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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-10-024
Date:April 2010

Development of a Speeding-Related Crash Typology

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Who is More Likely To Be Involved In SR Crashes

In this section, driver and vehicle variables in SR crashes were examined. Note that while the previously shown tables were based on counts of crashes, these tables focus on counts of drivers or vehicles in crashes to correctly capture situations in which a crash includes a speeding and a nonspeeding driver. The percentage of SR crashes are examined by driver age, driver gender, restraint use, driver distraction, driver physical impairment, driver alcohol use, driver drug use, prior speeding convictions, driver license restriction compliance, vehicle type, and hazardous cargo.


Driver Age

Driver Gender

Restraint Use

Driver Distraction

Driver Physical Impairment

Driver Alcohol Use

Driver Drug Use

Prior Speeding Convictions

Driver License Restriction Compliance

Vehicle Type

Hazardous Cargo


Driver Age

Table 57. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver age.

Driver Age (Years) FARS GES
All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
16-19 5,523 1,868 33.82 1,267,554 241,674 19.07
20-25 9,272 2,959 31.91 1,729,591 255,737 14.79
26-35 10,781 2,510 23.28 2,055,135 230,252 11.20
36-50 15,321 2,534 16.54 2,735,097 260,753 9.53
51-70 11,264 1,321 11.73 1,782,612 127,775 7.17
71+ 4,513 407 9.02 775,128 89,141 11.50
Unknown 46 13 28.26 436 364 83.49
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,553 1,205,696 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 58. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver age in North Carolina.

Driver Age (Years) Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
16-19 3,122 3.77 9,449 11.40 12,571 15.16 70,338 84.84 82,909 100.00
20-25 3,423 2.83 11,595 9.60 15,018 12.43 105,820 87.57 120,838 100.00
26-35 2,550 1.68 10,997 7.26 13,547 8.94 137,991 91.06 151,538 100.00
36-50 1,867 1.02 10,196 5.59 12,063 6.61 170,297 93.39 182,360 100.00
51-70 565 0.50 4,487 3.93 5,052 4.43 109,030 95.57 114,082 100.00
71+ 63 0.22 562 1.98 625 2.21 27,706 97.79 28,331 100.00
Unknown 1,295 5.60 3,055 13.21 4,350 18.80 18,783 81.20 23,133 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 59. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver age in Ohio.

Driver Age (Years) Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
16-19 5,693 6.51 3,589 4.11 9,282 10.62 78,145 89.38 87,427 100.00
20-25 7,772 6.41 4,671 3.85 12,443 10.26 108,886 89.74 121,329 100.00
26-35 6,528 4.41 4,499 3.04 11,027 7.46 136,877 92.54 147,904 100.00
36-50 6,608 3.07 5,129 2.38 11,737 5.45 203,745 94.55 215,482 100.00
51-70 3,407 2.35 2,791 1.93 6,198 4.28 138,607 95.72 144,805 100.00
71+ 662 1.81 371 1.01 1,033 2.82 35,632 97.18 36,665 100.00
Unknown 2,213 7.84 356 1.26 2,569 9.10 25,675 90.90 28,244 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

Regardless of database or SR definition used, the percentage of SR crashes was highest for the youngest drivers (i.e., 16–19 years old) and decreased with age (see table 57 through table 59). It should be noted, however, that the 20–25–year–old category was also consistently higher than the categories with older drivers.




Driver Gender

Table 60. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver gender.

Driver Gender FARS GES
All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
Male 41,742 9,405 22.53 5,870,675 736,951 12.55
Female 14,578 2,114 14.50 4,312,121 436,702 10.13
Unknown 400 93 23.25 162,758 32,043 19.69
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,554 1,205,696 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 61. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver gender in North Carolina.

Driver Gender Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Male 8,709 2.20 30,417 7.67 39,126 9.87 357,240 90.13 396,366 100.00
Female 2,882 1.02 16,884 5.95 19,766 6.97 263,933 93.03 283,699 100.00
Unknown 1,294 5.60 3,040 13.15 4,334 18.74 18,792 81.26 23,126 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 62. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver gender in Ohio.

