Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Current Program Activities Report

December 2015

This report has been updated and summarizes recent activity of selected programs within the Office of Operations. The revisions reflect program titles that are consistent throughout the Office of Operations. For additional information about these or other activities, contact the program manager noted in each section. Additionally, more information may be available on the Office of Operations' Web site: This report will be updated quarterly.

A listing of the Office of Operations' publications is listed under their respective program at:

Table of Contents


MAP-21 Addendum


Office of Operations Program Activities Report

Accelerating Implementation of Operations & ITS Technologies and Strategies Deployment

Accelerating Implementation of Operations & ITS Technologies and Strategies Deployment Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Distance-Learning — FHWA is working with the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) to provide the right ITS Standards training at the right time. Registration for training can be done at: Kingsley Azubike Completed Completed
ITS Standards Verification — FHWA is working with the JPO to develop a Center-to-center (C2C) ITS Standards Reference Implementation (RI). The RI is a tool used to verify that a deployed system is conformant to the ITS C2C Traffic Management Data Dictionary Standard Version 3.0 (TMDDv3) Standard. Kingsley Azubike Completed TMDD Rev. 3.03 Software — or Other Technical Resource (available on CD)
Architecture Use and Maintenance On-Line Tutorial — FHWA is working with the JPO to develop several on-line versions of the Architecture Use and Maintenance Workshop. The workshop objective is to provide comprehensive instruction on the use and maintenance of an ITS architecture with a focus on use of architecture in planning process as well as ITS project development process. The course can be accessed from FHWA's Office of Operations (HOP) Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment Web site: Stephen Clinger Completed Completed
Transportation Management Area (TMA) Certification Guide — FHWA is developing a TMA Certification guide/matrix specific to RAs and compliance with 940.09. The guide will provide specific recommended actions for the TMA’s to take for using and maintaining their Regional Architecture (RA). Stephen Clinger Completed Technical Guide / Resource
ITS Standards Verification — FHWA is working with the JPO to upgrade the Center-to-center (C2C) ITS Standards Reference Implementation (RI) to include Device Emulation and 1201(Real-Time Systems Management Information Program) Reporting capability. The RI is a tool used to verify that a deployed system is conformant to the ITS C2C Traffic Management Data Dictionary Standard Version 3.0 (TMDDv3) Standard. Kingsley Azubike April 2017 Software / Technical Resource
Connected Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) Deployment Guidance — V2I efforts are the main thrust of HOP's Connected Vehicle involvement. The current initiative is to develop and distribute deployment guidance for state and local jurisdiction; additionally supply technical support tools and products. Once available these will be used in education and outreach efforts. Jonathan Walker Ongoing Guidance Document and technical support packages
V2I Deployment Guidance & Products — A "living" document that will provide lessons learned and guidance to public agencies that elect to deploy V2I technologies. The document will include references to associated products and will be updated periodically to reflect the most current information. Jonathan Walker Early 2016 Publication Initial Guidance
V2I Deployment Coalition — A V2I Deployment Coalition was established to foster broader stakeholder participation from system owner / operators, public safety groups, professional associations, equipment manufactures, and academia; coordinate the current and upcoming Connected Vehicle deployment programs and initiatives; and disseminate educational and advisory information. HOP facilitates, supports, and participates in Coalition meetings and activities. Robert Arnold Ongoing Facilitation and Support

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Active Transportation and Demand Management

Active Transportation and Demand Management Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Trajectory Level Validation — Develop a methodology for enabling trajectory (second or sub-second) level simulation tool validation. Develop a computational engine that allows the methodology to be demonstrated, and demonstrate the methodology in a Proof of Concept application. James Colyar May 2016 Publication — Guidance Training
ATDM Highway Capacity Manual Analysis Guide, Computational Engine, and Workshops Guide and Computational Engine Complete — This guide provides the basis for a new Chapter 35 of the Highway Capacity Manual that allows analysis of operational strategies under varying demand and capacity conditions. Guide has been posted at James Colyar / Jim Hunt Complete Publication — Guidance and Training
ATDM Technology Transfer Workshops — A series of workshops designed to raise awareness and understanding of ATDM as a concept and as an implementation strategy to State, regional and local transportation agencies. The workshop will be designed to promote a discussion and appreciation of ATDM concepts and techniques that support reliability, predictability and mobility for the transportation system user. Jim Hunt May 2016 Workshop
ATDM Technology Transfer Activities — Various ATDM outreach activities including technical assistance workshops Web site maintenance, and informational briefs. Jim Hunt May 2016 Workshop — Research and Guidance — Technical Publication
Traffic Management Capability Maturity Framework (TM CMF) Phase 2 — Convert beta version of TM CMF to a publically available decision support tool. Task also includes validation workshops, outreach/ educational workshops, and project brochure. February 2016 Jim Hunt Workshop — Technical Publication — Software
Accelerating Ramp Metering Deployment — Develop a Ramp Metering Web site, Ramp Metering Primer, and Informational Brief. Deliver a National Webinar and numerous one-day ramp metering workshops. James Colyar June 2016 Publication — Guidance Training
Advanced Parking Pricing and Management — Help cities throughout the country learn from the successful SFpark Urban Partnership Project that uses demand-based pricing of on-street and municipal parking to eliminate the need to circle for parking (which is estimated to be responsible for 30 percent of city congestion). This three-phase project includes: (1) the creation of "Contemporary Approaches to Parking Pricing: A Primer;" (2) the development of technical specifications and documentation, along with lessons learned, of the strategies used to implement SFpark; and (3) conducting of regional workshops by FHWA focused on lessons learned and their applicability to specific local challenges. Products associated with Phases 1 and 2 are being shared with parking managers interested in applying demand-based parking pricing strategies in their own cities, with outreach focused on members of the International Parking Institute, and through FHWA’s Phase 3 workshops. Allen Greenberg Phase 1, completed 2012; Phase 2, completed 2014; Phase 3 had 9 of a total of 11 workshops completed in 2015, with the remaining 2 work-shops to be completed by June 2016 Publication — Guidance
Research on the Application of Shoulders Used as Temporary Travel Lanes — A two phase research effort. The first phase will summarize operational and safety evaluations of existing Temporary Shoulder Lane applications in the US and Europe. The second phase will begin to develop modeling capabilities to estimate benefits of using temporary shoulder lanes. Greg Jones Spring 2014 Publication — Technical
Development of a Guide on Part-time Shoulder Use — Present best practices and guidance for agencies in planning, evaluating, designing, operating, and maintaining part-time freeway shoulder use projects. The guide is part of a larger effort under Performance-Based Practical Design for TSM&O that will result in primers, case studies, and workshops. Jim Hunt May 2017 Publication — Technical
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Stakeholder Workshops — Workshops will be held to advance the research, deployment, and evaluation of ICM. Topics – Concept of Operations; Requirements; Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation; and Evaluation. Neil Spiller FY2016 Workshop
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Evaluation of Demonstration Projects — ICM deployments in Dallas, Texas and San Diego, California. Schedule: Evaluation Neil Spiller FY2016 Research and Guidance
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Evaluation of Demonstration Projects — Comprehensive evaluation of ICM deployments in Dallas, Texas and San Diego, California. Neil Spiller FY2016 Research and Guidance
Integrated Corridor Management Traveler Behavior Survey — In support of the ICM Evaluation effort, a traveler behavior survey will be conducted to better understand how the changes in corridor operations affect travelers’ choices. Neil Spiller FY2016 Research and Guidance
Integrated Corridor Management Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation — Knowledge technology transfer of AMS necessary to implement ICM. Neil Spiller FY2016 Research, Guidance and Workshops
Integrated Corridor Management Planning (associated with Planning for Operations program) — KTT necessary to plan for (e.g., vision) future ICM corridors. Neil Spiller / Wayne Berman Ongoing Publication — Technical
Integrated Corridor Management — ICM Grants — Oversight of award of grant money to 13 ICM sites for pre-implementation of activities. Neil Spiller Ongoing Oversight
TMC Pooled Fund Study — The goal of the Transportation Management Center (TMC) Pooled-Fund Study (PFS) (SPR-2(207)) is to assemble regional, local, and State transportation management agencies and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to (1) identify human-centered and operational issues that are common among TMC operators and managers; (2) suggest approaches to addressing identified issues; (3) initiate and monitor projects intended to address identified issues; (4) provide guidance and recommendations and disseminate results; (5) provide leadership and coordinate with others with TMC interests; and (6) promote and facilitate technology transfer related to TMC issues nationally. Jimmy Chu Ongoing Publication — Technical

