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Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse

State/Regional Inventories and Forecasts

California Climate Action Registry
The California Climate Action Registry is a voluntary GHG registry aimed at protecting and promoting early actions to reduce GHG emissions by organizations in California. The site includes a number of protocols developed to assist members and verifiers in the process of calculating, reporting, and verifying an emissions inventory.
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
The RGGI is a cooperative effort by Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Ten states participate in RGGI: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. One of RGGI's efforts is to develop a regional strategy for controlling emissions, especially through the implementation of a multi-state cap-and-trade program, promoting a market-based emissions trading system.
State Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Environmental Protection Agency
Forty-two states and Puerto Rico have completed inventories as of April 2006. The inventories present annual emissions of greenhouse gases by sector (e.g., energy, agriculture, waste), by source (e.g., transportation emissions, manure management) and by gas (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane). The methods on which the inventories are based generally estimate greenhouse gas emissions as a function of (a) activity data (e.g., coal consumption, cement production, fertilizer consumption, etc.) and (b) activity- and gas-specific emission factors.
Western Climate Initiative
The Western Climate Initiative is a collaboration which was launched in February 2007 by the Governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington to develop regional strategies to address climate change. WCI is identifying, evaluating and implementing collective and cooperative ways to reduce greenhouse gases in the region. In the spring of 2007, the Governor of Utah and the Premiers of British Columbia and Manitoba joined the Initiative. Montana joined in January, 2008, Quebec moved from Observer to Partner status in April, 2008 and Ontario became a Partner in July, 2008. Other U.S. and Mexican states and Canadian provinces have joined as observers. For a map showing Partners and Observers click here. The WCI jurisdictions are recommending a design for a broad cap and-trade program as part of a comprehensive regional effort to reduce emissions of global warming pollution.

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