Engineering and Management Icon

Engineering and Management Practices

AMS Policy Document AMS Policy Section 4

The deployment of trouble-free assets requires integration of critical engineering and management disciplines during product development.

Employee on simulator
Configuration Management Icon

Configuration Management

Configuration Management applies to all systems, subsystems, equipment, components, and assets in the FAA Enterprise Architecture including software, firmware, interfaces, documentation, spare parts, and test equipment.

Real Property Icon

Real Property

Real Property acquisition involves a sequence of procurement steps and compliance with many environmental and land management laws that are often very time consuming.

Integrated Logistics Support Icon

Integrated Logistics Support

Integrated logistics support activity plans, establishes, and sustains complete lifecycle support for FAA products and services.

 Test & Evaluation Icon

Test & Evaluation

All investment programs follow structured test and evaluation processes to verify technical performance and validate operational suitability and effectiveness.

Independent Operational Assessment Icon

Independent Operational Assessment

Agency investment programs essential to air traffic control and aviation safety may be designated for independent operational assessment based on complexity, operational criticality, lifecycle cost, interoperability, and safety risk.

Deployment Planning Icon

Deployment Planning

Deployment planning prepares for and assesses the readiness of a solution to be implemented into its operational environment via the in-service decision.

Human Factors Icon

Human Factors

Human factors is incorporated into product design from the outset to optimize performance and capitalize on the strengths of people and machines.

 Environmental, Safety, Health, & Energy Considerations Icon

Environmental, Occupational Safety and Health, and Energy Considerations

Environmental, occupational safety and health, and energy requirements are mandated by federal, state, and local regulations - failure to comply places program cost and schedule at risk and may result in civil or criminal enforcement against the FAA.

 Information Technology Icon

Information Technology

Information Technology emphasizes the use of open systems and shared data, implements recognized information technology standards, and takes advantage of economies of scale.

 Systems Engineering Icon

Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering is conducted throughout the lifecycle management process at many levels from individual investment programs to the National Airspace System as a whole.

 Security Icon


Security is crucial owing to the potential devastation that could result from intrusion into agency information, facility, and personnel systems.

System Safety Management Icon

System Safety Management

The safety risk management process is applied to all investments that have an impact on the National Airspace System.

Risk Management Icon

Risk Management

Risk Management is applied throughout the AMS lifecycle management process to identify and mitigate risks associated with achieving FAA goals and objectives.

Data Standardization & Management Icon

Data Standardization & Management

Data Standardization & Management consists of data registration, data standardization, data certification, and lifecycle data management .

Post Implementation Review & Operational Analysis Icon

Post Implementation Review & Operational Analysis

  • Post Implementation Review
    Determine what action may need to be taken to solve residual operational problems and optimize performance and benefits.
  • Operational Analysis
    The safety, efficiency, & effectiveness of operational assets are evaluated periodically as a basis for sustaining and improving service delivery over time.

Earned Value Management Icon

Earned Value Management

The FAA employs earned value management to provide integrated, accurate, and timely cost, schedule, and technical performance information for developmental activities.