High Occupancy Vehicle/Managed Use Lane Pooled Fund Study — Ongoing research program that is selected by the 10 participating states. Current research on:

  • Overhead Lane Control signals
  • Dynamic use of Shoulder Lanes
  • Synthesis of Dynamic Pricing Algorithms
Greg Jones Ongoing Publication — Technical
Freeway Management and Operations Handbook — A resource document developed by FHWA, in conjunction with the TRB Freeway Operations Committee, to provide a consolidated source of information regarding the full spectrum of activities and strategies involved in Freeway Management and Operations. The current document is undergoing an update under FHWA’s oversight. Greg Jones Spring 2015 Publication — Technical

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Arterial Management / Traffic Signal Operations

Arterial Management / Traffic Signal Operations Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) Systems Engineering Guidance and Support — The Every Day Counts (EDC) Initiative achieved the goal of mainstreaming the implementation of Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT). ASCT is a tool, when appropriately applied, enhances that capability of an agency to implement the strategy of coordinated traffic signal operation. The Model Systems Engineering guidance for ASCT provides a systematic process for aligning operational objectives, resource constraints and operational needs to guide the selection and procurement of ASCT. Several resources are available in addition to the Model Systems Engineering Guidance including training, technical assistance and peer-to-peer support. Visit the Arterial Management Web site for information on how to access these resources. Eddie Curtis Update Pending, (Spring 2016) Publication, Outreach, Training, Technical Assistance, Peer-to-Peer

National Traffic Signal Management and Operations Curriculum — Four new National Highway Institute (NHI) courses are available. The courses focus on an objectives and performance based approach to traffic signal design, operation and maintenance. A framework of Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics (GOST) is used to align operations activities with achievement of good basic service. The Courses include:

  • NHI 133122 — Traffic Signal Timing Concepts
  • NHI 133123 — Systems Engineering for Signal Systems including Adaptive Control
  • NHI 133124 — Evaluating Performance of Traffic Signal Systems
  • NHI 133125 — Successful Traffic Signal Management: The Basic Service Approach
Eddie Curtis Available Empty Cell
Regional Traffic Signal Program Review (Process Review) — The FHWA Resource Center Operations Technical Service Team has conducted Regional Traffic Signal Operations Reviews in over 20 metropolitan regions. The objective of the program is to improve regional consistency in traffic signal management across jurisdictional boundaries, leverage regional expertise to improve operations and maintenance practices, improve training, outreach and maximize resources. Eddie Curtis Available Empty Cell
Traffic Signal Timing Manual — An update to the FWHA Traffic Signal Timing Manual was completed via the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and is now available as NCHRP Report 812: Signal Timing Manual - Second Edition. The manual covers fundamentals and advanced concepts related to signal timing and ways to develop a signal timing program. Advanced concepts covered in the report include the systems engineering process, adaptive signal control, preferential vehicle treatments, and timing strategies for over-saturated conditions, special events, and inclement weather. The report is available in print and PDF by visiting Eddie Curtis Completed August 2015 Publication — Technical
Model Systems Engineering Guide for Traffic Signal Systems — Provides a systematic approach to articulate operations objectives and needs to support the design, implementation and procurement of traffic signal systems. Eddie Curtis Pending Spring 2016 Publication — Technical
Traffic Signal Management Plan Guidance — Traffic Signal Management Plans document the strategic alignment of traffic signal maintenance, design, and operations activities to support operations and maintenance budgets and capital planning. It provides step-by-step instructions for documenting current activities, relating them to the agency's goals and transportation objectives, to demonstrate how the activities of all staff involved support those objectives. Eddie Curtis Pending January 2016 Publication — Technical
Traffic Signal Benchmarking and State of the Practice Report — The objective of this effort is to benchmark traffic signal infrastructure and to capture organizational and workforce trends, technology implementation, and current practices involved in traffic signal management, operation and maintenance. This effort is an extension of previous National Traffic Signal Report Cards completed in 2005, 2007 and 2011. Eddie Curtis Pending Fall 2016 Publication — Technical
Localized Bottleneck Reduction Program Guidance — The purpose of the program is to bring attention to mitigating local, operationally influenced bottleneck locations; e.g., lane drops, merge areas, poorly functioning signals, ramp metering, and peak hour shoulder use. This program seeks to address these problem areas in the short term, and hopefully using less structurally-intensive means, as opposed to waiting for a more expensive mega project or corridor sized improvement. In short, this program is to local, spot improvements, as tolling and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are to corridors, and as urban partnerships are to regional solutions. In Fiscal Year 2013 we will continue to bring the message to the state agencies and Metropolitan Planning Organizations through our one-day Bottleneck "summits". Neil Spiller Ongoing Empty Cell
Access Management — Is no longer a fully developed program within the Office of Operations. However, we remain engaged at the national level through continued participation on national committees and panels, such as the TRB Access Management Committee, and National Cooperative Highway Research Program panels as they relate to this topic. Neil Spiller Ongoing Empty Cell

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Commercial Vehicle Size and Weight

Commercial Vehicle Size and Weight Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
A Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits StudyRefer to Map-21 Addendum Section 32801 Stephen Clinger October 2014 Publication — Technical
Compilation of Existing State Truck Size and Weight Limit LawsRefer to Map-21 Addendum Section 32802 Crystal Jones October 2014 Publication — Technical
Special Permits During National EmergenciesRefer to Map-21 Addendum Section 1511 John Berg Ongoing Research & Guidance
Pilot Car Escort Vehicle Driver Training and Certification — In response to the NTSB recommendation to FHWA for the I-5 Skagit River Bridge Collapse, this initiative will research and develop pilot car training materials and support harmonization among states through the development of a framework for a national certification program for pilot car drivers escorting loads moving on oversize/overweight state and local permits. The outcome of this work will improve safety on the national highways as well contribute to infrastructure preservation (e.g. bridge damage avoidance). John Berg October 2016 Publications
Best Practice in State Oversize/Overweight Permitting — This work will address the Government Accountability Office (GAO) final report, "Transportation Safety: Federal Highway Administration Should Conduct Research to Determine Best Practices in Permitting Oversize Vehicles," GA0-15-236. Activities will include a review on states’ oversize– and overweight-permitting practices, including automated vehicle routing and escort driver certification, to identify areas of best practice and share the results with states. This will be a new start next quarter in CY2016. John Berg November 2017 Publications
Virtual Weigh Station/e-Permitting, Universal Truck Identifier, WIM/NIST Handbook #44 Project and Damage Assessment Exchange — The Office of Operations has completed a number of research projects advancing the state-of-the-art in truck size and weight. The "Concept of Operations Plan" for the "Virtual Weigh Station/Electronic Permitting" (VWS/e-Permitting) project was completed in 2009. Several work products were produced in 2011 on this project: "Final Architecture for VWS/e-Permitting", a "Data Model", a "Best Practice Report" and a "Business Case for VWS/e-Permitting" were all completed this past year. A "Concept of Operations and Research Findings on Universal Electronic Truck Identifier Report" was completed in 2011. These two projects have been integrated into work being conducted under the Smart Roadside Project supported through DOT's ITS Strategic Research Program. Work continues on integrating Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) technology into NIST's Handbook #44, a project designed to support using mainline WIM devices for truck weight screening and enforcement decision support. The Work Group for the project was convened in 2011 and a Work Group Chairman elected. Language to be used in amending Handbook #44 is currently in development. It is anticipated that the amendment material will be completed and submitted to the national Conference on Weights and Measures for their Annual Meeting in July, 2013. The Pavement Damage Assessment Tool (PaveDAT) was completed in 2010. The tool was developed with technical support provided by pavement experts in FHWA’s Office of Infrastructure and Turner Fairbank's Highway Research Center. Beta testing was completed by a few states and the Tool has recently been supported through on-site training. Strategies for deployment of PaveDAT are currently being developed. Stephen Clinger Ongoing Publication — Technical

