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Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding Opportunities

U.S. Department of Transportation Transit, Highway, and Safety Funds

Revised August 12, 2016

This table indicates potential eligibility for pedestrian and bicycle projects under U.S. Department of Transportation surface transportation funding programs. Additional restrictions may apply. See notes and basic program requirements below, and see program guidance for detailed requirements. Project sponsors should fully integrate nonmotorized accommodation into surface transportation projects. Section 1404 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act modified 23 U.S.C. 109 to require federally-funded projects on the National Highway System to consider access for other modes of transportation, and provides greater design flexibility to do so.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding Opportunities: PDF Version

Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding Opportunities / U.S. Department of Transportation Transit, Highway, and Safety Funds
Key: $ = Funds may be used for this activity (restrictions may apply). $* = See program-specific notes for restrictions. ~$ = Eligible, but not competitive unless part of a larger project.
Access enhancements to public transportation (includes benches, bus pads) $ $ $ $ $   $ $ $           $
ADA/504 Self Evaluation / Transition Plan               $ $ $   $     $
Bicycle plans     $         $ $   $ $     $
Bicycle helmets (project or training related)               $ $SRTS   $   $*    
Bicycle helmets (safety promotion)               $ $SRTS   $        
Bicycle lanes on road $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $   $       $
Bicycle parking ~$ ~$ $ $ $   $ $ $ $ $       $
Bike racks on transit $ $ $ $ $     $ $           $
Bicycle share (capital and equipment; not operations) $ $ $ $ $   $ $ $           $
Bicycle storage or service centers at transit hubs ~$ ~$ $ $ $     $ $           $
Bridges / overcrossings for pedestrians and/or bicyclists $ $ $ $ $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Bus shelters and benches $ $ $ $ $   $ $ $           $
Coordinator positions (State or local)         $ 1 per State     $ $SRTS   $        
Crosswalks (new or retrofit) $ $ $ $ $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Curb cuts and ramps $ $ $ $ $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Counting equipment     $ $   $ $ $ $ $ $ $*     $
Data collection and monitoring for pedestrians and/or bicyclists     $ $   $ $ $ $ $ $ $*     $
Historic preservation (pedestrian and bicycle and transit facilities) $ $ $ $       $ $           $
Landscaping, streetscaping (pedestrian and/or bicycle route; transit access); related amenities (benches, water fountains); generally as part of a larger project ~$ ~$ $ $     $ $ $           $
Lighting (pedestrian and bicyclist scale associated with pedestrian/bicyclist project) $ $ $ $   $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Maps (for pedestrians and/or bicyclists)     $ $ $     $ $   $ $*      
Paved shoulders for pedestrian and/or bicyclist use $ $     $* $ $ $ $   $       $
Pedestrian plans     $         $ $   $ $     $
Recreational trails ~$ ~$           $ $ $         $
Road Diets (pedestrian and bicycle portions) $ $       $ $ $ $           $
Road Safety Assessment for pedestrians and bicyclists           $   $ $     $     $
Safety education and awareness activities and programs to inform pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists on ped/bike safety               $SRTS $SRTS   $ $* $* $*  
Safety education positions               $SRTS $SRTS   $   $*    
Safety enforcement (including police patrols)               $SRTS $SRTS   $   $* $*  
Safety program technical assessment (for peds/bicyclists)               $SRTS $SRTS   $ $* $    
Separated bicycle lanes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $   $       $
Shared use paths / transportation trails $ $ $ $ $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Sidewalks (new or retrofit) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Signs / signals / signal improvements $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $   $       $
Signed pedestrian or bicycle routes $ $ $ $ $   $ $ $   $       $
Spot improvement programs $ $ $     $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Stormwater impacts related to pedestrian and bicycle projects $ $ $ $   $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Traffic calming $ $ $     $ $ $ $   $       $
Trail bridges $ $     $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Trail construction and maintenance equipment               $RTP $RTP $          
Trail/highway intersections $ $     $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $
Trailside and trailhead facilities (includes restrooms and water, but not general park amenities; see guidance) ~$* ~$*           $* $* $*         $
Training         $ $   $ $ $ $ $* $*    
Training for law enforcement on ped/bicyclist safety laws               $SRTS $SRTS   $     $*  
Tunnels / undercrossings for pedestrians and/or bicyclists $ $ $ $ $* $ $ $ $ $ $       $


ADA/504: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 / Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
TIGER: Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Discretionary Grant program
TIFIA: Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (loans)
FTA: Federal Transit Administration Capital Funds
ATI: Associated Transit Improvement (1% set-aside of FTA)
CMAQ: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
HSIP: Highway Safety Improvement Program
NHPP: National Highway Performance Program
STBG: Surface Transportation Block Grant Program

TA: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (formerly Transportation Alternatives Program)
RTP: Recreational Trails Program
SRTS: Safe Routes to School Program / Activities
PLAN: Statewide Planning and Research (SPR) or Metropolitan Planning funds
NHTSA 402: State and Community Highway Safety Grant Program
NHTSA 405: National Priority Safety Programs (Nonmotorized safety)
FLTTP: Federal Lands and Tribal Transportation Programs (Federal Lands Access Program, Federal Lands Transportation Program, Tribal Transportation Program, Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects)

Program-specific notes
Federal-aid funding programs have specific requirements that projects must meet, and eligibility must be determined on a case-by-case basis. For example:

Cross-cutting notes

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Updated: 8/15/2016
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