Driver Gender Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Male 20,707 4.71 12,643 2.88 33,350 7.59 405,946 92.41 439,296 100.00
Female 10,080 3.21 8,397 2.67 18,477 5.88 295,516 94.12 313,993 100.00
Unknown 2,096 7.34 366 1.28 2,462 8.62 26,105 91.38 28,567 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

All databases and definitions seen in table 60 through table 62 showed a higher percentage of SR crashes for male drivers versus female drivers, with GES showing the smallest difference.




Restraint Use

Table 63. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver restraint.

Driver Restraint FARS GES
All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
None used or not available 17,592 5,592 31.79 300,304 61,274 20.40
Shoulder belt only 256 45 17.58 43,444 4,002 9.21
Lap belt only 496 67 13.51 101,938 7,077 6.94
Lap and shoulder 31,517 3,947 12.52 8,350,726 949,369 11.37
Motorcycle helmet 2,543 990 38.93 57,665 13,041 22.62
Used, type unknown 110 20 18.18      
Belt use improper 56 15 26.79      
Helmet use improper 60 21 35.00      
None available       2,948 185 6.28
Restraint used/specifics unknown or other       536,973 34,911 6.50
Unknown 4,090 915 22.37 951,556 135,836 14.28
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,554 1,205,695 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes. Blank cells indicate that the code was not present in this database.


Table 64. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver restraint in North Carolina.

Driver Restraint Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
None used 1,055 7.93 1,465 11.01 2,520 18.93 10,789 81.07 13,309 100.00
Motorcycle helmet 276 8.55 455 14.10 731 22.65 2,496 77.35 3,227 100.00
Lap and shoulder belt 5,790 1.38 27,377 6.53 33,167 7.92 385,847 92.08 419,014 100.00
Lap belt only 3,056 1.39 15,671 7.12 18,727 8.51 201,295 91.49 220,022 100.00
Shoulder belt only 59 1.38 234 5.49 293 6.87 3,971 93.13 4,264 100.00
Unknown 2,649 6.11 5,139 11.85 7,788 17.96 35,567 82.04 43,355 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes. Blank cells indicate that the code was not present in this database.


Table 65. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver restraint in Ohio.

Driver Restraint Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
None used 2,548 11.38 1,210 5.40 3,758 16.79 18,630 83.21 22,388 100.00
Motorcycle helmet 189 9.49 189 9.49 378 18.99 1,613 81.01 1,991 100.00
Lap and shoulder belt 25,698 3.74 19,216 2.80 44,914 6.53 642,372 93.47 687,286 100.00
Lap belt only 148 3.06 81 1.67 229 4.73 4,609 95.27 4,838 100.00
Shoulder belt only 161 4.82 49 1.47 210 6.28 3,132 93.72 3,342 100.00
Unknown 4,139 6.67 661 1.07 4,800 7.74 57,211 92.26 62,011 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

All databases in table 63 through table 65 showed that the highest percentage of SR crashes was for those who did not use restraints (at least twice as high) with the over speed limit category for North Carolina and Ohio showing the largest percentage–three to four times higher than other categories. Note that the "Motorcycle helmet" category was an indicator vehicle type, which is examined in a later section.




Driver Distraction

Table 66. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes driver distractiion.

Driver Distraction GES
All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent
Not distracted 4,874,677 467,828 9.60
Inattentive 676,562 150,267 22.21
Persons/objects inside or outside of vehicle 125,094 25,600 20.46
The driver is doing something 90,832 20,326 22.38
Sleepy or fell asleep 82,810 16,851 20.35
Unknown 4,495,579 524,825 11.67
Total 10,345,554 1,205,697 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 67. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driving distraction in North Carolina.

Driver Distraction Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Not distracted 11,365 1.86 45,387 7.42 56,752 9.28 555,026 90.72 611,778 100.00
Inattentive 1,209 1.43 4,411 5.23 5,620 6.67 78,648 93.33 84,268 100.00
Driver distracted 38 1.63 89 3.81 127 5.44 2,207 94.56 2,334 100.00
Sleepy or fell asleep 273 5.67 454 9.44 727 15.11 4,084 84.89 4,811 100.00
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 68. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver distraction in Ohio.