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Congestion Pricing

Congestion Pricing Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Urban Partnership/Congestion Reduction Demonstration (UPA / CRD) Programs — At this time, all of the Urban Partnership and Congestion Reduction projects awarded funding by the DOT have been deployed. A national evaluation team is now assessing the effects of congestion-reduction strategies in each urban area. The final evaluation report for Minnesota has been completed and will be available on-line in March 2013. The national evaluation cross cutting report will be finalized in December 2015. The related UPA/CRD project reports for Seattle, Atlanta and Los Angeles will also be completed within the same time frame. Wayne Berman All reports completed. Project being closed out. Empty Cell
Value Pricing Pilot Program — Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) Quarterly Report: Each quarter, projects authorized under the Value Pricing Pilot Program are updated to provide the most current VPP program information on pre-implementation studies as well as projects that have been implemented. Angela Jacobs Ongoing Outreach Program
Congestion Pricing Outreach — The new Congestion Pricing Web site is up and running. Continue ninety-minute webinars designed to support State and local governments interested in overcoming the challenges of congestion pricing. Angela Jacobs New website up and running Quarterly Webinars
Pay-as-you-drive Insurance (PAYD) — The Brookings Institution estimates that this important strategy would spur an 8 percent voluntary reduction in driving, yielding $50-60 billion in net social benefits. This effort will support researchers and practitioners with knowledge in actuarial and driver behavior research in the development of pricing models to offer such insurance. A company that improves the fit of its pricing models (defined by how well prices match actual risks for payout of claims) can offer more competitive rates that vary substantially based on mileage and can also bolster its profitability. The products developed from this effort will not only help companies’ price PAYD insurance, but they will also provide the needed analytical support to facilitate state regulatory approval of such insurance. Allen Greenberg 2016 Publication

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Freight Data and Analysis

Freight Data and Analysis Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) — Initial products based on version 4 of the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF4) are now available. FAF4 utilizes data from the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey and other sources. FAF4 maps have not yet been released. Comprehensive data sets and maps for FAF3.4, based on the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey, are available. Data available includes estimates of freight tonnage and value by commodity type, mode, origin, and destination for 2007, 2009, and 2015– 2040 in 5 year increments. Maps available include national, State, and regional freight maps, including highway-based freight flows for 2007 and estimates for 2040. Work is being completed on an assessment of data quality for national estimates, evaluate models used to disaggregate regional flows to smaller geography, evaluating network assignment techniques, and establishing error estimates for FAF3 regional and network databases. Stephen Clinger Ongoing Publication — Technical
National Freight Network — Refer to MAP-21 Addendum Section 1115 The 27,000 mile Highway-Only Primary Freight Network, required by MAP-21, was recently completed and released. The network reflects consideration of Congress’ criteria and is not fully interconnected. Stephen Clinger Completed October 2015 Policy or Regulatory Action
Freight & Economics — Training being developed to provide information on the links between freight transportation and the economy and freight transportation cost/benefit analysis. Stephen Clinger Ongoing Empty Cell
Freight Quick Facts Report — The Freight Quick Facts Report will present a cohesive and compelling freight story that is strongly supported by current freight facts and data. The report will focus on timely and emerging issues in freight that will likely be of interest to future readers. The report will also provide an overview of all major aspects of freight transportation by relying on quantitative analysis of multimodal freight data sets, highlighting key trends, conditions, issues, and implications for the US, now and in the future. Stephen Clinger June 2016 Empty Cell
Situational Awareness Briefs — Quarterly Freight Situational Awareness Briefs on emergent freight topics as publications that can assist State, regional and local government officials understanding of freight and goods movement in the US. The briefs will provide concise timely and relevant information and analysis to public sector transportation officials. Two briefs have been published to date: Unanticipated Surges in Freight Movements; and Omni-Channel Retailing. Stephen Clinger June 2017 Empty Cell

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Freight Infrastructure

Freight Infrastructure Web Site:

Freight Infrastructure Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
State Freight Advisory CommitteesRefer to MAP-21 Addendum Section 1117 Tiffany Julien Empty Cell Publication — Guidance
State Freight PlansRefer to MAP-21 Addendum Section 1118 Tiffany Julien Empty Cell Publication — Guidance
Jason's Law Truck Parking StudyRefer to Map-21 Addendum Section 1401 (Truck Parking Facilities Program). The Survey results from the study were released in August 2015, and identified both parking shortage types and locations based on truck volumes. A National Coalition on Truck Parking is in the process of being formed; its first meeting will be held in November 2015. Regional meetings will be held in 2016. Stephen Clinger Completed August 2015 Working group(s)
Prioritization of Projects to Improve Freight MovementRefer to MAP-21 Addendum Section 1116 Tiffany Julien Empty Cell Empty Cell
Projects of National and Regional SignificanceRefer to MAP-21 Addendum Section 1120 Tamiko Burnell Ongoing Empty Cell
Freight Intermodal Connectors Study — FHWA began a study to provide a comprehensive understanding of the condition and performance of a representative sample of the National Highway System (NHS) freight intermodal connectors. This study is designed to be a resource to State and local partners. Information in the study can be used to inform the freight planning process and freight investment decisions. Tiffany Julien Late 2015-Early 2016 Publication
TIGER Discretionary Grant Program — TIGER Discretionary Grant program provides funding for surface transportation infrastructure via a competitive process. The first round of awards was announced in February 2010, the second round in October 2010, the third round in December 2011, the fourth round in June 2012, the fifth round in September 2013, the sixth round in September 2014 and the seventh round in October 2015. FHWA is currently administering/implementing 193 TIGER projects with a value of $2.18B. Information is available at: Crystal Jones Ongoing Empty Cell

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Freight Operations and Technology

