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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Funding Information

Federal surface transportation law provides tremendous flexibility to States and MPOs to fund bicycle and pedestrian improvements from a wide variety of programs. Virtually all the major transportation funding programs can be used for bicycle and pedestrian-related projects.

Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities and Programs
FY 1992 to 2015 (Millions of Dollars)

Chart showing level of funding over time, from 1992 to 2015, for TE, SRTS & NTPP, ARRA, and Total Obligations. Amounts are shown in millions and range from $0 to $1400. For detailed description of funding please see:

Source data: FY 1992 to 2015 Obligations

* TAP/TE: TE funds available 1992-2015; TAP funds available beginning 2013.
RTP: Only a portion of RTP funds are counted as bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Financial Management Guidance

Updated: 8/11/2016
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