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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) give you fast answers to some of the most common questions people ask about DataQs, particularly questions concerning Requests for Data Review (RDRs) and Inspection Report Requests (IRRs). You can filter the questions by topic or see all of the questions at once. Questions are organized into these areas:

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Resources provide information to help you learn how to submit Requests for Data Review (RDRs) and Inspection Report Requests (IRRs) and stay up-to-date with the latest program activities. Handy materials introduce key aspects of the DataQs program and site. Read a fact-sheet or refer to the User Guide and Manual for detailed assistance, and share both with colleagues or employees.

  • Analyst Guide
  • Educational Materials

Contact us for assistance if you cannot find what you need.

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are questions and answers directed to stakeholders about using the DataQs system to understand, for example, how to submit and track a Request. As questions come in through the website, FMCSA adds them to the DataQs Help Center along with their answers. If you do not see your question or topic addressed, please contact us by submitting a feedback form. We will respond to you directly and consider your question for inclusion in the FAQs.

  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) DataQs is an online system for motor carriers, commercial drivers, Federal and State agencies, and the public to submit their concerns about publically available Federal and State data contained in FMCSA data systems, or to submit requests for copies of inspection reports. DataQs automatically forwards requests to the appropriate office for resolution and then tracks the status of each request.

    The DataQs Website is an evolving resource, regularly updated to ensure that DataQs users receive the most current information and assistance available.

    Specifically, DataQs:

    • Provides a website to accept Requests for Data Review for all states and Inspection Report Requests for most States, as well as supporting documentation (fax and/or file upload capability).
    • Sends a confirmation email to the filer that the request was submitted.
    • Notifies FMCSA and/or State Partner staff when requests are received.
    • Accepts FMCSA and/or State Partner postings and responses related to each request.
    • Automatically notifies users of request submission, response entry, status updates, and documentation upload.
    • Provides reporting capability based on user-selected parameters.
    • Tracks the status of each request from submission through resolution.

    FMCSA established DataQs in February 2004 in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Guidelines for Implementing Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554). OMB directed Federal agencies subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 United States Code Chapter 35) to establish and implement written guidelines to ensure and maximize the quality, utility, objectivity, and integrity of the information they disseminate. DataQs provides motor carriers, commercial drivers, and the public an opportunity to seek and obtain correction of information that FMCSA maintains and disseminates.

    A portion of the summary of the OMB Guidelines from the Federal Register Notice from February 22, 2002 is excerpted below.

    These guidelines apply to Federal agencies subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 United States Code chapter 35). Agencies are directed to develop information resources management procedures for reviewing and substantiating (by documentation or other means selected by the agency) the quality (including the objectivity, utility, and integrity) of information before it is disseminated. In addition, agencies are to establish administrative mechanisms allowing affected persons to seek and obtain, where appropriate, correction of information disseminated by the agency that does not comply with the OMB or agency guidelines. Consistent with the underlying principles described above, these guidelines stress the importance of having agencies apply these standards and develop their administrative mechanisms so they can be implemented in a common sense and workable manner. Moreover, agencies must apply these standards flexibly, and in a manner appropriate to the nature and timeliness of the information to be disseminated, and incorporate them into existing agency information resources management and administrative practices. Section 515 denotes four substantive terms regarding information disseminated by Federal agencies: quality, utility, objectivity, and integrity. It is not always clear how each substantive term relates—or how the four terms in aggregate relate—to the widely divergent types of information that agencies disseminate. The guidelines provide definitions that attempt to establish a clear meaning so that both the agency and the public can readily judge whether a particular type of information to be disseminated does or does not meet these attributes.

  • Once logged in, DataQs make it possible for all users to submit a Request for Data Review (RDR) or an Inspection Report Request (IRR). There are different users in DataQs, including motor carriers with Personal Identification Numbers (PINs), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)/State Partners, and FMCSA Headquarters. Users have different capabilities:

    All Users

    • Enter your RDR or IRR into DataQs.
    • View your request.
    • Review the status of your request.
    • Review supporting documentation uploaded or faxed into DataQs.
    • Receive email notification when items are posted or the status of your request changes.
    • Add supplemental information for your request via response screen, file upload, or fax.

    Motor Carriers with PINs

    • Allows carriers to view all requests pertaining to them, including those from other users.

    FMCSA and State Partners

    • Receive email updates when a new RDR or IRR is posted or the status of an existing one changes.
    • Review an RDR or IRR assigned to their organization.
    • View RDRs/IRRs assigned to other States.
    • Review supporting documentation submitted by the requestor.
    • Request additional information from the requestor.
    • Download formal response letter templates, customized by types of requests, such as a crash or inspection event.
    • Post status updates, notes, and responses to requests.
    • Forward a request to another organization for resolution.
    • View customized reports to monitor DataQs activity.

    FMCSA Headquarters Staff

    • Have all the capabilities of an FMCSA or State Partner user.
    • Revise DataQs based on user feedback.
    • Manage user accounts.
  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's User Guide and Manual, Appendix ll, describes the tools available to assist DataQs analysts. The User Guide and Manual is located in the Help Center of the DataQs Website.

  • Motor carriers can review their safety data in the Safety Measurement System's (SMS) Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) and the Company Snapshot. The data are available in both the BASICs and the Company Snapshot, and the data's location are described below.