Freight Operations and Technology Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Border Technology — The Office of Freight Management and Operations (HOFM) is leading or participating in several projects that utilize technology to measure and disseminate border wait times and delays. In FY 16 through the Technology and Innovation Deployment Assistance program, FHWA will select up to six deployments of technology to measure border wait time and delay at selected border crossings. The focus of this initiative is for the 20 crossings identified in the Beyond the Border action plan between the US and Canada. The technology deployment goals for this initiative are to automate the collection of timely and accurate data regarding the amount of time that border users wait to cross, which is crucial to creating a more reliable border crossing experience. Crystal Jones / Tiffany Julien Ongoing Partnership / Coalition
Off Hours Delivery Pilot Project — FHWA in partnership with the EPA are researching and demonstrating the efficacy of implementing off-hours goods movement and delivery programs in small to medium size urban areas with emerging or growing congestion problems. Moving trucks to off hours is seen as a cost efficient method of reducing congestion, improving freight flows, and has positive impacts on air quality, environmental justice, sustainability and livability of a city or urban area. FHWA is making grants to cities or regions to implement pilot projects, and is developing basic decision support tools and publications for entities interested in implementing a similar program. A RFP for the pilot project was released in mid-2015. Tamiko Burnell December 2016 Software or Other Technical Resource

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Freight Professional Development (FPD)

Access Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Posting Freight Peer-to-Peer Reports on the Web Site — The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program is part of the ongoing Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Freight Professional Development (FPD) Program. P2P facilitates information sharing between public sector freight transportation professionals and provides technical assistance on an as-needed basis. By providing an opportunity for public sector Staff and Leaders to learn from their peers, the P2P Program identifies and expands state and regional noteworthy practices in the freight transportation field and builds relationships, understanding, and cooperation among key stakeholders. The Freight Peer-to-Peer program now requires the peers to provide a report after the peer exchange. These reports are reviewed and edited for posting on the Office of Freight Management and Operations Web site for other State DOT's and MPO's to use. It is a mechanism for sharing information Tamiko Burnell Ongoing Publication — Education

Engaging the Private Sector in Freight Planning — This one-day workshop has been revised with updated content and case study examples and focuses on developing and sustaining relationships, either formally or informally, with key private-sector stakeholders. It reviews strategies and techniques to initiate private-public sector cooperation, identifies key private-sector stakeholders, and suggests ways to improve and sustain communication. Successful approaches employed at several State DOTs and MPOs are discussed. Target Audience Staff from State DOTs, MPOs, local jurisdictions, and economic development agencies. By the end of training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the value that private sector freight stakeholders can add to the planning process
  • Apply tools/resources for identifying freight stakeholders
  • Construct an action plan for engaging freight stakeholders in their agencies'
Tiffany Julien Ongoing Training — Classroom
Freight and Land Use Handbook and Workshop — This handbook and workshop provide public and private-sector stakeholders with the tools and resources to assess the impacts of land use decisions on freight movement, and the impacts of freight development and growth on land use planning goals. Chip Millard Ongoing Publication — Technical
Talking Freight — These monthly seminars provide a convenient and no-cost way for transportation professionals to learn about the latest trends, issues, tools, and noteworthy practices in freight transportation. Through the use of Web conferencing, participants can view the speaker’s presentation on their personal computer and hear the audio portion of the presentation by dialing into the assigned teleconference number. Visit the Talking Freight Web site at to register for a seminar, get details about upcoming topics, or listen to past seminars. Chip Millard Ongoing Webinar — External

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Operations and Freight Performance Measurement and Management

Operations and Freight Performance Measurement and Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Freight Performance Measures — The Office of Freight Management & Operations (HOFM) has secured truck probe data for use by DOT, State DOTs and MPOs for measuring travel time on the National Highway System and other key locations. This data will be provided as average travel times every 5 minutes for each segment of the NHS. A Web tool is available at that provides our state and local partners access to historical speed data that is collected for the 25 interstate highways. Rich Taylor Ongoing Software or Other Technical Resource
Quarterly Urban Congestion Reporting — The Office of Transportation Management (HOTM) uses the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) to develop performance measures for the 52 largest urban areas in the US. The report is available quarterly and provides congestion trend data for FHWA Leadership and the public. A congestion trends report is developed each year that explains congestion trends for that year. The 2014 Urban Congestion Trends report was available in April 2015. Rich Taylor Ongoing Empty Cell

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Organizing and Planning for Operations

Organizing and Planning for Operations Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Benefit Cost for Management and Tool for Operations Benefit/Cost (TOPS-BC) Decision Support Tool, Desk Reference, and Workshops — This is a long term project to develop and support better sketch planning level decision support tools allowing users to research and conduct high level benefit-cost (BC) analysis. The tool, supported by the desk reference and workshops provide a comprehensive approach to improving the skills of State, regional, and local agencies to conduct benefit-cost analyses for management and operations projects. Jim Hunt Ongoing Software, Desk Reference, Info Briefs, and Workshops
Active Traffic Management and 5 Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Business Process Capability Maturity Frameworks (CMF) — This project will create a capability maturity model for traffic management (including Active Traffic Management), Traffic Signal Management, Special Event Management, Traffic Incident Management, Work Zone Management and Road Weather Management that builds upon the AASHTO Operations Capability Model and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) 2 L06 results. The CMFs will assist agencies in assessing traffic management tools and practices, and provide a roadmap for evolving towards increasing levels of active and proactive system management. Once completed, share the results of the CMFs by posting the tools on the FHWA Web site and through on-site workshops. Jim Hunt June 2016 Framework Tools and Workshops
TSMO Desk Reference — This project will create a desk reference and supporting workshops on TSMO planning that integrates the objectives-driven performance-based Planning for Operations approach for subareas, corridors, and networks. Key HOP program areas (e.g. planning and organizing, BC, analysis methods, and system engineering) will be integrated into this desk reference to advance TSMO. Wayne Berman September 2016 Desk Reference and Workshops
Scenario Planning for Operations — This project will develop content and support materials on Scenario Planning for Operations. Conduct a pilot and two to four workshops. Joint funded with FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Real Estate Services (HEP). This project begins to apply new and widely used scenario planning techniques to operations and supports new MAP-21 planning requirements. Wayne Berman April 2016 Desk Reference and Workshops
Use of Archive Data for Planning for Operations — This project will develop a primer on how planners can use archived operations data for long and short range planning. This project will identify good practices, lessons, learned, and next steps to help planners better utilize available archived operations data. Wayne Berman June 2016 Primer, Workshops
Sketch Tools to Support Planning for Operations — This project will update sketch planning methods to estimate the impacts of operational and demand strategies for planning and operations. Sketch planning methods will span data, scenario tools, and working with model outputs. The outcomes of the project will leverage data in the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) to support performance-based assessments of operating conditions and improvements. The second phase will develop methods to empirically measure a full range of baseline operating conditions, measure conditions following the implementation of operational improvement strategies, and impute the benefits of such strategies and actions in other settings. Doug Laird September 2017 documents and workshops
Planning for Operations and Innovative Analysis Tools Workshops — This project will conduct a series of workshops to reflect new methods, emerging practices, and align the material with MAP-21 initiatives and program emphasis areas, all to advance the Planning for Operations program concepts. Wayne Berman / Ralph Volpe / Doug Laird Empty Cell Empty Cell

SHRP2 Organizing for Reliability — SHRP 2 Organizing for reliability involves a suite of SHRP2 products that provide an approach for States/MPO to develop a more effective and sustained operations programs. Using a facilitated workshop setting, the process brings together key State DOT staff, external partners and stakeholders to conduct a self-assessment of current and desired capabilities for:

  • Planning, programming and budgeting
  • Technology
  • Use of performance measures
  • Agency culture
  • Organizational structure and workforce
  • Collaboration with external partners

The self-assessment process compares the current agency approach against a set of manageable incremental benchmarks for improvement as evidenced by current best practice from around the country. At the conclusion of the workshop a framework with several potential short term and long term strategies is developed. The framework is further used through more targeted and robust discussions to develop an implementation plan with specific actionable steps, priorities and timelines.

