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T: Trainer Aircraft Designation (MTMC1)

T-ACS: Auxiliary Crane Ship (MARAD4) (MTMC1)

TAAS: Terminal Advance Automation System (FAA7)

TACAN: Tactical Air Navigation (FAA4) (FAA17) (FAA19)

Tack: Short for tachograph or tachometer. (ATA1)

Tactical Communications: Communications that are developed and delivered as part of the real-time ATM process. (FAA7)

TACV: Tracked Air Cushion Vehicle (TRB1)

Tag: The official U.S. Government motor vehicle license plate, District of Columbia license plate, or license plate of any State, Territory, or possession of the United States. (GSA2)

TAG: Tactical Air Group (MTMC1)

TAG: Transportation Acronym Guide (BTS7)

TAG: Transportation Alternatives Group (Transportation 2020) (MTMC1)

Tag Axle: A nonpowered vehicle axle that helps distribute the load. (TRB1)

Tail Lamps: Lamps used to designate the rear of a motor vehicle. (49CFR393)

Tailboard Artist: One who thinks he is a perfect driver. (ATA1)

Tailgate: The outlet of a natural gas processing plant where dry residue gas is delivered or redelivered for sale or transportation. (DOE5)

Tailgate (Lower Lock Gate): A gate located at the downstream of a lock in the tailwater of a dam. (TNDOT1)

Tailgating: Driving too closely behind the vehicle ahead. (ATA1)

Tailwater: A term to indicate the depth of water above pool stage immediately below a dam when that dam is passing water in a non-sufficient amount to raise the stage of the water immediately below the dam. A term used primarily in the Upper Mississippi River area. (TNDOT1)

Tainter Gate: A large gate used to control the flow of water through or over a dam; such gates have a cylindrical surface with the convex side facing upstream. (TNDOT1)

Takeoff Distance Available (TODA): The runway length available for takeoff plus the length of any remaining runway and/or clearway beyond the far end. (FAA12)

Takeoff Power: 1) With respect to reciprocating engines, means the brake horsepower that is developed under standard sea level conditions, and under the maximum conditions of crankshaft rotational speed and engine manifold pressure approved for the normal takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the period of time shown in the approved engine specification; and 2) With respect to turbine engines, means the brake horsepower that is developed under static conditions at a specified altitude and atmospheric temperature, and under the maximum conditions of rotor shaft rotational speed and gas temperature approved for the normal takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the period of time shown in the approved engine specification. (14CFR1)

Takeoff Run Available (TORA): The runway length declared available and suitable for the ground run of an airplane taking off. (FAA12)

Takeoff Safety: A referenced airspeed obtained after lift-off at which the required one-engine-inoperative climb performance can be achieved. (14CFR1)

Takeoff Thrust: With respect to turbine engines, means the jet thrust that is developed under static conditions at a specific altitude and atmospheric temperature under the maximum conditions of rotorshaft rotational speed and gas temperature approved for the normal takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the period of time shown in the approved engine specification. (14CFR1)

Talus: Slopes of broken rock debris on a mountainside. (DOI4)

TANB: Trailerable Aids To Navigation Boat (USCG5)

Tandem: (See also Dual Drive Tandem) Semitrailer or tractor with two rear axles. (ATA1)

Tandem Axle: Two axles operated from a single suspension. (TII1)(TII2)

Tandem Axle Weight: The total weight transmitted to the road by two or more consecutive axles whose centers may be included between parallel transverse vertical planes space more than 40 inches and not more than 96 inches apart, extending across the full width of the vehicle. The Federal tandem axle weight limit on the Interstate System is 34,000 pounds. (23CFR658)

Tandem Wing: A configuration having two wings of similar span, mounted in tandem. (14CFR1)

Tank: A structure used for the storage of fluids. (DOI4)

Tank Barge: A large, flat-bottomed, non-selfpropelled, compartmented, decked-over barge used for all types of liquid cargo (petroleum, molasses, chemicals, etc). (TNDOT1)

Tank Car: A railroad car consisting of a large cylindrical container attached to the railcar truck and used to transport liquids in bulk. (FRA3)

Tank Farm: An installation used by gathering and trunk pipeline companies, crude oil producers, and terminal operators (except refineries) to store crude oil. (DOE5)

Tank Vehicle: Any commercial motor vehicle that is designed to transport any liquid or gaseous materials within a tank that is either permanently or temporarily attached to the vehicle or the chassis. Such vehicles include, but are not limited to, cargo tanks and portable tanks, as defined in 49 CFR 171. However, this definition does not include portable tanks having a rated capacity under 1,000 gallons. (49CFR383)

Tanker: See also Barge.

