Fire and emergency services professional development

Explore the links below to see how the U.S. Fire Administration is working with the fire and emergency services professional development community through the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) initiative to standardize training, education, experience and certification activities.

A national, competency-based professional development system will help to eliminate duplication of efforts and enhance the overall professional development of the fire and emergency services.

National Professional Development Symposium

The National Professional Development Symposium (NPDS) offers a range of topics and expertise in fire and emergency services career development for stakeholders, practitioners and educators. It also serves as a continuing education component by offering presentations and workshops that enhance training and education program development. Attendance is free.

Registration opens Jan. 2, 2017

The NPDS takes place June 14-17, 2017 at the National Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Register for the symposium

More information about professional development

Your fire service career: Where are you going? Will you be ready?

FEMA first responder earthquake video

This presentation, given by Dr. Denis Onieal at the National Fire Academy’s Tuesday Night Lecture series, offers insights into what fire and emergency services personnel need to know about professional development and how training, education, experience and certification are linked together.

View in FEMA Multimedia Library