Joe Gregory Ongoing Workshop, Technical Assistance

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Real-Time Transportation Information

Real-Time Transportation Information Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) / 511 Guidance, Lessons Learned and Technical Assistance Jimmy Chu Ongoing Outreach Program
Real-Time System Management Information Program — SAFETEA-LU Section 1201 requires Real-Time System Management Information Program in all States; Final Rule in November 2010 codified requirements as 23 CFR Part 511; compliance on all Interstates by November 2014 and on all State-selected routes-of-significance in major metro areas by November 2016; more information on web site at: Robert Rupert November 2016 Policy / Regulatory Action
Travel Times on Dynamic Message Signs — Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) are one of the tools used by Transportation Management Centers (TMC) to inform motorists of any incidents that occurs on the highways. To this date, 46 of the top 52 metropolitan areas have displayed travel time messages on their DMS during non-incident periods. Because motorists enjoy seeing travel times on these signs, TMCs are starting to display this information more frequently, and many more are planning to implement this program. FHWA encourages all TMCs to post travel time messages on DMS during non-incident periods. Information on guidance, action memorandums and best practices on the topic of "Travel Time Messages on Dynamic Message Signs" are available at Jimmy Chu Ongoing Outreach Program
Real Time Traveler Information — Proactively ensure that real-time travel condition information is available to urban and rural travelers in every state. Update & provide a data exchange format specification ( and guidance ( for real-time information. Robert Rupert October 2013 Publication — Guidance

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Road Weather Management

Road Weather Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Mobile Data for WRTM Systems — The Road Weather Management Program (RWMP) completed three WRTM projects in Michigan, South Dakota and Wyoming to develop advanced WRTM strategies that utilize road weather data from mobile observations. Existing traveler information and traffic management systems have been enhanced by information received from vehicles and integrated with other weather and traffic data. Reports will be published in 2015. Roemer Alfelor December 2015 Empty CellPublication — Technical
Climate Change/Sustainability: Operational Adaptation Guide — A guide that provides information and resources to help department of transportation management, operations, and maintenance staff incorporate climate change into their planning and ongoing activities. The guide assists State DOTs and other transportation agencies in understanding the risks that climate change poses and actions that can help reduce those risks. Additional work is underway to address some of the knowledge gaps pertaining to climate change, operations and maintenance that were identified in the development of this guide. Laurie Radow / Paul Pisano December 2015 Publication — Technical
Regional Assessment of Weather Impacts on Freight — This project is the second phase of a previous study to develop high level estimates of the costs incurred from weather-related delays to the US commercial trucking industry. The study will result in weather delay indices for freight under various traffic and weather conditions that can be used to analyze and evaluate various road weather management strategies. Paul Pisano April 2016 Publication — Technical
Pavement Friction Characterization — The Road Weather Management Program engaged the Virginia Transportation Technical Institute to conduct a study at the Smart Roads Testbed to ascertain whether pavement friction could be inferred from differential wheel micro-slippage measurements obtained from the vehicles intrinsic systems (wheel pulse counts.) Gabriel Guevara May 2016 Software or other Technical Resource
Benefit/Cost Analysis (BCA) of Road Weather Management — A compendium of Road Weather Management (RWM) Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) examples was recently published. The compendium includes 16 case studies of BCA applied to a variety of advisory, control and treatment strategies during weather events. Additional case studies will be made and three technical briefs on RWM BCA will be developed and published. Roemer Alfelor July 2016 Publication — Technical Guidance
Weather Data Environment (WxDE) — Under the ITS Connected Vehicle program, there is the recognized need for comprehensive and extensive capture and management of multiple types of data, especially from vehicles, in order to support the full breadth of Connected Vehicle applications. The objective of this effort is to develop a system that integrates, quality checks and disseminates both fixed and mobile road weather data, and makes that data available to others. Gabriel Guevara August 2016 Software or other Technical Resource
The Road Weather Management Program and the Connected Vehicle — A project is underway to develop and demonstrate a Prototype tool that uses Connected Vehicle data for evaluating the performance of road weather management systems. The tool will use mobile traffic and road-weather observations in evaluating how well transportation agencies are performing weather-related traffic management and maintenance activities. The prototype tool will be tested in Minnesota this winter season. Gabriel Guevara August 2016 Software or other Technical Resource
CAMP- Road Weather Management Program Task — The Road Weather Management Program engaged the CAMP consortium to cooperatively identify a weather-related project of mutual interest and, on the first phase of the project, develop a ConOps for it. Design, development, and testing of the project/application would happen on a later phase, depending on funding. During the first phase, CAMP will support the Weather Program in obtaining CAN-bus data. Gabriel Guevara October 2016 Software or other Technical Resource
Web-based Training Courses on Road Weather Management (RWM) — Three blended web-based courses on RWM are available through the University of Maryland CITE (Consortium for ITS Training and Education) Program. A certificate in RWM is also being offered. Each course is scheduled for delivery in 2015 and 2016. Roemer Alfelor December 2016 Training — On-Line
Road Weather Observations (MADIS) — Almost all states have installed and continue to use sensors along roads to measure weather and road conditions. Efforts to integrate, quality check and disseminate these observations continue. State DOTs are encouraged to share their observations with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) via their Meteorological Data Ingest System (MADIS). FHWA works very closely with NOAA to transition from the Clarus System to MADIS. Paul Pisano December 2016 Software or other technical Resource

Publication — Technical
Integrated Mobile Observations (IMO) Project — The Road Weather Management Program and the ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) have been working with Michigan, Minnesota, and Nevada DOTs IMO project to incorporate the data from their fleets into the Pikalert and the Weather Data Environment. The data are being used as input to road weather applications developed by the states. Gabriel Guevara March 2017 Software or other Technical Resource
Integrated Road Condition Modeling and Prediction System — A project is underway to develop a comprehensive travel conditions prediction tool that incorporates transportation and non-transportation data, deterministic and probabilistic data, and measured and reported data. The model ultimately provide a practical tool for State DOTs to support traveler advisories, maintenance, and traffic management decisions at both strategic and tactical levels. Gabriel Guevara September 2017 Software or other Technical Resource
Deployment of Capability Maturity Framework (CMF) for Road Weather Management — A model and framework for evaluating capabilities for road weather management was recently developed, validated and implemented in -three State DOT's (Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming). In addition to helping agencies assess their capabilities, the model identifies strategies or actions to raise those levels. This task will promote and deploy the Road Weather CMF model and electronic tool to at least 10 agencies in the country. Roemer Alfelor October 2017 Publication and Software or other Technical Resource
Guidance for Deploying Connected Vehicle Enabled Weather Responsive Traffic Management (WRTM) — This new project will review existing technologies and practices in collecting and using road weather observations including Connected Vehicle (CV) data for WRTM, review and evaluate the effectiveness of road weather messages, and develop and implement guidance for CV-enabled WRTM by transportation agencies. Roemer Alfelor December 2017 Publication — Guidance Technical
Strengthening the Collaboration between Transportation Agencies and the Weather Enterprise (Pathfinder project) — Information-sharing models between State DOTs, their private sector weather providers and the National Weather Service have been documented to ensure that road users receive consistent and non-conflicting information about weather and road conditions. Four states along the I-80 corridor from California to Wyoming have captured their day-to-day practices, which will then be turned into guidance on ideal coordination and collaboration. Paul Pisano April 2018 Publication — Guidance

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Traffic Analysis Tools

Traffic Analysis Tools Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Workshops on Highway Capacity Manual Analysis of Operational Strategies Under Varying Capacity and Demand Conditions; A Foundation for ATDM Analysis — Perform outreach to practitioner community on Highway Capacity Manual-Active Transportation and Demand Management (HCM-ATDM) methodologies. Workshops are being conducted to advance the methodology and help State and local managers conduct better analyses for management and operations projects. In addition, the workshops are being used to obtain peer evaluation and assessment that will be essential in validating and improving the methodology for eventual consideration by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service (AHB40). Jim Hunt Completed Workshop

Workshop on Foundations of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) — A FHWA sponsored workshop providing participants with a solid grounding in the fundamentals of conducting traffic analyses using DTA techniques, knowledge on the appropriate use of DTA, and an understanding of both strengths and weaknesses inherent in DTA analyses.