    The SMS contains each motor carrier's seven BASICs and the crash, inspection, and registration data underlying them. The BASICs are updated each month.

    The SMS can be accessed through two websites. Below are tips on the data available for review and login instructions:

    • The SMS Website (http://ai.fmcsa.dot.gov/sms/) – Review the crash and inspection data on each of your BASICs for accuracy. Since the BASICs are updated monthly, FMCSA encourages you to visit the SMS Website at least once a month. You can also review your registration information located on the bottom of the BASIC Overview page, particularly Power Units (PU) and Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT); these are used to calculate the Unsafe Driving and Crash Indicator BASICs.

      Update your registration information with the “Update Registration Information” button and follow the instructions.

      View the public version of your data or log in with your U.S. DOT Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) in order to access your nonpublic data. The nonpublic data includes percentile ranks for the Hazardous Materials Compliance and Crash Indicator BASICs, and shows the drivers associated with each inspection.

      Log in at the bottom center of the screen by selecting one of the login options. Once you log in, type in your U.S. DOT Number or Motor Carrier Number in the search box and click “Search.” Note that when signing in, there is also a Docket Number PIN; this number is not your U.S. DOT Number PIN and will not successfully log you in.

      Contact FMCSA at (877) 254-5365 or https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/CSA_Feedback.aspx with SMS questions.

    • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Portal (https://portal.fmcsa.dot.gov/) – The unique information that is on the Portal includes crash, inspection, and registration data that are more current than the data displayed on the SMS. Access this information in your Company View when you enter your U.S. DOT Number.

      The Portal allows carriers to log into several FMCSA websites with one username and password. Carriers need their U.S. DOT Number and a U.S. DOT PIN to register for a Portal account. Follow the instructions on the Portal web page to request a Portal account. If you have questions, call 1 (800) 832-5660.

    Company Snapshot
    The Company Snapshot on the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) Website is an electronic record of a company's identifying information, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the current and historical safety rating (if any), a roadside out-of-service inspection summary, and crash information. The crash, inspection, and registration data displayed are more current than the data displayed on the SMS. This information, including the motor carrier's safety rating, is available to the public.

  • Drivers may obtain their commercial driving history in one of two ways:

    1. Visit the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) Website to request a copy of your PSP report for a small fee. You will be able to access the downloadable report instantly, and it includes your driver information such as your FMCSA reportable crash and inspection history (http://www.psp.fmcsa.dot.gov/Pages/default.aspx).
    2. Visit the Freedom of Information Act Website to request a copy of your commercial driving history for free. The information will be mailed to you and includes your FMCSA reportable crash and inspection history (http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/foia/index.htm).
  • The general public can review safety data for individual motor carriers in the Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) and the Company Snapshot. The data available in both the BASICs and the Company Snapshot, and the data's location are described below.

    The Safety Measurement System (SMS) contains each motor carrier's seven BASICs and the crash, inspection, and registration data underlying them. The BASICs are updated each month.

    Company Snapshot
    The Company Snapshot on the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) Website is an electronic record of a company's identifying information, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the current and historical safety rating (if any), a roadside out-of-service inspection summary, and crash information. Carriers receive a safety rating of Satisfactory, Conditional, or Unsatisfactory if they go through a ratable compliance review (CR). Carriers with an Unsatisfactory rating can no longer operate until the rating is changed. Negative ratings indicate acute/critical violations. The crash, inspection, and registration data displayed in the Company Snapshot are more current than the data displayed on the SMS.

    • SAFER Website (http://www.safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/CompanySnapshot.aspx) – The safety rating is located at the bottom of the page. The Company Snapshot on SAFER does not require a password, as it contains only publically available information. If you have questions, call 1 (800) 832-5660.
  • A commercial driver's PSP report includes five years of FMCSA reportable crashes in which you were involved and three years of inspection records based on the date of the most recent monthly update.

  • There are numerous reasons why a carrier's percentile rank increases. Examples include new violations, new inspections, time weight changing, changes in Power Units or Vehicle Miles Travelled, and a change in a safety event group.

    Specific causes of an increase are not available in DataQs. The only way to determine the cause of a change is to review your Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) on the Safety Measurement System (SMS) Website at http://ai.fmcsa.dot.gov/sms. Clicking on each of your BASICs will allow you to see the specifics for that BASIC. In the On-Road Performance Detail tab, carriers should look at the inspection or crash section to see what safety data has changed from the previous month. Carriers should also review the BASIC's history by clicking on the History tab, then on the corresponding BASIC tab. By comparing the safety data from the previous month, a carrier can often see why their percentile rank increased.

    For more details on the SMS Methodology, you can visit the SMS Information Center at http://ai.fmcsa.dot.gov/SMS/InfoCenter/Default.aspx.

    If you have questions about the SMS Methodology, call the CSA team at (877) 254-5365, or submit a question through the CSA Website at http://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/CSA_Feedback.aspx.

  • Receiving new inspections that are free of violations will improve a carrier's percentile rank in the following Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs):

    • Unsafe Driving
    • Hours-of-Service Compliance
    • Driver Fitness
    • Controlled Substances and Alcohol
    • Vehicle Maintenance
    • Hazardous Materials Compliance
    • Crash Indicator

    Motor carriers should also review the “What can a motor carrier do to improve?” section of the Safety Measurement System (SMS) Information Center located at http://ai.fmcsa.dot.gov/SMS/InfoCenter/Default.aspx. The site provides tips to help carriers improve their SMS percentile ranks and help drivers avoid crashes and violations. Also, visit the SMS Information Center for more details on the SMS Methodology.