Driver Distraction Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Not distracted 30,346 4.02 21,337 2.83 51,683 6.84 703,384 93.16 755,067 100.00
Inattentive 668 5.09 0 0.00 668 5.09 12,458 94.91 13,126 100.00
Driver distracted 257 9.26 28 1.01 285 10.27 2,491 89.73 2,776 100.00
Sleepy or fell asleep 1,002 15.98 41 0.65 1,043 16.63 5,227 83.37 6,270 100.00
Unknown 610 13.21 0 0.00 610 13.21 4,007 86.79 4,617 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

FARS did not include data for this variable. The GES data in table 63 showed consistently higher SR percentages for distracted drivers regardless of the type of distraction. The North Carolina and Ohio databases showed that the type of distraction with the highest percentage of SR crashes was the "Sleepy or feel asleep" category for both the over speed limit and combined (i.e., total SR) definitions. In Ohio, the SR percentage for the "driver distracted" category was also higher than the SR percentage for the "Not distracted" category using both definitions, while in North Carolina, the "Not distracted" category had a higher percentage of SR crashes than any remaining category.




Driver Physical Impairment

Table 69. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver physical impairment.

Driver Physical Impairment GES
All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent
None 9,564,263 1,015,263 10.62
Illness or blackout 30,345 2,944 9.70
Drowsy, sleepy, fell asleep, or fatigued 83,545 18,541 22.19
Deaf 1,418 6 0.42
Physical impairment no details 4,419 1,010 22.86
Other physical impairment 230,676 67,677 29.34
Unknown if physically impaired 430,260 100,254 23.30
Total 10,344,926 1,205,695 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 70. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver physical impairment in North Carolina.

Driver Physical Impairment Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
None 10,501 1.58 45,321 6.84 55,822 8.42 606,955 91.58 662,777 100.00
Illness 15 2.96 52 10.28 67 13.24 439 86.76 506 100.00
Sleepy or fatigued 336 5.05 596 8.96 932 14.02 5,718 85.98 6,650 100.00
Medical condition 22 1.43 74 4.81 96 6.23 1,444 93.77 1,540 100.00
Other physical impairment 29 3.05 62 6.51 91 9.56 861 90.44 952 100.00
Unknown 1,982 6.44 4,236 13.77 6,218 20.21 24,548 79.79 30,766 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 71. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver physical impairment in Ohio.

Driver Physical Impairment Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
None 27,659 3.83 20,223 2.80 47,882 6.62 674,890 93.38 722,772 100.00
Illness 89 7.81 10 0.88 99 8.69 1,040 91.31 1,139 100.00
Sleepy or fatigued 913 16.21 41 0.73 954 16.94 4,679 83.06 5,633 100.00
Medical condition 127 10.52 13 1.08 140 11.60 1,067 88.40 1,207 100.00
Other physical impairment 339 10.72 38 1.20 377 11.92 2,786 88.08 3,163 100.00
Unknown 3,756 7.83 1,081 2.25 4,837 10.09 43,105 89.91 47,942 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

FARS did not include data for driver physical impairment. GES data indicated that the "Other physical impairment" category had a percentage of SR crashes approximately three times that of the "None" category (see table 69). Both State databases for total SR showed that the major driver physical impairment with the highest percentage of SR crashes was "Sleepy or fatigued," similar to the distraction variable results seen in table 67 and table 68. In Ohio, the SR crash percentage for the "Medical condition" category was higher than for the "None" category, but this was not true for North Carolina.




Driver Alcohol Use

Table 72. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver alcohol use.

Alcohol Use FARS GES
All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
No alcohol 26,308 3,224 12.25 9,285,808 1,020,367 10.99
Alcohol 8,327 3,486 41.86 293,204 86,007 29.33
Unknown 22,085 4,902 22.20 766,543 99,322 12.96
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,555 1,205,696 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 73. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver alcohol use in North Carolina.

Alcohol Use Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
No alcohol suspected/determined 8,781 1.34 43,478 6.61 52,259 7.95 605,419 92.05 657,678 100.00
Alcohol suspected/determined 2,405 12.11 3,107 15.64 5,512 27.75 14,350 72.25 19,862 100.00
Unknown 1,699 6.62 3,756 14.64 5,455 21.27 20,196 78.73 25,651 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 74. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver alcohol use in Ohio.

Alcohol Use Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
No alcohol suspected/determined 27,977 4.14 20,072 2.97 48,049 7.11 627,304 92.89 675,353 100.00
Alcohol suspected/determined 1,433 17.38 569 6.90 2,002 24.28 6,244 75.72 8,246 100.00
Unknown 3,473 3.53 765 0.78 4,238 4.31 94,019 95.69 98,257 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

All databases and definitions in table 72 through table 74 showed correlations between drinking and SR crashes, with drivers exhibiting alcohol use having much higher percentages of SR crashes than those who did not drink and drive (i.e., two to four times as high).