The workshop has a day and a half format featuring lecture and interactive pen-and-paper class exercise elements. Hands-on computer exercises are NOT an element of the workshop. The workshop is intended to provide participants with the background to make informed decisions regarding the value and challenges of DTA analyses using a broad range of simulation tools. The target audience for the workshop is transportation and community planners within MPOs and local, county and state organizations, transportation engineers, traffic analysts and consultants.

John Halkias Ongoing Workshop
Update to Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software — This project will update the Guidelines in the Traffic Analysis Toolbox for microsimulation to include better calibration and validation techniques, and to incorporate new guidance on the use of simulation. Introducing Cluster Analysis into the process. John Halkias Spring 2016 Publication — Guidance
Tools for Tactical Decision Making and Advancing Methods for Predicting Performance — The objective of this study is to analyze the approaches and requirements for forecasting transportation conditions and predicting system performance to support real-time performance-based management. The concept is for the TMCs to have a comprehensive view of the transportation system in real time and use that view to predict how the system will behave (i.e., the performance of the transportation system) within, say, the next 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour. If the predicted performance over that time doesn't meet the desired performance target, the TMC operator/manager can pro-actively implement operational strategies/solutions or actions to influence and alter the future performance in a favorable manner to align with the performance objectives/goals. These actions may include providing real-time information about the predicted conditions to travelers, implementing operational strategies such as congestion pricing, parking information/restrictions, hard shoulder use, speed harmonization, ramp metering and control, optimizing traffic signal timing, changing transit frequency, adjusting the mix of transit services, etc. John Halkias Spring 2016 Publication — Guidance, Methodology, Tools

ATDM/DMA Simulation Test Bed — The Objective of this study is to create a framework that will allow agencies to evaluate the impacts of implementing Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) concepts and strategies (dynamic management of the entire trip chain) in their regions. To quantify the general benefits of ATDM and other Operations initiatives for incorporation into our program products (workshops, presentations, guidance documents, etc.). To validate and improve other analytical tools being used today to create the foundation for a more proactive, integrated, performance-driven approach to operations.

To enable robust impacts assessment of DMA bundles to support future field demonstrations.

An AMS Testbed as envisioned here is a modeling framework - and the framework here is a blueprint or high-level design that gives directions on how the Testbed should be constructed. The Testbed will be able to replicate the effects of public agencies in a region implementing ATDM and DMA concepts and strategies. Once developed, this framework will be implemented in a laboratory setting (or a controlled environment) in that the modeling conducted will not be directly connected to the systems, algorithms, or TMC operators that make real-time traffic management decisions. However, it is the intent to make the Testbed as based in reality as possible by modeling an actual metro region’s transportation system - including the road, transit, and parking networks, the transportation demand of vehicles and transit modes, and possibly other modes, and also modeling the impacts of applying ATDM concepts and DMA bundles (such as INFLO and EnableATIS) under different operational conditions (like bad weather or incidents).

James Colyar Fall 2016 Research, Guidance
Data Analysis Guide — Develop a Guide on data requirements for traffic analysis; how to conduct an experiment design before data is collected, how much data to collect, summarizing and analyzing data (preparing data for analysis),capturing variability and uncertainty in data before conducting analyses, data for calibrating and validating tools, etc. John Halkias Summer 2016 Publication — Guidance
Traffic Analysis Tools Scoping Guide — Develop a Guide to help traffic engineers/managers effectively coordinate the analysis effort to ensure a cost-effective outcome to the study. The primary component of an effective management plan is the study scope, which defines the objectives, breadth, approach, tools, resources, and time schedule for the study. This study will capture the key components of an overall management plan for achieving a cost-effective analysis. John Halkias Summer 2016 Publication — Guidance
Transportation System Simulation Manual — The objective of this effort is to create a first Simulation Manual for the evaluation of transportation systems that delivers to the users the concepts, guidelines, and procedures of simulation modeling. This project will develop a draft framework of the manual. The ultimate goal of the manual itself is that it will address at a minimum: the differing scales of modeling; integration of models; model inputs and data formats; data summary and analysis; data storage and model reuse; calibration/validation of simulation; alternative analysis; post processing of model data and interpretation. John Halkias Spring 2016 Publication — Guidance
ATDM Application of Tools for Tactical and Strategic Decision Making — The primary purpose of this task order is to help fill a gap in understanding traveler decision making, which is critical to the success of ATDM applications. A better fundamental understanding of driver behavior decisions and responses will lead to more effective and successful ATDM deployments that will in turn lead to more impactful benefits in mobility, safety, and the environment, particularly when needed most during non-recurring conditions. The objectives of this task order are to: better understand traveler strategic and tactical decisionmaking, understand the motivation(s) behind traveler behaviors and decisions, develop approaches to overcome resistance to change, and enable the findings to be incorporated into ATDM guidance and outreach materials, as well as into Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) tools. This project will develop a multiobjective Framework for tradeoff analysis. The Framework will contain the concept, high-level functional requirements, and the structure so that it can be used for future tool development. John Halkias Summer 2014 Research, Guidance

SHARP 2, L04 — Reliability in Simulation Models — This project will implement the L04 methodology in two new locations, Portland and Phoenix. The objectives of this project are to:

  1. Assist public agencies such as State departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other public sector stakeholders in moving reliability into their business practices through the piloting of the SHRP 2 L04 products in the two sites.
  2. 2Provide feedback to FHWA on the applicability and usefulness (benefits and value) of the products piloted and lessons learned. Suggest potential refinements and approaches for implementation in other agencies.
John Halkias Summer 2016 Research, Guidance, Reliability Analysis Framework

L38- Reliability Data and Analysis Tools (L02/L05/L07/L08/C11) — This project is implementing part to this entire bundle in the states of Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee and Washington.

To improve travel-time reliability, transportation agencies need data monitoring, analysis, and planning tools to understand fluctuations in traffic and to identify effective strategies to reduce the variable and uncertain travel times caused by recurring and nonrecurring congestion. Traditionally, analysis tools have focused on average conditions and not the range of travel times and how they vary over time in response to various traffic, roadway, and weather conditions.

These tools help transportation agencies better identify and implement strategies to reduce the variability and uncertainty of travel times for commuters and other travelers as well as the freight industry.