    If you have questions about the SMS Methodology, call the CSA team at (877) 254-5365, or submit a question through the CSA Website at http://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/CSA_Feedback.aspx.

  • States record all roadside inspection reports in their databases and then that data is uploaded to FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Each month, the data in MCMIS is sent to FMCSA’s Safety Measurement System and the Pre-Employment Screening Program.

  • Anyone may register for DataQs and enter a Request for Data Review (RDR)/Inspection Report Request (IRR) into the system, including commercial drivers, motor carriers, the public, FMCSA or State agencies, and FMCSA Headquarters.

  • All users are required to register with the DataQs system. By default, new users are assigned general public access rights.

    To register, click on the “New to DataQs?” button from the login box on the home page. Follow the on-screen instructions for completing the registration process and to set up a DataQs account.

    Motor carriers may get additional information not available to public users through DataQs by obtaining a “validated” status. Motor carrier accounts may be “validated” by entering the motor carrier PIN issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) when registering for a U.S. DOT Number or at a later time by going to “Edit Profile” after logging into the FMCSA's registration system (see How do I obtain a Motor Carrier Personal Identification Number (PIN)?).

    Users who wish to access multiple U.S. DOT Numbers via a single sign-in are encouraged to create an account with the FMCSA Portal at https://portal.fmcsa.dot.gov. Federal or State Agency users must complete and submit the FMCSA Information Technology Account Request Form. This form is available on FMCSA's Technical Support Website at http://infosys.fmcsa.dot.gov. Once on the site, access the form via the “Technical Support” tab. Users may also request access to DataQs via the FMCSA Portal at https://portal.fmcsa.dot.gov.

  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) assigns all motor carriers a PIN for accessing their data. Users may validate that they are members of a motor carrier's organization by entering their motor carrier's PIN. Validated users may get additional motor carrier information not available to most users.

    FMCSA has issued each motor carrier a PIN to allow for online transactions within many FMCSA systems. This PIN can be found on the FMCSA letter mailed to each carrier as a reminder of FMCSA's requirement to file a biennial update of carrier registration information (Form MCS-150).

    Click here to request a PIN, if you are unable to locate the letter assigning your PIN. Then select the link for your preferred method of receiving your USDOT Number PIN. For help with PIN issues, call FMCSA technical support at 1 (800) 832-5660, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

  • “Unvalidated Motor Carrier” means that the DataQs profile information is missing its Personal Identification Number (PIN) issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Update the profile (see How do I Edit/Update a Requestor Profile?) with the motor carrier PIN to become a “Validated Motor Carrier.” Click here to request a PIN, then select the link for your preferred method of receiving your USDOT Number PIN.

  • Clicking on the “View Profile” button on the My DataQs dashboard displays the “Modify Your DataQs Account Profile” page. You can change any of the details listed, and click “Save and Continue” when complete.

    Note – If the Organization Type of “Motor Carrier” is selected, the user will be required to enter his/her motor carrier PIN issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for validation.

  • Anyone can enter an RDR into DataQs.

  • This section will use language from the User Guide once it is finalized and approved.
  • Anyone may enter an RDR into DataQs by selecting the “Add a Request” button from the My DataQs dashboard. When the button is selected, a tool instructs the user through a step-by-step process.

    • Step 1: Select the option describing the event type to be reviewed and click “Next.”
    • Step 2: Select the option describing the reason for having the information reviewed and click “Next.”
    • Step 3: Confirm the selected choice and click “Next.”
    • Step 4: Enter details of the event, specific to the type of request chosen, and click “Next.”

      Note – Once a State is selected, the report number field will offer a selection of available reports. Selecting or entering a valid report number will allow parts of the form to be automatically populated with the corresponding information.

    • Step 5: Upload any available documentation (documents may be added at a later time, for a speedier review, upload is encouraged upon request submission).
    • Step 6: Confirm the entered information is correct.

    When the request is loaded into DataQs, an acknowledgement is generated. The request is then forwarded to an organization for research, and email notifications are sent to State- and FMCSA-selected individuals within their organizations

  • To enter an IRR into DataQs, select the “Add a Request” button on the My DataQs dashboard. When the button is selected, the user is guided through a step-by-step process.

    • Step 1: Select the roadside option for “Inspections/violations” and click “Next.”
    • Step 2: Select “Never received a copy or lost the report” and click “Next.”
    • Step 3: To process the request, select the State where the inspection event occurred from the pull-down menu, and click “Next.”
    • Step 4: This step will collect specific information on the inspection report, such as the inspection report number and date of inspection event. At this time, multiple requests from the same event State may be entered. When all details are entered, click “Next.”
    • Step 5: Upload any available documentation (documents may be added at a later time, for speedier review, upload is encouraged upon request submission).
    • Step 6: Confirm the entered information is correct.

    Note – Do not use this option to request a review of inspection data.

    When the request is loaded into DataQs, an acknowledgement screen appears. The request is then forwarded to an organization for review, and email notifications are sent to individuals selected by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the States.

