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Federal Register

The Federal Register is the FHWA's primary avenue for publishing Notices of Proposed Amendments (NPAs) and Final Rules (FRs) regarding MUTCD standards. The FHWA MUTCD Team will post the most current Federal Register Notices on this page in both PDF and Text file formats.

To view adopted text and figures for the most current and approved edition of the MUTCD, please select Knowledge, 2009 Edition in the navigation bar. You will notice that the date the text and figures are posted on the Web site is different from the date of the Federal Register. This is because the rulemaking process requires that the text and figures be posted before the Federal Register is published.

January 25, 2016 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Notice of Termination of Interim Approval IA-5 [Federal Register Docket Number 2016-01383] (Text) (PDF File, 206KB)

December 22, 2015 Federal Register -

Future Direction – National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Notification and Request for Comment
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2015-0028] (Text) (PDF File, 216KB)

June 17, 2013 Federal Register -

Response to January 11, 2013 Request for Comments on Possible Restructuring of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Notification and Response to Comments
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2012-0118] (Text) (PDF File, 202KB)

January 11, 2013 Federal Register -

Possible Restructuring – National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Notification and Request for Comment
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2012-0118] (Text) (PDF File, 206KB)

May 14, 2012 Federal Register -

Revision 1 – National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2010-0170] (Text) (PDF File, 229KB)

Revision 2 – National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2010-0159] (Text) (PDF File, 242KB)

August 31, 2011 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Proposes to revise certain information relating to target compliance dates for traffic control devices.
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2010-0159] (Text) (PDF File, 168KB)
Proposed revisions to the text of Table I-2 for this revision of the 2009 MUTCD

August 2, 2011 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Proposes to revise certain standards, guidance, options, and supporting information relating to traffic control devices in Part 1 (General) of the MUTCD.
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2010-0170] (Text) (PDF File, 194KB)
Proposed text for this revision of the 2009 MUTCD

November 30, 2010 Federal Register -

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Compliance Dates; Notice; Request for comments.
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2010-0159-] (Text) (PDF File, 160KB)

April 22, 2010 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Proposes to revise certain standards, guidance, options, and supporting information in the 2009 MUTCD regarding maintaining minimum retroreflectivity of longitudinal pavement markings.
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2009-0139] (Text) (PDF File, 72KB)
Proposed text for this revision of the 2009 MUTCD

December 16, 2009 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2007-28977] (Text) (PDF File, 674KB)

June 15, 2009 Federal Register -

Worker Visibility - Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2008-0157] (Text File) (PDF File, 141KB)

November 21, 2008 Federal Register -

Worker Visibility - Interim Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2008-0157] (Text File) (PDF File, 149KB)

January 2, 2008 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Proposed Rule - Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA)
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2007-28977] (Text File) (PDF File, 485KB)

December 21, 2007 Federal Register -

Final Rule on Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2003-15149] (Text File) (PDF File, 380KB)

December 14 , 2006 Federal Register -

Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Standards
Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2005-23182] (Text File) (PDF File, 188KB)

November 24 , 2006 Federal Register -

Worker Visibility
Federal Highway Administration Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2005-23200] (Text File) (PDF File, 180KB)

October 18, 2006 Federal Register -

Interstate Oasis Program
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2006-23550] (Text File) (PDF File, 76KB)

May 8, 2006 Federal Register -

Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity
Supplemental Notice of Proposed Amendments (SNPA); Request for Comments
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2003-15149] (Text File) (PDF File, 221KB)

April 25, 2006 Federal Register -

23 CFR 655 Update
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Comments
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2005-23182] (Text File) (PDF File, 190KB)

UPDATE: June 14, 2006--23 CFR 655 Update--Extension of Comment Period [FHWA Docket Number 2005-23182] (Text File) (PDF File, 169KB)

April 24, 2006 Federal Register -

Worker Visibility
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Comments
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2005-23200] (Text File) (PDF File, 194KB)

February 27, 2006 Federal Register -

Interstate Oasis Program Notice; Request for Comments
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2006-23550] (Text File) (PDF File, 180KB)

December 1, 2004 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways;
Specific Service and General Service Signing for 24-Hour Pharmacies; Final rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2004-17321]
RIN 2125-AF02 (Text File) (PDF File, 35KB)
Pharmacy Signs (English dimensions) (PDF File, 116KB)
Pharmacy Signs (Metric dimensions) (PDF File, 116KB)

October 22, 2004 Federal Register -

MUTCD Notice of proposed amendment (NPA), Revision 2: Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflecivity; comment period time extension.
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2003-15149]
RIN 2125-AE98 (Text File) (PDF File, 55KB)

July 30, 2004 Federal Register -

MUTCD Notice of proposed amendment (NPA), Revision 2; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity; request for comments.
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2003-15149]
RIN 2125-AE98 (Text File) (PDF File, 91KB)

May 10, 2004 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways;
Specific Service and General Service Signing for 24-Hour Pharmacies; Interim final rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2004-17321]
RIN 2125-AF02 (Text File) (PDF File, 67KB)

November 20, 2003 Federal Register -

National Standards for Traffic Control Devices: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision; Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2001-11159]
RIN 2125-AE93 (Text File) (PDF File, 501KB)

March 24, 2003 Federal Register -

23 CFR 655 Final Rule: Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Standards
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2002-13069]
RIN 2125-AE78 (Text File) (PDF File, 37KB)

November 21, 2002 Federal Register -

Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Color Specifications for Retroreflective Sign and Pavement Marking Materials
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-99-6190]
RIN number 2125-AE67 (Text File) (PDF File, 45KB)

October 30, 2002 Federal Register -

23 CFR 655 Regulations: Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highway; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2002-13069]
RIN number 2125-AE78 (Text File) (PDF File, 41KB)

July 31, 2002, Federal Register -

Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Color Specifications for Retroreflective Sign and Pavement Marking Materials, Final Rule
Docket Number FHWA-99-6190
RIN 2125-AE67 (Text File) (PDF File, 72KB)

July 30, 2002 Federal Register -

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -
Accessible pedestrian signals, Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2001-8846]
RIN number 2125-AE83 (Text File) (PDF File, 36KB)

May 21, 2002 Federal Register -

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -
Revision 2, Notice of Proposed Amendment
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2001-11159]
RIN number 2125-AE93 (Text File, 281KB) (PDF File, 249KB)

February 15, 2002 Federal Register -

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -
Accessible pedestrian signals, Interim Final Rule
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2001-8846]
RIN number 2125-AE83 (Text File, 22KB) (PDF File, 46KB)

July 26, 2001 Federal Register -

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -
Errata Amendments, RIN 2125-AE87 (Text File, 28KB) (PDF File, 52KB)

May 17,2001 Federal Register -

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -
Accessible Pedestrian Signals Notice of Proposed Amendment;
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2001-8846]
RIN 2125-AE83 (Text File, 21KB) (PDF File, 41KB)

December 18th, 2000 - MUTCD Final Rule (HTML) (PDF file, 263KB)

NPA Reference Chart
These Notice of Proposed Amendments provide background information about the proposed changes that ultimately led to the Final Rule for the Millennium Edition of the MUTCD. This information will be converted to a database in the future so that users can more easily locate specific changes by searching on keywords or official ruling numbers.

December 21, 1999 Federal Register -

NPA for Color Specifications, 23 CFR 655
[FHWA Docket Number FHWA-99-6190]
RIN 2125-AE67 (Text file) (PDF file,139KB)

1988 MUTCD and Revisions

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