John Halkias Summer 2016 Research, Guidance, Reliability Analysis Framework
ATDM Trajectory-Level Validation — The objectives of the project are to collect trajectory level data, develop a process and/or tool for enabling trajectory level AMS tool validation, and making the process/tool publicly available for use by others. James Colyar Summer 2016 Research, Guidance, Tool
Using Empirical Data for Project Post-Deployment Evaluation — Develop methods/techniques for post-deployment evaluation of operational improvements using empirical data. This project will start with the development of an appropriate Experiment Design and data capture so that meaningful benefits could be extracted. A well-planned experiment design should insure that any observable improvement in performance is due to a deployment and not by any other factors that may be present at the same time. It should discount as many effects by confounding factors as possible. When other outside factor are allowed to contribute or contaminate the effect observed, they become threats to the validity of effectiveness evaluations. These are internal threats and are very susceptible to the experiment design. They impede with the researcher’s ability to draw valid conclusions concerning the effectiveness of operational improvements that have been deployed. A well-planned experimental design should also insure that the inferences made from the evaluation using a sample can be generalized to cover the population. The threats to this generalization are external threats to the validity of the evaluation. These threats are the cause of inappropriate sampling techniques and are less affected by the experiment design chosen. John Halkias Fall 2016 Publication — Guidance
ATDM Analytical Methods for Urban Streets — This is a continuation of the ATDM methods that were developed and incorporated into the HCM Chapter 35 for Freeways but now looking into Urban Streets and the integration of Freeways and Urban Streets as a network (possibly spread over two years). John Halkias Fall 2016 Publication — Guidance
Develop Methods for Summarizing and Analyzing Data to Support Transportation Operations Decision-Making — Develop technology that finds regional patterns, trends, etc. and distills meaning from massive, diverse data sets. There is a need to make sense of the plethora of new data – develop technology that finds regional patterns, profiles, trends, etc. and extracts meaning from these massive, diverse data sets (i.e., processing, summarizing, analyzing and integrating this data for the appropriate applications). The goals of this project are to provide a guide on how to collect, store, manage, mine, analyze, and interpret "Big Data" to create valuable intelligence, to support the decisionmaking process. A Framework/Process will be developed that starts with the raw data and ends with Knowledge Discovery. John Halkias Fall 2016 Publication — Guidance

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Traffic Control (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD))

Traffic Control (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)) Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Update of Standard Highway Signs and Markings Publication — The Standard Highway Signs (SHS) and Markings publication provides dimensioned fabrication details for agencies and vendors to produce the signs and markings. The team is updating this publication to add the new and modified signs adopted in the 2009 MUTCD. A Supplement to the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs containing 425 of the new sign designs was issued in March 2012. Further development of a new 2013 SHS edition that will include revised and expanded sign design guidelines has been deferred. Work on the new edition is expected to resume in 2016. Kevin Sylvester Update Completed / Expanded 2013 Edition ongoing Deferred Empty Cell
Sign and Pavement Markings Retroreflectivity Rulemaking — A Notice of Proposed Amendments for pavement marking retroreflectivity was published in the Federal Register by the Office of Safety in April 2010. The amendments were proposed as a revision to the 2009 MUTCD. The docket comment period ended August 20, 2010, and comments are being evaluated. A decision on whether to issue a Supplemental Notice of Amendments or a Final Rule has been deferred. David Kirschner Deferred; long-term rulemaking activity Empty Cell

Traffic Control Devices Pooled-Fund Study — The experimentation process has been used by jurisdictions for on-road testing and evaluation of innovative traffic control devices. FHWA has established a pooled-fund study for traffic control devices that is intended to provide a quicker way to assess low-risk new traffic control devices and applications. Nineteen States, 3 FHWA Offices, and an association have become members of the pooled-fund, which has completed a variety of projects (many results from which were incorporated into the 2009 MUTCD and more will be considered for the next edition). Three new projects have been selected for FY-14:

  • Guide Sign Design
  • Line Markings for Lane Reduction
  • Enterprise PFS Sign Legends and Placement
Kevin Sylvester Ongoing Empty Cell
MUTCD Strategic Planning Initiative — The Office of Operations has identified the need for a strategic long term plan for the MUTCD that would define a strategic direction for the MUTCD's future scope, content, and format. Consensus answers to longstanding questions, such as what things are or are not traffic control devices and thus are regulated or not regulated by the MUTCD, need to be developed to guide future decision making. The NCUTCD has taken a leadership role in developing a 20-year vision, prepared under an NCHRP project and adopted at the NCUTCD’s January 2015 meeting. The MUTCD Team is currently preparing a Request for Comments (RFC) to solicit feedback from the public on specific items related to the future of the MUTCD. The RFC is expected to be published in November 2015, with comments due in January 2016. Kevin Sylvester Ongoing Empty Cell
Streamlining/Reformatting the MUTCD — In response to concerns from the user community over the growing size and complexity of the MUTCD, the FHWA is planning on streamlining the MUTCD to facilitate more practicable navigation and application by the user. On January 11, 2013, the FHWA published a Request for Comments (Docket ID: FHWA-2012-0118) soliciting input on the option of splitting the material in the MUTCD into two separate documents in the interest of providing a simpler, streamlined MUTCD that would be easier to use, and if it is split, what are some of the potential formats for doing so. Input from the user community showed little support for this concept, but expressed a preference for improving the usability of the MUTCD instead. The results from the Request for Comments will be considered along with information from the MUTCD Strategic Planning Initiative to guide development of the next edition of the MUTCD. Kevin Sylvester Ongoing Empty Cell
Next Edition of the MUTCD — The MUTCD needs to be periodically updated to address constantly evolving practices, new research results, and advancing technologies. A Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA) for a new edition of the MUTCD is currently under development. It is not known at this time when the NPA will be published due to other rulemaking priorities by the Federal government. Kevin Sylvester Ongoing Empty Cell
Official Rulings Database on the MUTCD Web Site — The MUTCD team at FHWA developed a database of the official rulings that have been made regarding the MUTCD. The official rulings that have been placed in the database include requests by agencies to experiment with innovative traffic control devices or applications, requests by persons or agencies outside of FHWA for changes to the MUTCD, and requests by persons or agencies outside of FHWA for interpretations of the provisions of the MUTCD. The searchable/sortable database was placed on the MUTCD Web site in June 2011 — Note that we are still in the process of adding as much information as is available about each request, and some of the official requests have not yet been added to this resource. Bruce Friedman Completed/ Data Input Ongoing Empty Cell
MUTCD Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program — This ongoing program is available to public sector agencies that need assistance with implementing the provisions of the MUTCD. The program matches a knowledgeable volunteer with the requester. David Kirschner Ongoing Empty Cell

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Traffic Incident and Events Management

