Business Systems & Information Directorate

Welcome to the OASD Energy, Installations and Environment (EI&E) Business Systems & Information (BSI) Directorate’s website. This site provides information about EI&E standard business processes, the associated Business System Information Technology (IT) portfolio management, and Installation Geospatial Information & Systems used by the EI&E community. The site also serves as a repository of standards and requirement documents. The Directorate:
  • Develops standard enterprise EI&E information requirements and efficient business processes that increase capability while controlling life-cycle costs, and integrates the results into installation management activities and related IT systems.
  • Provides policy, guidance, and a central data warehouse capability to support accessibility to timely and accurate information regarding the DoD’s real property portfolio.
  • Coordinates the development and maintenance of DoD’s Business Enterprise Architecture related to life-cycle information requirements for EI&E’s core business mission areas.
  • Oversees IT investment for all EI&E systems to ensure compliant, innovative, cost-consciousness, and integrated solutions.
  • Provides geospatial standards, policy and guidance that enable EI&E business missions to efficiently implement geospatial technology solutions.
  • Supports the ASD(EI&E) Functional Business Governance Board.
  • Researches, educates, and establishes requirements to cybersecure real property-related control systems.


Accessible, accurate, and reliable information through strategic IT investments and efficient business processes guided through an inclusive and accountable governance structure to support the DoD’s EI&E strategic resources and business decisions.


Facilitate and enhance the EI&E community’s ability to support our military forces in the most efficient, cost effective, safe, sustainable, secure and environmentally sound manner by defining standard business processes and data, ensuring that IT solutions comply with those standards, and gathering and synthesizing the high quality data needed for EI&E decision making, while continually looking for opportunities to increase efficiencies in support of the Department’s business efforts.


  • Provide quality information for strategic resourcing decisions.
  • Reduce the cost of business operations and improve stewardship of EI&E assets through smarter and more efficient use of EI&E information with greater interoperability.
  • Support integration of data standards into Component business operations.
  • Define and promote real-property related controls systems cybersecurity defense strategies and best practices.
  • Improve the EI&E community strategic decision making by defining mission, goals, initiatives, and the right performance measures to gauge success through business process and systems reviews.
  • Leverage the EI&E functional governance structure and associated working groups oversight to improve cross cutting enterprise decisions and improve the interface with other governance boards such as the Defense Business Council (DBC) and the Defense Management Action Group (DMAG).
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