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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

2003 Environmental Excellence Awards

For Excellence in Ecosystems, Habitat, and Wildlife

Colorado Department of Transportation
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Venner Consulting
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Colorado Natural Heritage Program
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Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
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Colorado Department of Natural Resources
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Federal Highway Administration
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The Nature Conservancy of Colorado
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Colorado Division of Wildlife
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USDA Forest Service
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Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Project Contributors

Colorado Department of Transportation
George Gerstle | Jerry M. Powell

Venner Consulting
Marie Venner

Colorado Division of Wildlife
Francie Pusateri | Gary Skiba | Jennie Slater

The Nature Conservancy of Colorado
Chris Pague | Nancy Smith

USDA Forest Service
John Sidle

Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Lee Grunau | Renee Rondeau

Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Tom Blickensderfer | Tim Pollard

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Ted Toombs

Federal Highway Administration
Edrie Vinson

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Jim Hamilton

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Alison Michael | Lee Carlson

Shortgrass Prairie System

CDOT's Shortgrass Prairie Initiative emerged from a shared vision that public transportation agencies can use funds for environmental mitigation more effectively while making a significant contribution to recovery of declining ecosystems. Many native species that inhabit North America's imperiled shortgrass prairie ecosystem are currently listed as threatened, endangered, proposed, or candidate species under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). This initiative seeks to conserve from 15,000 to 50,000 acres of Colorado's shortgrass prairie habitat, via easements and management agreements in perpetuity, to mitigate for environmental impacts from proposed transportation projects over the next 20 years. The program is designed to satisfy current and future ESA Section 7 consultation requirements for a range of listed and non-listed species, thus avoiding future project and process delays while protecting and enhancing the environment. By contributing to a multi-species recovery effort in an integrated and comprehensive manner, the partners will promote the recovery of listed species, help prevent listing of additional species, use public funds more efficiently, improve the project development process, and offset permanent habitat loss through large scale habitat protection.

Ecosystems, Habitat, and Wildlife - Thumbnail 1

This is a North American Grizzly Bear walking on all four feet.
Environmental Excellence Awards Seal
Updated: 10/24/2012
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