22042-5101

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