Traffic Analysis Tools Program
photo of traffic traveling in both directions on a congested highway
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM)


To develop a core of open behavioral algorithms in support of traffic simulation with a primary focus on microscopic modeling, including supporting documentation and validation data sets that describe the interactions of multimodal travelers, vehicles and highway systems, and interactions presented to them from traffic control devices, delineation, congestion, and other features of the environment.


  1. To ensure that NGSIM research meets the needs of stakeholders, addresses existing gaps, and that its products are openly distributed and made freely available to the simulation community.
  2. To collect data sets for the research, development, and validation of behavioral algorithms and for use by the simulation community.
  3. To develop new behavioral algorithms and improve existing algorithms in order to incorporate previously ignored influencing factors and to improve the trustworthiness of existing models.

The NGSIM data sets, algorithms, and reports are freely available for download at the U.S. DOT Research Data Exchange (RDE) after creating an RDE account. Access the NGSIM data directly here.

Additional Resources


Office of Operations