FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan development effort will be built around five strategic priorities and two strategic imperatives. These challenges are described in the 2015-2019 Administrator’s Intent.

The Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) is leading the development of Priority 4 –Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally. This priority encapsulates FEMA’s mission with respect to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and community disaster resiliency and sustainability. FEMA is conducting stakeholder engagement as part of the Strategic Plan Priority 4 development process. The 2015-2019 Administrator’s Intent statement for Priority 4 is broken down into the following topical areas for public comment. We welcome your thoughts, ideas or suggestions for strategic goals and objectives related to each topic that could improve the national approach to community disaster resiliency and climate change adaptation.

Campaign: Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

Embedding into every 'electronic device' need to know info

In every emergency or disaster there's a disruption in all wireless service, making this particular segment of time critical for 'need to know info' . . . an obvious fact. So then tell me, why is it that we still don't have a comprehensive 'native app' on every device, sitting atop the operating system of every smartphone, tablet and pad, ready to reveal the critical content necessary to increase the success rate of ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

School Bus Storm Shelter

I am working with classmates to come up with an lower cost for a storm shelter. We heard of a man who used a school bus and buried it. We are exploring that idea and think it is a cheaper way to save larger groups of people (25 to 80) people. Plus, old school buses can be recycled by being used. Our team's cost estimate for this is under $5,000. A storm shelter for a family costs (starting at) $2,700. That is ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

Priority 4: Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

Kurtosis risk occurs when a statistical model and observation of that model focus on ‘bookend’ extremes and fail to take into account what the bookends are used for (to hold the books in place). It seems to me that any disaster risk reduction plan should look at 4 distinct considerations: (D)esign: Are the plans in design with the probability of the event? (planning for snow storms in Death Valley). (E)valuation: Are ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

Tornado Alert for the Deaf

Our school has a First Lego League team and they have been challenged to come up with a problem and solution related to natural disasters. Storm Chasers' Problem: Deaf and profoundly hearing impaired people who live alone do not have a great way to be alerted of a tornado warning. In Mississippi, many tornado warnings happen at night, when people are sleeping. Solution: Develop an app that uses currently existing vibrating ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

Power wheelchairs levers s/b Bright

Have power wheelchair manufacturers paint the levers that convert the power chair to a manual chair in a bright color just like oil dipsticks on a car. This saves valuable time between both the consumer and the first responder in trying to figure out where the levers are and how many need to be manipulated.

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Campaign: Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally

Preparedness Priority for National Security Targets

Priority should be given to areas of extreme national security. Fort Knoxx, Cape Canaveral, New York City, etc. All of these areas house an important target: gold reserves, US spaceport, Wall Street. These are large targets that should get priority over other areas. Security is already heightened in these areas, however public training and preparedness is often lax. By giving priorities to these areas and encouraging ...more »

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Displaying all 8 Ideas