    Not all States use DataQs to process requests for copies of inspection reports. Those States that do not use DataQs for inspection reports have been identified and no longer receive these requests. If that State does not provide inspection reports through DataQs, State-specific information is provided instructing filers on how to obtain inspection reports. For those States that do provide copies of inspection reports through DataQs, the DataQs analyst should mark the request “Closed – Report Sent,” if a report is provided to the requestor. If no report is provided, the DataQs analyst should mark the Request as “Closed – Report Not Sent.”

  • The following guidance is intended to clarify the types of vehicles, transportation, and crash characteristics subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation (FMCSR) crash reporting standard. To qualify as a reportable crash, at least one of the following must apply from each qualification below:

    Vehicle Qualification

    A qualifying vehicle should fall into one of the categories below:

    • The vehicle involved in the crash is a motor vehicle having a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of more than 10,000 pounds or a Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) over 10,000 pounds used on public highways; or
    • The vehicle involved in the crash is a motor vehicle designed or used to transport nine or more passengers, including the driver; or
    • The vehicle involved in the crash is ANY vehicle transporting Hazardous Materials (HM) in a quantity requiring the display of a HM placard. Note – Officers discovering a vehicle transporting significant quantities of HM without placarding if lacking expertise in this area, should be consulting an officer knowledgeable in Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations in order to determine whether placarding is required.

    Crash Severity Qualification

    • A fatality: Any person(s) killed in or outside of any vehicle (truck, bus, car, etc.) involved in the crash, or who dies within 30 days of the crash as a result of an injury sustained in the crash; or
    • An injury: Any person(s) injured as a result of the crash who immediately receives medical treatment away from the crash scene; or
    • A towaway: Any motor vehicle (truck, bus, car, etc.) disabled as a result of the crash and transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other vehicle.

    Note – Vehicles that are personally owned and operated and are not used for any type of commercial activity are not included, even if the weight or seating capacity meets the above requirements. This should be distinguished from an otherwise large truck or bus, which is primarily used for business purposes, but sometimes operated for personal use. Personal use of a business vehicle does not exempt the record from collection.

  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration inspection levels are the following:

    LEVEL I – North American Standard Inspection
    An inspection that includes an examination of a driver's license, medical examiner's certificate and waiver (if applicable), alcohol and drugs, driver's Record of Duty Status (RODS) as required, Hours-of-Service, seat belt, vehicle inspection report, brake system, coupling devices, exhaust system, frame, fuel system, turn signals, brake lamps, tail lamps, head lamps, lamps on projecting loads, safe loading, steering mechanism, suspension, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels and rims, windshield wipers, emergency exits on buses and Hazardous Materials (HM) requirements, as applicable.

    LEVEL II – Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle Inspection
    An examination that includes each of the items specified under the North American Standard Inspection. At a minimum, Level II inspections must include an examination of the following: a driver's license, medical examinee's certificate and waiver (if applicable), alcohol and drugs, driver's record of duty status as required, Hours-of-Service, seat belt, vehicle inspection report, brake system, coupling devices, exhaust system, frame, fuel system, turn signals, brake lamps, tail lamps, head lamps, lamps on projecting loads, safe loading, steering mechanism, suspension, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels and rims, windshield wipers, emergency exits on buses, and HM requirements, as applicable. It is expected that the walk-around driver/vehicle inspection will include only those items which can be inspected without physically getting under the vehicle.

    LEVEL III – Driver-Only Inspection
    A roadside examination of the driver's license, medical certification and waiver, if applicable, driver's RODS as required, Hours-of-Service, seat belt, vehicle inspection report, and HM requirements, as applicable.

    LEVEL IV – Special Inspections
    Inspections under this heading typically include a one-time examination of a particular item. These examinations are normally made in support of a study or to verify or refute a suspected trend.

    LEVEL V – Vehicle-Only Inspection
    An inspection that includes each of the vehicle inspection items specified under the North American Standard (NAS) (inspection Level I), without a driver present, and conducted at any location.

    LEVEL VI – Enhanced NAS Inspection for Radioactive Shipments
    An inspection for select radiological shipments, which include inspection procedures, enhancements to the Level I inspection, radiological requirements, and the enhanced out-of-service criteria. Select radiological shipments include only highway route controlled quantities as defined by Title 49 Section 173.403 and all transuranics.

  • Requests types are organized into the following groups:

    • Crash Event
    • Inspection Event
    • DOT Audit/Investigation
    • Registration/Insurance
    • Household Goods (HHG) Complaints

    Crash Event

    Crash – Assigned to Wrong Carrier or Crash – Assigned to Wrong Driver
    By choosing this option, you believe that your company and/or the U.S. DOT Number is listed incorrectly on the crash report; or you are a driver and your name is listed incorrectly on the crash report.

    Crash – Not Reportable
    By choosing this option, you believe your company or the driver was not involved in a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reportable crash.

    All FMCSA-reportable crashes, without any determination of responsibility, are included in the carrier profile and used in the Safety Measurement System (SMS).

    For the FMCSA's crash reportability criteria, see the FAQ “What are the Federal Motor Carrier's Safety Administration's (FMCSA's) criteria to determine crash reportability?

    Crash – Not Preventable
    By choosing this option, you believe the crash should not be listed on your carrier or driver report because you could not prevent it. FMCSA carrier and driver reports display all crash involvements that meet the FMCSA-reportable crash criteria, without any determination of responsibility.

    If you still choose to submit an RDR, you may provide information that will be collected for counting purposes only – your request will NOT be upheld and will be automatically closed. The crash will remain on your carrier or driver record.

    Crash – Duplicate Record
    By choosing this option, you believe the same crash is listed more than once on your carrier or driver report.

    Note – Sometimes crashes appear to be duplicates. However, once a crash scene has stabilized, another crash event may occur and FMCSA would consider that event a separate incident. The FMCSA system is vehicle-based, not event-based; therefore, another possibility is that the crash includes multiple vehicles operating under your authority at the time of the event.

    Crash – Missing Record
    By choosing this option, you believe a crash record is missing from your carrier or driver record and it meets the FMCSA-reportable crash criteria.

    Crash – Incorrect Information
    By choosing this option, you believe the data on your crash report is different than the information on the Police Accident Report (PAR). Example data elements include, for example, incorrect fatality counts, injury counts, and vehicle information.

    Inspection Event

    Inspection – Report Request
    By choosing this option, you wish to request ONLY a copy of an inspection report.

    Carriers can view inspection details online at the following websites:

    Inspection – Incorrect Violation
    By choosing this option, you believe that the violation is incorrect as listed in the FMCSA systems or listed multiple times in error. Inspection reports include violations at the time of the inspection, which carriers or drivers are then responsible to fix. A fixed violation is not the same as an incorrect violation and will remain on the record.

    Note – Violation codes are updated in FMCSA systems to support the agency's program. To ensure uniform implementation, these changes are not applied retroactively and DataQs requests prior to implementation will not be upheld.

    Inspection – Assigned to Wrong Carrier or Inspection – Assigned to Wrong Driver
    By choosing this option, you believe that your company and/or the U.S. DOT Number is listed incorrectly on the inspection report, or you are a motor carrier, driver, Intermodal Equipment Provider (IEP), or shipper, and your name is listed incorrectly on the inspection report.

    Inspection – Missing Record
    By choosing this option, you believe an inspection record is missing from your carrier or driver record. Before submitting a DataQs request, please check the following:

    • The FMCSA Portal is updated nightly and will contain the most recent inspection history.
    • The Safety Measurement System (SMS) is updated monthly, does not display Level IV inspections, and by default, displays inspections with violations. To view all inspections, select the option “Relevant Inspections” from the top of the inspection history area.
    • Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) reports are updated monthly, and do not display citations or conviction data.

    For more information on reviewing your safety data, please go to the FAQ topic: “Review Your Safety Data.”

    Inspection – Duplicate Record
    By choosing this option, you believe the same inspection is listed more than once on your carrier or driver report.

    Note – Sometimes inspections appear to be duplicates in the SMS download file, because each violation is listed on each row.

    Inspection – Incorrect Information
    By choosing this option, you believe that data on your inspection report is different than the paper version. Example data elements include: incorrect inspection level, incorrect location, etc.

    If this inspection is not your company's or has an incorrect driver listed, select the “Not mine (motor carrier, driver, IEP or shipper)” RDR option.

    If this inspection report contains an incorrect violation, please select the “Violation is incorrect or listed multiple times” RDR option.

    HHG Complaints

    HHG – Fraudulent Complaint
    By choosing this option, you seek to prove that you and the complainant did not do business together.

    HHG – Duplicate Complaint
    By choosing this option, you believe that the complaint is identical to one that was previously filed.

    DOT Audit/Investigation

    Safety Audit
    By choosing this option, you believe there is an error with the display of your safety audit results. Safety Audit means an examination of a motor carrier’s operations to provide educations and technical assistance on safety and the operations requirements of the FMCSRs and applicable HMRs. Critical safety data is gathered. The data is needed to make an assessment of the carrier’s safety performance and basic safety management controls. Safety audits do not result in safety ratings.

    More specifically, some of the areas for review include: a) driver qualification, b) driver duty status, c) vehicle maintenance, d) accident register, and e) controlled substances and alcohol use and testing requirements. Upon completion of the safety audit, the auditor will review the findings with the new entrant and determine a Pass or Fail status.

    Compliance Review
    By choosing this option, you believe there is an error with the display of your compliance review (CR) results. A CR is an onsite examination of motor carrier operations, such as drivers' Hours-of-Service, maintenance and inspection, driver qualification, commercial driver's license requirements, financial responsibility, accidents, hazardous materials, and other safety and transportation records to determine whether a motor carrier meets the safety fitness standard.

    Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Investigation
    By choosing this option, you believe that there is an error with a CSA Investigation. A CSA Investigation means an Onsite or Offsite examination of motor carrier operations that may include drivers' Hours-of-Service, maintenance and inspection, driver qualification, commercial driver's license requirements, financial responsibility, accidents, hazardous materials, and other safety requirements.

    Fine as a Result of Notice of Claim (NOC) or Notice of Violation (NOV)
    By choosing this option, you believe there is an error with the NOC or the NOV that you have received. An NOC issued by the FMCSA asserts a civil penalty for alleged violations of the Federal Motor Carrier Commercial Regulations (FMCCRs), Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs), or Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). In an NOV, FMCSA alleges a violation of the FMCSRs, HMRs, or FMCCRs, and seeks corrective action, rather than payment of a civil penalty at this time.


    MCS-150 Carrier Registration
    By choosing this option, you have updated your MCS-150 either online or by mailing in the form found at www.fmcsa.dot.gov, but the FMCSA systems are not displaying the updated information.