Driver Drug Use

Table 75. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver drug use.

All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
No drugs 15,621 2,468 15.80 9,389,804 1,072,577 11.42
Drugs involved 1,614 491 30.42 44,763 9,562 21.36
Unknown 39,485 8,653 21.91 910,987 123,556 13.56
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,554 1,205,695 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 76. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver drug use in North Carolina.

Drug Use Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
No drugs suspected/determined 10,975 1.62 46,389 6.87 57,364 8.49 618,317 91.51 675,681 100.00
Drugs suspected/determined 211 11.35 196 10.54 407 21.89 1,452 78.11 1,859 100.00
Unknown 1,699 6.62 3,756 14.64 5,455 21.27 20,196 78.73 25,651 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 77. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding driver drug use in Ohio.

Drug Use Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
No drugs suspected/determined 27,432 4.08 19,823 2.95 47,255 7.03 624,843 92.97 672,098 100.00
Drugs suspected/determined 1,978 17.20 818 7.11 2,796 24.31 8,705 75.69 11,501 100.00
Unknown 3,473 3.53 765 0.78 4,238 4.31 94,019 95.69 98,257 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

Like alcohol use, all databases and all definitions in table 75 through table 77 showed correlations between drug use and SR crashes, with drug users having much higher percentages of SR crashes than nonusers (three to six times as high). As expected, the percentage of total drivers using drugs was small.




Prior Speeding Convictions

Table 78. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding prior speeding convictions.

Prior Speeding Convictions FARS
All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent
0 44,083 8,347 18.93
1 7,753 1,870 24.12
2 2,172 611 28.13
3+ 1,045 339 32.44
Unknown 1,667 445 26.69
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

Only FARS contains data on prior speeding convictions. Based on the data in table 78, the percentage of SR crashes increased as the number of prior speeding convictions increased. For drivers with three or more prior convictions, the percentage of SR crashes was almost twice that than those who had no prior convictions (32.44 percent versus 18.93 percent).




Driver License Restriction Compliance

Table 79. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding license type.

License Type FARS
All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent
Not licensed 2,149 765 35.60
Not required 130 44 33.85
Not valid 4,759 1,659 34.86 
Valid 48,530 8,875 18.29
Unknown if commercial drivers license 30 1 3.33
Unknown 1,122 268 23.89
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 80. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding license restriction compliance.

License Restriction Compliance FARS
All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent
No restriction 38,302 8,520 22.24
Compiled 3,254 539 16.56
Not compiled 520 215 41.35
Compliance unknown 13,443 2,056 15.29
Unknown 1,201 282 23.48
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

Only FARS contained data on licensing status and restriction compliance. Based on FARS data in table 79, drivers in SR crashes with no licenses and invalid licenses had SR crash percentages approximately twice as high as those with valid licenses. Those drivers that did not comply with a license restriction had SR crash percentages approximately twice as high as those with no restrictions (see table 80). Interestingly, those who had restrictions but complied with them had lower SR crash percentages than those with no restrictions.




Vehicle Type

Table 81. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding vehicle type.

Vehicle Type FARS GES
All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
Automobiles 24,047 5,486 22.81 5,729,338 699,421 12.21
Automobile derivatives 30 5 16.67 4,317 105 2.43
Utility vehicles 7,869 1,536 19.52 1,520,109 163,178 10.73
Van-based light trucks 3,569 398 11.15 745,788 69,230 9.28
Light conventional trucks 10,567 2,056 19.46 1,553,955 193,896 12.48
Other light trucks 99 8 8.08 201,318 21,882 10.87
Buses 270 12 4.44 49,488 1,510 3.05
Medium/heavy trucks 4,865 352 7.24 362,652 27,955 7.71
Motored cycles 4,768 1,685 35.34 95,310 20,462 21.47
Other vehicles 156 17 10.90 14,115 1,469 10.41
Unknown 480 57 11.88 69,164 6,588 9.53
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,554 1,205,696 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 82. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding vehicle type in North Carolina.

