U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research and Technology Agenda


Meeting the Challenge: Exploratory Advanced Research

Revolutionary advances in highway technology require pioneering, long-term research.


Early-Stage Research

Revolutionary advances in highway technology require pioneering, long-term research.

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Demonstrating the value of advanced research and helping transition innovations into real-world applications.


Demonstrating Value

Demonstrating the value of advanced research and helping transition innovations into real-world applications.

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Working together across disciplines fosters creativity and innovation that leads to better products and partnerships.



Working together across disciplines fosters creativity and innovation that leads to better products and partnerships.

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Program Contact

David Kuehn
FHWA Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management, Exploratory Advanced Research Program
Tel: 202-493-3414
Email: david.kuehn@dot.gov


Unique among FHWA's research programs, the Exploratory Advanced Research Program is producing research today that will address tomorrow's transportation challenges and will make the Nation's highways and intermodal systems more durable, efficient, environmentally sound, productive, and safe. Unlike many other areas within FHWA that focus on more established technologies, the Exploratory Advanced Research Program supports early-stage research that is crosscutting, high risk, and long term that has high potential for revolutionary breakthroughs.

Collaboration with stakeholders from multiple disciplines inside and outside transportation fosters opportunities for innovative research solutions. The Exploratory Advanced Research Program encourages the transition of innovations from early-stage research to applied research, such as facilitating handoff activities to ensure eventual commercialization. The program also demonstrates and communicates the value of research through targeted efforts.

Each of the following objectives expands to describe the Exploratory Advanced Research strategic approach to innovation.

Click here to slide downObjective 1: Collaborate with stakeholders from multiple disciplines (both inside and outside transportation) to promote and foster creative, innovative thinking.
Click here to slide upObjective 1: Collaborate with stakeholders from multiple disciplines (both inside and outside transportation) to promote and foster creative, innovative thinking.
Objective 1: Collaborate with stakeholders from multiple disciplines (both inside and outside transportation) to promote and foster creative, innovative thinking.
Click here to slide downObjective 2: Promote, fund, and enable high-risk research that has high potential for revolutionary breakthroughs over the long term.
Click here to slide upObjective 2: Promote, fund, and enable high-risk research that has high potential for revolutionary breakthroughs over the long term.
Objective 2: Promote, fund, and enable high-risk research that has high potential for revolutionary breakthroughs over the long term.
Click here to slide downObjective 3: Demonstrate and communicate the value and impact of exploratory advanced research and promote opportunities to move from advanced to applied research.
Click here to slide upObjective 3: Demonstrate and communicate the value and impact of exploratory advanced research and promote opportunities to move from advanced to applied research.
Objective 3: Demonstrate and communicate the value and impact of exploratory advanced research and promote opportunities to move from advanced to applied research.


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101