    Note – The SMS snapshot is updated monthly.

    Operating Authority
    By choosing this option, you indicate that you are having difficulty updating your operating authority with FMCSA.

    Licensing & Insurance (L&I) Information
    By choosing this option, you indicate having difficulty updating your insurance information with FMCSA.

    Motor Carrier – Not Registered or Improperly Registered
    Motor carriers transporting passengers or cargo in interstate commerce must be registered with FMCSA to obtain a U.S. DOT Number. This includes motor carriers that may be registered with FMCSA and obtained an intrastate U.S. DOT Number. Motor carriers transporting quantities of Hazardous Materials (HM) requiring a safety permit in intrastate commerce must be registered with FMCSA to obtain a U.S. DOT Number.

    Select this RDR type to notify FMCSA that a motor carrier is registered improperly. Examples of improperly registered carriers might include those operating as follows:

    1. In Interstate commerce without registering for a U.S. DOT Number.
    2. In Interstate commerce with an Intrastate U.S. DOT Number.
    3. In Intrastate HM requiring a safety permit without registering for a U.S. DOT Number.

    The RDR will forward the improperly registered carrier information to the carrier's domicile FMCSA Division Office for further review and possible inclusion in the New Entrant Program.

  • To change the RDR type, follow the steps below.

    1. After the RDR has been submitted, go to the List of Reviews Requested located on the My DataQs dashboard.
    2. Identify the request by the ID Number and click on the corresponding “Details” button.

      Clicking on the “Change Type” link will take the user to the “Change Type” screen, where a list of types is available. The list is limited to types that are similar to the original. Once a change of type has been submitted, a response is added that describes the change.

    3. View the response by clicking the “Detail” button for that request in the List of Reviews Requested.

    Anyone can change the RDR type for open requests. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)/State agencies and FMCSA Headquarters are able to change the RDR type of any open and closed requests.

    Note – The user cannot change the RDR type of Crash – Not Preventable (carrier not at fault).

  • It is vitally important to provide detailed information that pertains to the carrier, driver, vehicle, or event data in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) that is being disputed in the Request for Data Review (RDR). This applies to both the original RDR filing and afterward when submitting supplemental information. Possible sources of information include: State inspection reports; State crash reports; the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Driver Information Resource (DIR) (a web-based tool that provides easy access to individual driver safety performance and compliance history and is available to FMCSA and State enforcement personnel via A&I Online); State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) databases; commercial motor vehicle registration and driver's licensing databases; etc. Another comprehensive source of information is “A Motor Carrier's Guide to Improving Highway Safety,” a product of FMCSA's Educational and Technical Assistance Program. Other relevant information may be obtained from the motor carrier or driver, including shipping papers, leases, and other relevant records.

  • States make a determination on a case-by-case basis as to whether a requestor submitted sufficient documentation to support his/her RDR. This determination should be based on all evidence presented by the requestor, and/or documentation provided by the inspector or officer who recorded the crash or inspection data. The State should exercise good judgment and discretion in making determinations. A letter to the State from the driver or the carrier simply claiming the data reported are in error, or requesting that data be removed from his/her profile, are examples of insufficient supporting documentation. To help close this information gap, DataQs analysts are encouraged to request additional information from RDR filers.

    Any documentation provided by the RDR filer and/or the inspector or officer who recorded the inspection or crash data should be sufficient to allow the DataQs analyst to accurately assess the issue and render an informed judgment on the filer's claim. This will expedite the review process and lessen the likelihood that the RDR filer will need to request reconsideration of the claim.

  • If the DataQs analyst determines that additional supporting documentation is required before an informed judgment can be made about the data request, he/she should request the documentation through DataQs. To do this, perform the steps as follows:

    1. Once logged in, go to the My DataQs dashboard.
    2. Identify the RDR in the List of Reviews Requested and click on the “Details” button.
    3. Click on the “Add Response/Documentation” button at the bottom of the page and request the documentation in the “Response Description” text box.
    4. Click the “Submit” button and the request will be automatically logged into the “Response List.”
    5. Add a response in DataQs to notify the filer through DataQs that additional supporting information is required.
    6. Notify the filer that the RDR will remain “Open – Pending Requestor Response,” and that the RDR filer will have 60 calendar days to provide the necessary documentation to the State through DataQs.
  • Supporting documentation can be faxed into DataQs or electronic files can be uploaded directly into the system. Documents may be uploaded while entering the Request for Data Review or at a later time. To help expedite the review process, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration encourages users to submit documentation as soon as possible.

    When a user has selected the “Add Response/Documentation details” page, instructions for faxing or uploading documentation are displayed.

    Fax Supporting Documentation
    Faxed documents are sent to a fax number ((617) 494-2892) dedicated to DataQs. After the fax is sent, the supporting documentation will be available for review through DataQs. Users can review the list of documents by clicking on the paperclip icon for a specific request or by clicking on the filename in the corresponding response. If an “A” is listed, the documentation has been archived and can only be accessed by request via the Contact Us form.

    Uploading Supporting Documentation
    Users can follow the instructions to upload documentation from the displayed “Add Response/Documentation details” page.

    Note – When documents are uploaded or faxed into the system, an email notification is sent to users with access rights for the request.

  • A requestor may dispute the same data in DataQs twice. RDR filers are encouraged to provide sufficient detail and documentation to support their concern when they submit their RDR.