Tanker: Truck, semitrailer, or trailer with a tank body for hauling liquids. (ATA1)

Tanker: An oceangoing ship specially designed to haul liquid bulk cargo in world trade. (TNDOT1)

Tanker and Barge: Vessels that transport crude oil or petroleum products. Data are reported for movements between Petroleum and Administration for Defense (PAD) Districts; from a PAD District to the Panama Canal; or from the Panama Canal to a PAD District. (DOE5)

Tanker Man: Person trained, qualified, and certified to supervise transfer of liquid cargo (fuels) from shore to the barge. (TNDOT1)

Tare Weight: The curb weight plus the weight of the mounted body. Tare weight is also known as actual weight. (BOC3) (GSA2)

Tare Weight: The weight of a container and/or packing materials without the weight of the goods it contains. (MARAD2)

TARGET: Transportability Analysis Reports Generator (MTMC1)

Tariff: A published volume of rate schedules and general terms and conditions under which a product or service will be supplied. (DOE5)

Tariff: The charges, rates, and rules of transportation companies usually set forth in an industry publication. (MARAD1)

Tarp: Tarpaulin cover for open top trailers. (ATA1)

TARP: Transportation Accounts Receivable and Payment System (GSA2)

TASS: Terminal Air Surveillance System (FAA7)

TATCA: Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (FAA17) (FAA7) (FAA19)

Tattle Tale: (See also Squealer) Tachograph. (ATA1)

TAVT: Terminal Airspace Visualization Tool (FAA17)

Taxi: See also Motor Vehicle.

Taxi: The use of a taxicab by a driver for hire or by a passenger for fare. Also includes airport limousines. Does not include rental cars if they are privately operated and not picking up passengers in return for fare. (FHWA3)

Taxicabs: Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing passenger transportation by automobiles not operated on regular schedule or between fixed terminals. Taxicab fleet owners and organizations are included, regardless of whether drivers are hired or rent their cabs or are otherwise compensated. (BOC1)

Taxilane (TL): The portion of the aircraft parking area used for access between taxiways and aircraft parking positions. (FAA12)

Taximeter: A mechanical or electrical device in a taxicab that records and indicates a charge or fare calculated according to distance traveled, waiting time, initial charge, number of passengers, and other charges authorized by ordinance or by rule. Some taximeters are part of electronic dispatching systems. (TRB1)

Taxiway (TW): A defined path established for the taxing of aircraft from one part of an airport to another. (FAA12)

Taxiway Safety Area (TSA): The surface alongside the taxiway prepared or suitable for reducing the risk of damage to an airplane unintentionally departing the taxiway. (FAA12)

TAZ: Traffic Analysis Zone (FHWA13)

TAZ: Transportation Analysis Zone (MM)

TBS: Talk Between Ships (MTMC1)

TCA: Terminal Control Area (FAA17) (FAA8)

TCA: Traffic Control Airport Or Tower Control Airport (FAA6)

TCACCIS: Transportation Coordinator Automated Command and Control Information System (MTMC1)

TCADS: Truck Crash Analysis Data System (FHWA10)

TCAS: Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (14CFR1) (FAA17) (FAA6) (FAA7)

TCC: Tank Car Committee (RSPA1)

TCC: Transportation Component Command (MTMC1)

TCC: Transportation Control Center (FTA4)

TCCC: Tower Control Computer Complex (FAA17) (FAA7) (FAA19)

TCD: Traffic Control Devices (MOCD)

TCH: Threshold Crossing Height (FAA4)

TCIC: Technical Committee On Industrial Classification (BTS8)

TCLT: Tentative Calculated Landing Time (FAA4)

TCM: Transportation Control Measure (MOCD)

TCMD: Transportation Control and Movement Document (MTMC1)

TCN: Transportation Control Number (MTMC1)

TCON: Trailer Container (MTMC1)

TCON: Transportation Constructor (MTMC1)

TCP: Traffic Control Point (MTMC1)

TCP: Transportation Control Plan (MTMC1)

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (BTS9)

TCRP: Transit Cooperative Research Program (FTA4)

TCT: Total Cost Transportation (MTMC1)

TCU: Transportation Control Unit (MTMC1)

TD: Touchdown

TD: Transportation Disadvantaged (MOCD)

TDC: U.S. Travel Data Center (BTS8)

TDDS: Talking Directory Display System (FTA4)

TDLS: Tower Data - Link Services (FAA19)

TDM: Transportation Demand Management (MOCD)

TDP: Transit Development Program (TRB1)

TDR: Transportation Discrepancy Report (MTMC1)

TDS: Transportation Data Sampler (BTS8)

TDWR: Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (FAA19) (FAA8)

TDZE: Touchdown Zone Elevation (FAA4)

TEAM: Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management (NHTSA6)

Technical Factory Visit: A visit of officer in charge marine inspection (OCMI) personnel to a manufacturing facility to check for compliance with standards and regulations, examine products and answer technical questions. (USCG1)

Technology Transfer: Those activities that lead to the adoption of a new technique or product by users and involves dissemination, demonstration, training, and other activities that lead to eventual innovation. (23CFR420)

Temporary Living Quarters: A space in the interior of an automobile in which people may temporarily live and which includes sleeping surfaces, such as beds, and household conveniences, such as a sink, stove, refrigerator, or toilet. (49CFR523)


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