Vehicle Type Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Automobiles 8,169 2.07 28,275 7.15 36,444 9.22 358,990 90.78 395,434 100.00
Utility vehicles 1,196 1.34 7,561 8.47 8,757 9.80 80,560 90.20 89,317 100.00
Van-based light trucks 400 0.79 2,106 4.14 2,506 4.93 48,342 95.07 50,848 100.00
Light conventional trucks 1,820 1.59 8,699 7.60 10,519 9.19 103,947 90.81 114,466 100.00
Other light trucks 34 1.60 125 5.89 159 7.49 1,963 92.51 2,122 100.00
Buses 2 0.09 30 1.39 32 1.49 2,122 98.51 2,154 100.00
Medium/heavy trucks 253 0.90 1,548 5.52 1,801 6.43 26,218 93.57 28,019 100.00
Motored cycles 439 8.39 766 14.64 1,205 23.03 4,027 76.97 5,232 100.00
Other vehicles 3 0.31 15 1.54 18 1.84 959 98.16 977 100.00
Unknown 569 3.89 1,216 8.32 1,785 12.21 12,837 87.79 14,622 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 83. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding regarding vehicle type in Ohio.

Vehicle Type Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Automobiles 20,386 4.56 11,727 2.62 32,113 7.19 414,634 92.81 446,747 100.00
Utility vehicles 3,309 3.61 3,214 3.50 6,523 7.11 85,198 92.89 91,721 100.00
Van-based light trucks 2,187 3.05 1,297 1.81 3,484 4.85 68,292 95.15 71,776 100.00
Light conventional trucks 3,814 3.57 3,703 3.46 7,517 7.03 99,364 92.97 106,881 100.00
Other light trucks 237 7.12 69 2.07 306 9.19 3,022 90.81 3,328 100.00
Buses 37 1.18 14 0.45 51 1.63 3,078 98.37 3,129 100.00
Medium/heavy trucks 2,150 4.57 994 2.11 3,144 6.69 43,879 93.31 47,023 100.00
Motored cycles 457 9.13 360 7.19 817 16.32 4,189 83.68 5,006 100.00
Other vehicles 62 2.00 28 0.90 90 2.91 3,008 97.09 3,098 100.00
Unknown 244 7.75 0 0.00 244 7.75 2,903 92.25 3,147 100.00
Total 32,883 4.21 21,406 2.74 54,289 6.94 727,567 93.06 781,856 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.

As seen in table 81 through table 83, regardless of database or definition, motorcycles had the highest percentage of SR crashes (two to four times as high as cars). Buses had lower SR crash percentages in all categories, and medium/heavy trucks had lower SR crash percentages relative to other types of trucks in most categories.




Hazardous Cargo

Table 84. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding hazardous cargo.

Hazardous Cargo FARS GES
All Crashes SR Crashes All Crashes SR Crashes
n n Percent n n Percent
No hazmat 56,133 11,566 20.60      
Hazmat present       3,731 402 10.77
Placard 163 20 12.27      
No placard 11 2 18.18      
Unknown placard 14 2 14.29      
Not applicable       10,177,390 1,194,361 11.74
Unknown 399 22 5.51 163,969 10,933 6.67
Total 56,720 11,612 20.47 10,345,090 1,205,696 11.65
Note: n represents frequency of crashes. Blank cells indicate that the code was not present in this database.


Table 85. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding hazardous cargo in North Carolina.

Hazardous Cargo Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
No hazmat 12,884 1.83 50,330 7.16 63,214 8.99 639,839 91.01 703,053 100.00
Hazmat present 0 7 6.25    7 6.25 105 93.75 112 100.00
Unknown 1 3.85 4 15.38 5 19.23 21 80.77 26 100.00
Total 12,885 1.83 50,341 7.16 63,226 8.99 639,965 91.01 703,191 100.00
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


Table 86. Frequency and number/percentage of SR crashes regarding hazardous cargo in Ohio.

Hazardous Cargo Over Speed Limit Too Fast for Conditions Total SR Not SR Total
n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent n Percent
Note: n represents frequency of crashes.


There were low frequencies of crash–involved vehicles carrying hazardous cargo in all of the databases, making conclusions difficult (see table 84 through table 86). The FARS data showed that vehicles not carrying hazardous materials had a higher percentage of SR crashes. In addition, GES and North Carolina data showed practically no difference. In the Ohio database, the total SR category showed that vehicles containing hazardous cargo had a higher percentage of SR crashes than those that did not carry hazardous materials (see table 86).






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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101