  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) records do not contain written or verbal warnings issued on behalf of the State. What appears to be a State warning may be an FMCSA violation noted during the inspection. The State exercises its discretion in deciding whether to add, remove, or edit a violation. Inspectors record violations on an inspection to document the inspector's findings and observations at the time of the inspection. In most cases, removing a violation from the inspection report would require, for example, some proof that the violation did not exist, was recorded in error, or listed multiple times. If you believe you have been issued a violation in error, you may request a review of the violation through DataQs by choosing the option “Violation is incorrect or listed multiple times.”

  • Crash Report Number
    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA's) crash report number format is the State abbreviation (two characters) plus ten alphanumeric characters (ex. OH-xxxxxxxxx). The FMCSA crash report number is found on the carrier's Safety Measurement System (SMS) results within the Crash Indicator BASIC (Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category), or on the driver's Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) report in the “Crash Details” section.

    The State assigns the crash report number on the State's Police Accident Report (PAR); the location of the number on the form may vary for each State. The report number on the PAR may be different than the one FMCSA assigned; however, both numbers are helpful to research the crash.

    Inspection Report Number
    The inspection report number can be found in the upper-right corner of the inspection report. It is typically a ten-digit number, but some States may use twelve digits beginning with the State abbreviation. Do NOT input the State abbreviation into the DataQs report number field, if it is twelve characters. The inspection report number may also be found on the carrier's SMS results or on the driver's PSP report (see websites above).

    Note – The inspection report number is NOT the citation number.

  • A citation that has been contested through due process in a State, local or administrative tribunal, regardless of whether the action is resolved by a judge or prosecutor or as part of a plea agreement.

  • State DataQs analysts review and respond to the majority of RDRs. Administrative-level users who are FMCSA employees and FMCSA Service Center and Division staff members may also respond to an RDR. When entering an RDR into DataQs, the user selects an RDR type and identifies the State where the event occurred. The system automatically notifies the appropriate State agency of the pending RDR. State and FMCSA users may forward RDRs to other State agencies registered in the system if an RDR was routed to the wrong State. For example, if a carrier mistakenly enters its State of domicile instead of the State where the crash or roadside inspection occurred, it will be incorrectly routed (to the wrong State). The system is designed to allow one State to redirect the RDR to the appropriate State that reported the data into MCMIS.

  • RDRs should be reviewed in a timely fashion. FMCSA's goal is for a response time within 10 business days. RDRs should be opened and investigated soon after they are received. FMCSA sends weekly reminder alerts to the State DataQs analyst concerning RDRs open more than 10 days. FMCSA Divisions are alerted about RDRs open for more than 17 days.

  • Once logged in, go to the My DataQs dashboard. Identify the RDR/IRR in the List of Reviews Requested and click on the “Details” button.

    The detailed view screen displays the following:

    • Information collected during RDR/IRR entry.
    • The identity of the user who entered the RDR/IRR into the system.
    • Each response to the RDR/IRR (with the most recent entries listed first).
    • Links to a list of supporting documentation added to the DataQs for the displayed RDR/IRR.

    Clicking on the “Create PDF” icon in the detail view screen enables the user to access a PDF file version of RDR/IRR details. The user can view the PDF version, save it, or print it.

    Note – To return to the List of Reviews Requested screen, click on the My DataQs tab.

  • The following information is available in the List of Reviews Requested to help you manage your requests.

    • ID Number* – A unique DataQs-assigned identifier. Click on the arrow to view a preview of the request.
    • Event State* – The State where the event being reviewed occurred.
    • Status* – Current status of the request.
      • New – The request was entered into the system. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)/State agency has not yet viewed the request.
      • Open – In Review – FMCSA/State agency has viewed the request and is reviewing it.
      • Open – Pending Requestor Response – FMCSA/State agency has reviewed the request and the requestor must provide additional information. The requestor may have up to 60 calendar days to respond.
      • Open – Pending Agency Review – The requestor provided additional information and the request is awaiting further review.
      • Forwarded to Another Office for Resolution – FMCSA/State agency has reviewed the request and requires assistance from another office, or the request belongs to another office.
      • Open – Pending Officer Comments – FMCSA/State agency has reviewed the request and forwarded it to the officer for additional information.
      • Open – Pending Local Agency Comments – FMCSA/State agency has reviewed the request and forwarded it to the local agency for additional information.
      • Open – Pending Court/Administrative Comments – FMCSA/State agency has reviewed the request, but is awaiting the court review by the requester and/or administrative review by the State to assist in the determination.
      • Closed –No Data Correction Made – The request has been closed and the data will not be corrected.
      • Closed – Data Correction Made – The request has been closed and the data will be corrected.
      • Closed – Citation Results Entered – The request has been closed and the violation will be appended to reflect the outcome of the citation. For more details, read the “What is the impact of the appended citation result?” FAQ.
      • Closed – Report Not Sent – The request has been closed, but the requested inspection report was not sent.
      • Closed – Report Sent – The request has been closed and the agency sent the report. The agency may have faxed or uploaded the report to DataQs or it may have sent the report directly via email or postal mail.
      • Closed – No Requestor Response – The request was closed because the requestor did not respond.
    • Last Updated* – Date of last update for the request. If this column is blank, the request was entered into the system and no responses or documentation has been added.
    • Type – Identifies the type of data request entered.
    • Documents Available* – A yes/no will be displayed, if documents are available; An “A” for archived indicates that supporting documentation has been archived for this request – all documentation provided for the request entered more than two calendar years ago has been archived and is only available through a request to the system administrators via the Contact Us form.
    • Details and Print buttons* – Click the “Details” button to view the request details or click the “Print” button to view a print-friendly version of the details.

