Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

EAS/ IPAWS Enhancement

Greetings, My name is Gavin Washburn; I am the Director of Market Development for Perpetual Solutions Group - Phoenix, AZ. We possess the most powerful, efficient, and intelligible wide area siren/ voice communication technology on Earth. Our products have an astounding range of coverage measured in miles not in feet or meters. Our systems can eliminate the need or reliance on a working cell phone, TV, radio, computer, ...more »

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Campaign: Innovative Solutions in Emergency Management

EAS mode for non weather-radios

47 CFR 11 spells out specific audio tones that indicate an emergency alert is about to come. It would seem that someone must have a radio that cuts out the speaker unless the EAS start tone comes through. Then people who have table radios could switch them to a mode that tunes it to a preset local EAS station frequency when the device is set to an "EAS" mode rather than the "OFF" mode. I know that my weather radio ...more »

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