U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations



Research and Development (R&D) Project Sites

Project Information
Project ID:   FHWA-PROJ-12-0070
Project Name:   Machine Learning for Automated Analysis of Large Volumes of Highway Video
Project Status:   Completed
Start Date:  September 26, 2012
End Date:  September 26, 2015
Contact Information
Last Name:  Cobb
First Name:  Lincoln
Telephone:  202-493-3313
E-mail:  lincoln.cobb@dot.gov
Office:   Office of Safety Research and Development
Program:   Exploratory Advanced Research
Project detail
Roadmap/Focus area(s):   Comprehensive Approach to Safety
Project Description:   Development of advanced tools for automated video feature extraction.
Goals:   Development of advanced tools for automated video feature extraction.
Background Information:   The SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS) has collected 2 petabytes or more of video data from about 3,000 people who have volunteered to allow their vehicles to be instrumented for 1 or 2 years. The most important of this data is video of the driver operating the vehicle. Traditional analysis of video behavioral data has been by hand -- technicians manually going through the video frame by frame, and marking where features of interest are found. The amount of data in the NDS makes manual feature extraction impractical. This project is composed of research to find means of automating the review and coding of massive video data files.
More Information URL(s):  
  1. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/advancedresearch/pubs/15025/15025.pdf
Product Type:   Research report
Test Methodology:   Software and hardware development and integration.
Expected Benefits:   Increased data collection efficiency for naturalistic driving research.
Deliverables: 1. Name: Draft Final Report.
Product Type(s): Research report
Description: Draft Final Report -- Summary of research conducted and results of the work.
2. Name: Demonstration software including graphical user interface (GUI).
Product Type(s): Software
Description: Contractor will provide a demo version of the software to automate feature extraction from video data, including a GUI.
Related URL(s):   http://wwwcf.fhwa.dot.gov/exit.cfm?link=http://www.nrec.ri.cmu.edu/projects/traffic_data_analysis/
FHWA Topics:   Research/Technologies--Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC)
TRT Terms:   Drivers
Automatic Data Collection Systems
Information Technology
FHWA Disciplines:   Safety
Subject Areas:   Data and Information Technology
Safety and Human Factors


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101