      Note – The following columns are not viewed by default, but the user may add them by choosing “Select Columns” from the popup screen that is accessible through each heading.

    • Company Name – Identifies the motor carrier or company references.
    • U.S. DOT # – Identifies the motor carrier by U.S. DOT registration number.
    • Date Entered – Provides the date the request was first entered into DataQs.
    • Agency Assigned – The short name of the organization to which the current request is assigned. The name can be the initial organization to which DataQs forwarded the request, or another organization to which a State user forwarded it.
    • Report # – The report number the requestor entered when submitting the request.
    • Entered By* – Full name of the user who entered the request – the requestor.

    *This information is available by default.

  • You can add, delete, and reorder columns in the List of Reviews Requested by performing the following steps:

    1. To add and delete columns, right click the down arrow to the right of each title row heading on the List of Reviews Requested screen to open a popup.
    2. Choose “Select Columns.”
    3. Select or deselect the columns and click “Apply Changes.”

    The changes will be applied to the List of Reviews Requested. The customized list will automatically reset when the user logs off.

  • You can search the List of Reviews Requested by ID Number. In the “ID # SEARCH” box, enter the number and click “GO.”

    You can use the advanced search capabilities to help find multiple requests previously entered that match the search criteria. The search criteria will be listed at the top of the request list table.

    Search criteria cannot be saved from session to session.

  • Inquiries related to a specific request, such as questions about a response from an agency, should be directed toward the responding agency. Their contact information can be found on the detailed view of the request.

  • Note – Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)/State agencies must manually change the status of RDRs they respond to.

    To respond to a Request, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the List of Reviews Requested on the My DataQs dashboard and identify the request by the ID Number.
    2. Click the “Details” button in the corresponding row and then click on the “Add Response/Documentation” button.
    3. Complete the details on the response screen and click “Submit.”
    4. Responses are posted in the DataQs Response List and can be reviewed on the Detailed view screen.

    The response screen allows appropriate users to enter responses and/or add supporting documentation. FMCSA/State agencies and FMCSA Headquarters can also change the status from this screen. When a response is added, email notifications are sent to both the organization responsible and the requestor. This allows users to participate in a dialogue to resolve the data review. For example, if a motor carrier has entered an RDR into DataQs, but did not provide enough detail for the Federal or State agency to resolve the issue, that agency could then ask for the specific information needed using the response screen.

    FMCSA/State agency users and FMCSA administrative users can also forward requests from the same screen by clicking on the “Forward” link or by clicking on the “Forward” button.

    The Federal or State Agency will receive an email notification that supplemental information has been added. After reviewing the additional information, a determination of the merits of the RDR can be made; the status of the RDR can be changed; and, if necessary, a formal response letter can be generated using the templates provided within DataQs; or an informal response message can be provided. The formal response letter can be uploaded into the system for the RDR submitter to review.

    NOTE – For FMCSA and State Users

    Requests may be resolved within your organization in the same manner they were resolved prior to DataQs. The system supports your organization in managing requests in the following manner:

    • Receives email notification from the filer.
    • Asks for additional information from the requestor.
    • Provides the filer with the status or results of the resolution process.
    • Forwards the request to another agency for resolution.
    • Provides the filer with the final resolution of the request (change made/not made).
    • FMCSA and State staff can suppress the email notification for their own agency when they respond to or forward a request by clicking “Click here to suppress email notification to your office.”
  • The List of Reviews Requested is a tool to manage and track requests. When users log into DataQs, they are directed to the My DataQs dashboard. The List of Reviews Requested is available on this page. Users can search for requests by ID Number and customize their view to show the information most helpful to them. The table also serves as an entryway to viewing details and taking action for an individual request.

  • The list below outlines how the citation results impact the use of the associated violation in other FMCSA data systems. While the SMS results and the PSP report will treat and display the violations differently based on the citation result, carriers and enforcement users logging into the Portal or SMS with their account will be able to see all violations listed on an inspection and the associated citation result recorded.

    If the violation is appended to reflect…

    • Not guilty/dismissed
      1. It will be excluded from the SMS calculations.
      2. It will be excluded from the PSP report.
    • Convicted of different charge
      1. The severity weight in the SMS calculations will be set to 1.
      2. It will be indicated as conviction of a different charge on the PSP report.
    • Convicted of original charge
      1. It will maintain the same severity weight in the SMS calculations.
      2. It will be included on the PSP report.
    • N/A (includes abeyance)
      1. It will maintain the same severity weight in the SMS calculations.
      2. It will be included on the PSP report.

Click here for the DataQs Analyst Guide. The document provides Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and State Agency DataQs practitioners with uniform procedures for reviewing and resolving data quality inquiries submitted to FMCSA's DataQs Website. The document contains best practices and a comprehensive resource guide to facilitate data integrity and consistency.

Review and share these materials, learn about specific aspects of DataQs, and stay updated on the latest DataQs activities. Find the subject you are looking for and view the material. To find out more about DataQs, click on the factsheet below.

DataQs Factsheet (PDF, 5.6MB)

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts