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Passenger Carrier Safety

This Web site is designed to inform passenger carriers and the traveling public about the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's passenger carrier program and regulations.

Travelers and Trip Planners

Whether you are buying a bus ticket or chartering a bus for a group trip, make safety your top priority!


Step 1: Know the Facts

Top 3 Things to Know When Planning a Bus Trip - English (PDF)
Learn the top three things you need to know to consider safety as well as price before you book your next trip. It is also available in 7 different languages.
Bus Safety Checklist - English (PDF)
This checklist gives a brief overview of the facts you should verify before you select a bus company to transport you or members of your group. It is also available in 8 different languages.

Tips for Chartering a Bus (PDF)
This checklist makes it easy to understand the safety guidelines and Federal requirements for bus safety.

Step 2: Look Before You Book

Saferbus Mobile App
The Saferbus Mobile App provides 24/7 access to important safety information you should verify before selecting a U.S. DOT registered bus company including: operating authority and insurance status, safety performance records, and safety results. Learn more in the SaferBus App Summary (PDF).

Passenger Carrier Search
This Web site provides information to help you decide what type of transportation vehicle best meets your needs. Passenger carriers listed on this Web site are based on the State and/or Zip Code of each carrier's primary business office. This list may not include those carriers that only have a terminal in your local area.


Step 3: Report Any Safety Concerns

Report a Safety Violation
If you want to make a safety violation complaint, call FMCSA's toll free hotline 1-888-DOT-SAFT (1-888-368-7238) from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or visit FMCSA's consumer complaint Web site.

Other Resources

Credit and Debit Card Refunds - English (PDF)            Additional Information...

Guidelines on Interline Service and Notice to Passengers (PDF)

Passenger Carriers
Bus Legal Notice for Motorcoach Operations (PDF)
  1. This document highlights Federal regulations that all motorcoach companies must comply with.
  1. Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines for Over-The-Road Bus Companies


Rules and Regulations for Passenger Carriers


Safety Publications

  1. Motorcoach Safety Advisory Bulletin:
    Exceeding Tire Load Ratings (PDF)
  1. Tips & Rules for Operating Your Own Passenger Vehicle for Group Travel (PDF)

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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts