Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. Is just for pilots?
No! is for anyone that is interested in aviation safety!
Q. Your site has changed, how do I find information concerning the changes?
Each page of our site contains a Help link, which contains information about that page. For instance, if you need information on WINGS, click the Help link on the WINGS page.
Q. I need to update my account information, where can I do that?
Log in to your account. Near the bottom of your dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click the "My Preferences" link. Here you can update your Account Preferences. If you cannot see the information on your dashboard, you may need to expand it by clicking the arrow next to your name.
Q. How do I change my password on
Log in to your account. Near the bottom of your dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click the "Change My Password" link. Here you can also update your Account Preferences. Be sure and click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
Please Note: If your email address is an invalid email address or one to which you no longer have access, please use the procedure below. If that doesn't work for you, then send an email using the Contact Us link located at the bottom of every page.
Q. How do I change my email address on
If your email address changes, or you no longer have access to the email address you used on, follow these instructions.

   1. Login to using your old email address.
   2. Use your password for that email address.
   3. Once logged in, click on the "My Preferences" link in your Dashboard.
   4. Change your email address under the "General & Email" tab.
   5. Click Save.
   6. If desired, click on the "Password" tab and change your password. Be sure to save this page as well.
   7. Logout and then login using your new email address.
Q. Can two people share an email address on
No. uses email addresses as account names and can only be registered to one user. The second user must register for a separate account using a unique email address. If you do not have an email address, there are several freely available web based services. Click here  to see a list of free providers.
Q. How can I change my mailing address or request a new license?
All license requests must be handled through Airman Services at Please visit their website at more information.
Q. I don't have an email address, how can I register for an account?
If you do not have an email address, there are several freely available web based services. Click here to see a list of free providers.
Q. I don't have a computer, how can I register for an account?
If you do not have a computer, you can go to someone with a computer, such as a friend, an instructor, or FAASTeam Representative, and have them create an account for you. This is a new feature on! Here are the steps.
1. Have the person with a computer go to
2. On the Home Page, have them click the link in the CFI Portal that says, "Enter CFI Portal" or under the Pilots tab, click on "CFI Portal"
3. On the next page, have them click the tab that says, "Account Registration (No email / computer)"
4. Choose a simple password (minimum of 4 characters)
5. Check "Yes" if you have an airman certificate; check "No" if you don't or if "Yes" does not find your information
6. Follow the prompts and enter the information requested
7. Be sure to print your registration information
Q. Why is your system not locating my Airman record during registration?
Our system will attempt to process an exact match with the Airman Registry database. If it cannot find an exact match, you will receive a message that we cannot locate your information. It is possible that your name is misspelled on your registry record. If you have a name containing a space, try registering by removing the space. For example: if your last name is DE ANGELO try registering on as DEANGELO. If this does not work, please visit the Airman Registry page at: more information. While you are waiting for the change to be updated with the registry, you can register on as a User by clicking "No" when it asks if you hold a certificate. is fully functional (except for CFIs) for non-airmen registrations.
Q. I have a US pilot certificate, but live outside the United States. How do I register on
You may register as an airman by checking the box stating you have a non-US ZIP code. Then update your account preferences to reflect your airman certificates and other preferences.
Q. What does the red flag mean by my name?
When you see the red flag by your name it means that you have an alert. Either you have credit validations that need to be accepted or some other account alert. Expand your dashboard by clicking on the arrow in the dashboard header. The alert item will be listed at the top of the dashboard. Just click on the link next to the flag to complete the alert item. Once your alert has been resolved, the flag will go away when you navigate to another page or refresh your screen (by hitting F5 on your keyboard.)
Q. What information does my dashboard contain?
Your dashboard will show any outstanding alerts you may have. In addition, the dashboard provides easy, one-click links to your account preferences and your airman profile.
Q. I need to update my account information, where can I do that?
Log in to your account. Near the bottom of your dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click the "My Preferences" link. Here you can update all your Account Preferences. If you cannot see the information on your dashboard, you may need to expand it by clicking the arrow next to your name.
Q. Do I have to be logged in to see my dashboard?
Yes. You must log in to your account in order to see the information on your dashbaord.
Q. Where can I learn about how to get started in the WINGS Program on
There is a brief, self-directed, introductory course available in the Course Catalog on, titled " WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program."
Q. Who can participate in WINGS?
All pilots holding a U.S. pilot certificate and a current medical certificate, when required, may participate in the WINGS Program and receive a flight review date extension upon completion of a Phase. (Note: you need a medical certificate for most aircraft if the CFI cannot act as PIC or is unwillng to act as PIC, during the flight portions of the WINGS Program.) Retired, foreign and student pilots can benefit from the safety training offered on and through the WINGS program.
Q. Why should I participate in WINGS?
WINGS is designed to help you build an educational curriculum to help you enjoy a safer and more stress-free flying experience. Pilots who complete a current Phase of WINGS do not need to accomplish the flight review requirements of 14 CFR part 61 if since the beginning of the 24th calendar month before the month in which that pilot acts as pilot in command, he or she has satisfactorily completed or currently holds a Phase of WINGS.
Q. How does this automated WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program differ from the old Wings Award Program?
The old (paper-based) Wings Award Program was in place for many years. After some time, it became apparent that the safety goals were not being achieved with that program. While pilots were required to fly with an instructor, there were no standards of performance established; it was simply time-based. The new (automated) WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program was instituted to overcome that deficiency. This program is proficiency based. While we applaud the efforts of pilots in achieving Wings awards (and receiving Wings pins), that old program has ended. When pilots earn a Phase of WINGS in the new program, the phase numbers start over with 1. Note that in the old program, 20 phases were authorized. There is no limit to the number of Phases a pilot may earn in the new WINGS Program.
Q. What if the flight review date on my WINGS at a Glance is incorrect?
The flight review date is system generated once a Phase of WINGS is completed. If you have not yet completed a Phase, you should update your information on your WINGS Airman Profile page.
Q. What is the WINGS Profile?
The selections you choose on your WINGS Profile page are used to assist in searching for Accredited Activities that interest you. The activities we display on will match these selections. Your selections do not have to match your current certificates and ratings. You should select any certificate and/or rating in which you are interested in pursuing training. For instance, if you are an Airplane Private Pilot who is interested in pursuing a Glider or Commercial certification, you should choose that selection to view activities available on our system pertaining to those certifications.

Q. What is the difference between a Level and a Phase?
   There are three Levels in the WINGS Program; they are Basic, Advanced, and Master. Phases refer to the work accomplished in a particular level. Each Phase requires the completion of three (3) Knowledge credits and three (3) Flight credits. You can refer to a document that displays this relationship by clicking on this link:

Q. How do I know which activities I need to complete for WINGS?

We recommend you utilize your checklist on your WINGS page to manage your WINGS program. For your convenience, we have pre-selected some activities for you. By completing all the pre-selected activities within a 12-month period, you will fulfill your WINGS Phase. If you prefer to select different activities, click the More Choices-Search link and choose Select to replace a pre-selected activity. 
Q. I am a CFI. How do I print a list of the tasks required for a particular flight activity?
If you are a CFI, and the activity is not in your checklist, login to your account and click on Credits under the Administration tab. Click on the View All link. Then UN-check "Use My Pilot Profile selections." Now check the following: Flight Activities, WINGS, WINGS, and Flight 1, 2, 3. Then click on Search. You can choose from the list presented on the next page and click on the title. The next page wil have a Print Friendly link.
Q. How can I show my instructor that I have completed the Knowledge portion of WINGS?
Click the printer icon located near the upper right corner of your checklist. This will display all activities that you have completed for the Phase on which you are working. This list can be presented to your instructor. For previous activities completed, click on the Logbook tab and then the Phase you wish to see.
Q. How will my instructor know which activities I have to complete for WINGS?
Click the printer icon located near the upper right corner of your checklist. This will display all activities that you need to complete. Just give this page to your instructor.
Q. Does a Flight Instructor need to make a logbook entry when I complete a WINGS Flight Activity?
Flight Instructors are required to make a logbook entry when they give flight instruction to any pilot. We strongly encourage that CFIs enter the WINGS Activity Number when they make that logbook entry.
Q. Is an Instructor required to make a logbook endorsement when I complete a Phase of WINGS?
Instructors may make such an endorsement, but one is not required. The completion certificate available on contains all the information necessary to substantiate completion of a Phase of WINGS. Page two of that certificate contains a transcript of the activities completed to earn that Phase.
Q. Why is my checklist filled with activities?
For your convenience, we have pre-selected some activities for you. By completing all the pre-selected activities within a 12-month period, you will fulfill your WINGS Phase. If you prefer to select different activities, click the Search link located in the right hand column of your checklist and then click Select to choose another activity. When you do this, the newly selected activity will replace the activity previously shown on your checklist.
Q. Why can't I add an activity to my checklist?
In order to add an activity to your checklist, you must use the Search link located on your checklist. If you've searched using the Events and Activity Search link, you won't have the option to add it to your checklist. To utilize the checklist, click Pilots, WINGS, then Search from your checklist. When the activity list is displayed, chose Select to add the activity.
Q. Can I choose any six activities to fulfill my WINGS Phase?
No. Only certain activities fulfill specific credit requirements. To insure a well-rounded experience, the FAA Safety Team has selected activities based on a review of accident causal factors. We recommend you utilize your checklist on your WINGS page to ensure you complete activities that will fulfill each requirement.
Q. Why are there multiple Search links on my checklist?
Only certain activities fulfill specific credit requirements. Each Search link has different activity choices associated with each credit category.
Q. How can I view a summary of all activities I've completed?
Click the Activity History link located under the Courses, Seminars & Activities tab.
Q. I've completed a Phase of WINGS at the Advanced or Master Level, but it was not granted; why?
You are required to complete a Phase at the Basic WINGS Level before any Phases at a higher Level will be granted. In addition, to satisfy the recurring educational and proficiency requirements of the WINGS Program, participants are required to complete a phase of WINGS at the Basic level every 12 calendar months.
Q. Can I work on multiple Phases or Levels at the same time?
Yes. However, keep in mind that individual WINGS credits will expire one year after completion. If you have an activity about to expire, you will need to replace the activity to keep current. In addition, you are required to complete a Basic WINGS Phase or keep it current by replacing expired activities before any subsequent Phases will be granted.
Q. Why are the activities in the Advanced and Master Phases inapplicable to me?
The Advanced and Master Levels are open to pilots who have indicated an interest in demonstrating a higher level of proficiency by checking a certificate level beyond their current certificate in their Airman Profile. Please check your WINGS Airman Profile and update your selections so that the correct activities will display.
Q. How do I know what WINGS credit an activity offers?
Place your mouse over the View Credit link next to any activity to view which credit(s) it offers.
  • From your WINGS Checklist , select the "Request Credit When Completed" link and fill out the form to submit a credit validation request.
  • From the Event and Activity search page, select the "Request Credit" link and fill out the form to submit a credit validation request.
  • Online courses taken at are automatically validated upon completion and after receiving 100% on the exam.
  • External courses , like AOPA courses, will be automatically validated by the course provider within 24 hours. If you do not receive credit for an external course, you should contact the course provider.
  • Event credits are processed once the event has been closed on our system. This process can take up to 2 weeks to occur. You will need to be pre-registered and/or sign an attendance roster using your account email address in order to receive automatic credit. If you have not received credit within 3 weeks, you can request credit through your account by searching for the Event from the Event and Activity search page, select the "Request Credit" link and fill out the form to submit a credit validation request.
Q. How will I know when I have received a WINGS credit for an activity I've completed?
You will receive an email from confirming the credit validation. You can also view credits in your Activity History on your WINGS page.
Q. My instructor/CFI is not registered in the system, how can I get WINGS credit for flight activities I've completed?
The system no longer requires that your CFI have a registered account. They can use our CFI portal located on our Home page to give you credit. You will need to provide them with your email address.

As an alternative, you can also request credit through your account using another CFI or authorized validator in our system. You will need to be able to provide them verification that you completed the activity. Verification would be a signed checklist endorsed by your CFI or a proper log book endorsement. See "How Can I Request WINGS Credit for an Activity I've Completed"? for instructions on submitting a credit validation request through the system.
Q. How can I be notified of upcoming courses and events in my area?
Log in to your account. Near the bottom of your dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click the "My Preferences" link. The first tab on this page will be "General and Email Settings." Here you can enter a ZIP Code and change your email preferences. That way you will receive emails of upcoming events for your area. Note however, that if the event organizer elects to send emails to users within 30 miles and you live 31 miles from an event, you will not receive an email notification.
Q. How can I see event information for events in other areas besides my home ZIP Code?
Log in to your account. Near the bottom of your dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click the "My Preferences" link. Click on the Event Preferences tab and enter up to two additional ZIP Codes besides your home ZIP Code. These ZIP Codes control which events appear on your home page.
Q. I registered for an event, why isn't it listed on my dashboard?
Only events that you registered for while logged in to your account will display under My Events. If you registered for an event from our home page without signing in, it will not be displayed.
Q. How do I cancel my registration for an event?
If you pre-registered through your account, log on to your account. You can cancel your registration by clicking on Courses and Events, then My Events. Click the "Cancel Registration" icon next to the event and confirm your cancellation.
Q. Why are the events listed on my home page not in my area?
Most likely, you have an incorrect ZIP Code on file. Log in to your account. Near the bottom of your dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click the "My Preferences" link. Click on the tab for "Event Preferences". Here you can update your ZIP Code preferences for events. If the ZIp Code on file is incorrect, you may need to update your information with the registry. Please visit their website at: for more information. If you cannot see the information on your dashboard, you may need to expand it by clicking the arrow next to your name.
Q. How do I receive WINGS credit for an AOPA course I've taken?
AOPA has an automatic credit process in place with If you complete and pass an AOPA course that offers WINGS credit, you should receive automatic credit within 24 hours. Automatic credit occurs when you follow the procedure at the end of the course as outlined on AOPA's website. You will have to use the same email address with AOPA as your registered account in order to receive credit. If you do not receive credit, you can either email your course certificate to mailto:Support@FAASafety.govor contact AOPA and request that they submit WINGS credit.
Q. How do I withdraw from a course I've started?
Log on to your account. Click Courses & Events then My Courses. The courses in progress will be listed. Just click the Withdraw link and confirm your selection.
Q. Can I start an online course then come back to it at a later time?
Most online courses on allow you to complete the course in multiple sessions. There are a few courses that require completion during a single-session. If required to complete in a single-session, you will see those instructions before beginning the course.
Q. Why can't I find the exam on a course I have taken?
Most likely you chose to either Preview the course or you have previously completed the course. To view the exam, you must first enroll in the course. You can do this by clicking the Enroll link located next to the course title in the Course Catalog. If you previously completed the course within the past 9 months, you will not be able to take the exam again until 9 months has passed.
Q. How do I print or re-print my completed course certificates?
Log on to your account. Click "Courses & Events" and then "My Courses". Your completed courses will be listed. Just click the "View Certificate" link. Once your certificate comes up, you can save it to your computer or print it.
Q. Who can participate?
  • An FAA-certificated mechanic and repairman, actively working (see 14 CFR part 65, § 65.83) in general aviation, repair station, or air carrier maintenance, and working on aircraft or component parts for 14 CFR parts 91, 121, 125, 127, 129, 133, 135, 137, 141, or 145 entities.
  • A non-certificated maintenance technician employed by a part 121/135 air carrier or a part 145 repair station and working on aircraft or component parts.
  • A student in an FAA-certificated part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School who is maintaining a course average grade of "C" or better. The student must receive training required by this award program outside of his or her regular part 147 school curriculum.
  • An apprentice mechanic working full time or part time performing aircraft maintenance under an FAA-certificated mechanic or repairman is also eligible to receive an award.
Q. How do I enroll in the Individual AMT Awards Program?
To enroll in the William (Bill) O'Brien Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program (AMT Awards Program), log in your account and click the Maintenance Hangar link from the top screen navigation. Click on the My AMT link and click the "Enroll in AMT" button. Choose to enroll as an Individual and fill out the required information on the next page. Once enrolled, click on My AMT again to view your AMT record.
Q. What is the Core Course?
The core course is training that must be completed by all AMTs to be eligible for an individual William (Bill) O'Brien Aviation Maintenance Technician Award. The core course must be completed within an individual calendar year to be eligible for a William (Bill) O'Brien Award for that year. The calendar year is the period between January 1st and December 31st.
Q. What if I don't complete the Core Course?
The core course is training that is mandatory and must be completed by all AMTs to be eligible for an individual William (Bill) O'Brien Award. If you do not complete the core course within the individual calendar year (January 1st through December 31st) then you will not be eligible for a William (Bill) O'Brien Award for that year.
Q. I uploaded my training but the system did not generate an award, why?
If you did not complete the mandatory core course during the individual calendar year (January 1st through December 31st) or if you did not upload your training by the January 31st deadline, then you will not be eligible for a William (Bill) O'Brien Award for that year.
Q. How do I print/email my Core Course certificate?
Log on to your account. Click Maintenance Hangar, then My AMT. Click on the Training History tab. Your training history will be displayed for the current year. If you'd like to view a certificate from a previous year, change the year using the drop down box. Click either the diploma or email icon to print/email your certificate.
Q. What is the single entry tab?
The single-entry training tab is for individuals who have received an annual training record from their employer listing each of the eligible AMT training courses you have completed during the calendar year and the total hours of eligible AMT training you received.
Please note: If you desire to maintain a history of individual company provided training by course name, then you will need to enter them separately using the AMT Training Tab Entry.
Q. How do I enter AMT training?
To enter eligible training, just click on My AMT, and then click the Enter Eligible Training tab. This will bring up additional options. Click the AMT Training tab to enter individual eligible training sessions you have completed. Click the Single-Entry Training tab if you have an annual training record from your employer listing each of the eligible AMT training courses you have completed during the calendar year and the total hours of eligible AMT training you received. If you desire to maintain a history of individual company provided training by course name, then use the AMT Training Tab Entry. Click the College Credit tab if you have completed valid college credits that you would like to count towards the Gold level. Click the Previous AMT Awards tab to upload copies of AMT Awards you earned from 1991-2008.

Regardless of which tab you select, you will need to complete all fields and press the Submit button.
Q. Will my training be tracked on
Your eligible AMT training will be tracked on your Training History page assuming you have entered your eligible training on the Enter Eligible Training tab. Mandatory training, such as the Core Course does not need to be entered by you. Once you have completed the course that entry will automatically transfer to your Training History page.
Q. Does OJT count towards my AMT hours?
Human Factors and OTJ training is eligible as long as it is Aviation Maintenance related and at least 50 minutes long per session. For instance, if training occurs in 15 minute segments, that is not eligible. It has to be a block of training in one session that lasts at least 50 minutes, which would qualify for 1 AMT hour of training. Non-maintenance related training such as time management, communications, or any personnel policy training is not eligible.
Q. Does OSHA training count towards my AMT hours?
No, OSHA training has never been eligible.
Q. What qualifies as college credit that can be applied towards the Gold Level?
A course of instruction on one subject constituting at least three credit hours or 40 classroom hours from a nationally accredited college, university, or a vocational/technical school approved by a higher educational accreditation organization. Correspondence and Internet courses are acceptable. Examples of acceptable college courses are Mathematics, English, Science, Aviation Safety, Human Factors, Quality Control, or similar aviation career related courses.
Q. I've completed my level. How do I claim my award?
During the month of January immediately following the calendar year that the training was earned, an individual AMT may claim his or her award on The link to claim your award will be displayed on your My AMT page. You will be able to print your AMT Certificate of Training and request the associated decal. After January the award certificate may be printed from the individual's award history page, but no decal will be issued.
Q. I have enough training hours, why won't my meter advance past the Silver Level?
In order to reach the Gold Level, you must obtain a minimum of 80 hours of eligible aviation maintenance training plus satisfactory completion of a college level course of three credit hours or 40 classroom hours in Mathematics, English, Science, Aviation Safety, Human Factors, Management, Quality Control, or similar aviation career related courses.

You may have enough eligible training hours, but if you have not completed the required college course, then your meter will not advance past the Silver Level.
Q. Are there other online courses on that count towards AMT eligible training?
Currently, there are two courses available on that offer AMT credit. You may take these courses once annually. We recommend that you search the Internet to find other online Aviation Maintenance related courses that may available.
Q. How can I learn more about the AMT Awards Program?
Q. Can I register all my employees using our company email address?
Each employee needs to register for an account on using a unique email address. uses email address as account names much like other companies on the web today.
Q. Our employees previously participated in the AMT Awards Program. Why are they not enrolled?
As of 06/03/2009, all AMT Awards Program participates are required to register for an account on and enroll in the program.
Q. Can I use my current account to enroll as an Employer?
We recommend that employers use a unique email, possibly a company email, to manage their AMT Employer account. If you establish a separate account, you'll be able to transfer the management of the AMT Program to other employees, if necessary. For example, if you go on vacation or have to take a leave of absence. Because your personally identifiable information is tied to your personal account, we recommend you not share this information with others.
Q. How do I enroll as an Employer?
To enroll in the AMT Awards Program, log in your account and click the Maintenance Hangar link from the top screen navigation. Click on the My AMT link and click the "Enroll in AMT" button. Choose to enroll as an Employer and fill out the required information on the Employer Application. Click Submit.
Q. How does an Employer become eligible to receive an AMT Award?
To be eligible for the employer's award, the employer must: Be involved full time in the business of maintaining or repairing aircraft and component parts and appliances, thereof and employ at least three full time AMTs. An eligible employer with a minimum of 50 percent of its eligible employees receiving an individual William (Bill) O'Brien Award for a given calendar year is eligible to receive special recognition in the form of an AMT Gold Award of Excellence. An eligible employer with a minimum of 100 percent of its eligible employees receiving an individual William (Bill) O'Brien Award for a given calendar year is eligible to receive special recognition in the form of an AMT Diamond Award of Excellence.
Q. What are the award levels for Employers?
There are two different award levels as an Employer:

a. AMT Gold Award of Excellence. An eligible employer with a minimum of 50 percent of its eligible employees receiving an individual William (Bill) O'Brien Award for a given calendar year is eligible to receive special recognition in the form of an AMT Gold Award of Excellence.

b. AMT Diamond Award of Excellence. An eligible employer with a minimum of 100 percent of its eligible employees receiving an individual William (Bill) O'Brien Award for a given calendar year is eligible to receive special recognition in the form of an AMT Diamond Award of Excellence.
Q. How do I claim my Employer AMT Award?
At any time during the month of February, immediately following the year the training was received by the employer's AMTs, an eligible employer may apply on line at for an Employer Award of Excellence. Employers must upload a spreadsheet showing a list of eligible employees who have received awards, and the award level of each employee. This process will be completed at Once award eligibility has been confirmed, the appropriate FAASTeam Regional Manager will receive automatic notification from The FAASTeam, in conjunction with the FAA CMT, will coordinate the issuance of the award with the company. A minimum of 60 working-days must be allowed for processing.
NOTE: Only one employer award per company may be awarded each calendar year.