Traffic Incident and Events Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Debris Removal from Roads during Emergency Operations — In response to the impact of Hurricane Ike on Galveston and the complexity of debris removal of road during Traffic Incident Management (TIM) and disaster operations, the Emergency Transportation Operations Team will participate on a new National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) panel (20-59[37]) to develop a Debris Management Handbook for State and Local DOTs Debris Clearance. Kimberly Vásconez Began in Fiscal Year 2011 and ongoing: End Fiscal Year 2013 (Project Delayed) Publication — Guidance
The Emergency Transportation Operations Team will participate on a new NCHRP panel (20-59[36]) to develop a Catastrophic Transportation Emergency Management Guidebook. Laurie Radow Started Fiscal Year 2011 Publication — Guidance
The Emergency Transportation Operations Team will participate on a new NCHRP panel (20-59[38]) to address Voice and Data Interoperability for Transportation. Laurie Radow Started Fiscal Year 2010 Empty Cell
The Emergency Transportation Operations Team will participate on a new NCHRP panel (20-59[39]) to address Synthesis of Airport Closings and Emergency Evacuation Problems. Kimberly Vásconez Started Fiscal Year 2012 Empty Cell
Evacuation follow-up to Congressional Evacuation Study Laurie Radow / Kimberly Vásconez Based on Congressional  Study in Fiscal Year 2012 Institutional Development — Research — Capacity Building
Finalize the Debris Clearance Handbook Kimberly Vásconez December 2013 Research
Managing Travel for Special Events NHI-133099 Laurel Radow Ongoing Training — Classroom
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Practitioner Workshops and TIM Outreach Visits — FHWA will conduct TIM Practitioner Workshops in the top 40 metro areas over the next three years to ensure that best practices are relayed to practitioners in an effort to improve TIM operations. In Fiscal Year 2010, Workshops have been or will be conducted in: National Capital Region*; Greensboro & Charlotte, NC*, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio & Austin, TX*, Portland, OR*, Memphis, TN, Chicago, Detroit, MI, and Boston. (* indicate Opportunity States and highlighted and underlined means already conducted). An outreach team will meet with senior officials from the mayor's office, the law enforcement and fire departments and the DOTs to discuss the importance of performance measurements and safe, quick clearance. (See entry below) Paul Jodoin Completed Top 40 and conducted 48 to date; will conduct up to 8/year the next 5 years Empty CellWorkshop
TIM Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program — Due to the high level of interest in P2P collaboration in the Traffic Incident Management & Planned Special Events (TIM/PSE) areas, FHWA established a new TIM/PSE P2P program in 2010 FHWA coordinates an average of 4 exchanges each fiscal year. The program is patterned after the Work Zone P2P program. Promotional materials developed and printed. Kimberly Vásconez / Laurel Radow Ongoing Partnership/Coalition
TIM Webinar Series — FHWA will conduct 8 webinars to discuss various TI&EM topics in this current year. FY14 topics will be posted on the TI&EM Web site through the year. Themes include SHRP2 TIM Training; Traffic Management Center Contributions to TIM and PSEs; recent Peer-to-Peer sessions as webinar topics and others. FHWA also supports National TIM Network and ITE ETO Working Group webinars. Past Webinars included: "Integrating the TIM National Unified Goal (NUG) into TIM programs;" TIM Performance Measurements; integrating traffic management centers and Fusion Centers. Briefing materials are available from the program office. Webinars are archived and are available on-line. Kimberly Vásconez / Paul Jodoin / Laurel Radow Ongoing Webinar
Cost/Benefit Study on Full-Function Safety/Service Patrols (FFS/SPs) — In FY13, Office of Operations with Turner–Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) worked to expand the tool being developed to assess the costs and benefits of Safety Service Patrol operations to the assessment of various other TIM functions. Paul Jodoin / Kimberly Vásconez Fall 2014 – SSP Tool, Fall 2015 — Expanded Tool Empty Cell
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) or Related Communication System Integrated into Traffic Management Centers — FHWA conducted research with the Turner–Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) and produced case studies on integration of CAD and other law enforcement or fire dispatch and communications systems into the Traffic Management Centers/Traffic Operations Centers that demonstrate the benefit of such systems in reducing response time, lane closures, and the number of secondary crashes associated with incidents while improving real-time and ground-truth reporting. The final product is under review and should be available in early 2014. Kimberly Vásconez June 2013, Final to be available in 2014 Publication — Technical
TIM Knowledge Management System — FHWA developed, tested and launched the Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measurement Knowledge Management System to facilitate information sharing and communications among practitioners nationwide who are working on program performance measurement for TIM. It was expanded this year to encompass all TIM areas and new good practices, lessons learned, tools, reports and after-action reports were included in the expanded KMS. It will be further populated and will be integrated into the SHRP2 L17 Knowledge base being produced now. It will be used to house The Knowledge Management System, which may be accessed through the TI&EM Web site. Kimberly Vásconez Ongoing Software or Other Technical Resource
TIM Self-Assessment — Recurring. The Annual TIM Self-Assessment (SA) continues to be an effective tool for identifying opportunities and assessing the National and local TIM Programs. The SA reporting has been changed this year to reduce the size of the final report and "Fast Facts" based on the SA submittals provided to the all locations who have submitted the SA. Paul Jodoin FY 2013 Assessment Report due October 31, 2013  
TIM Post-Workshop Follow-up Effort — Traffic Incident and Events Management team will work with Divisions to periodically identify progress and needs of jurisdictions where the TIM workshops were conducted. Kimberly Vásconez Ongoing expected completed in 2013 Partnership/Coalition
National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC) — This organization will end its almost 10 year run while FHWA determines a more effective, structure that reaches senior leaders from key transportation, law enforcement and fire organizations while expanding the National TIM Network. FHWA established the National TIM Executive Leadership Group (ELG) and held its first meeting on December 12, 2012 and is funding the start-up of the National TIM Network. Kimberly Vásconez NTIMC Completed May 1 2013; ELG initiated December 12, 2012 with National TIM Network begun May 1, 2013 Partnership/Coalition
TIM Subcommittee, of the Highway Safety Committee, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) — FHWA is building a stronger relationship with the law enforcement community to ensure that traffic incidents are cleared quickly and safely by the three primary on-the-ground responders: law enforcement, transportation, and fire/rescue. FHWA is collaborating with the IACP to establish this TIM Subcommittee as a means to integrate its 4,000+ membership into developing, identifying and using good TIM practices. FHWA plans to partner with the IACP on Performance Measurement activities and Regional Law Enforcement-Transportation meetings in FY13. Paul Jodoin Ongoing Partnership/Coalition
Dispatcher Training Course — FHWA is developing a training course to prepare dispatchers at Transportation Management Centers, Traffic Operations Centers or Law Enforcement or Fire dispatch centers manage calls for Traffic Incident responses. Paul Jodoin To begin FY13; ; Product expected FY 2015 Training

SHRP2 Traffic Incident Responder Training Program — The SHRP2 L12 project, Improving Traffic Incident Scene Management, now referred to as the National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training, provides a significant move forward in developing a coordinated, multi-discipline training program for all emergency responders and those supporting TIM operations. The accelerated delivery of this key, foundational course to all TIM responders was adopted as an Every Day Counts Initiative from FY12-14. The L12 project resulted in a TIM training curriculum that provides responders from the various stakeholder groups with a common set of core competencies that promote a shared understanding of the requirements for achieving the safety of responders and motorists, quick response, and effective communications at traffic incident scenes. Furthermore, the L12 project is generating additional products:

  • L32A: four (completed) L32B: E-Learning for training traffic incident responders and managers;
  • L32C: Interdisciplinary TIM training post-course assessment tool.

The series of L32 products establishes a foundation for responders to achieve the three objectives of the TIM National Unified Goal (NUG): (1) responder safety; (2) safe, quick clearance; and (3) prompt, reliable, interoperable communications. FHWA expects to assume implementation responsibilities spring 2014.

Paul Jodoin / Jim Austrich Curriculum Developed

FHWA conducting L32A Train-the-Trainer courses

Begun FY12 and ongoing

TRB-FHWA working on L32B distance learning course and L32C evaluation of training impacts
Accident Investigation Technologies Training Module — In FY14, FHWA will develop an accident investigation technologies training module. This will aid police, transportation, insurance companies and others involved in reconstructing what happened and assigning fault. Paul Jodoin To begin FY14; Product expected FY15 Training
EMS Senior Leaders Meeting in Support of the SHRP2 TIM Responder Training — To bring together the lead National Fire-based and Private-Sector EMS organizations to discuss how to get the SHRP2 TIM Training to the field. Kimberly Vásconez October 29, 2013 Outreach/Coalition Building — Training
Public Works Senior Leaders Meeting in Support of SHRP2 TIM Responder Training — After meeting with the executive directors and Boards of Directors with the APWA, IMSA and ASCE, there is an interest in the public works communities for the SHRP2 TIM Responder Training. Senior leaders from public works organizations, DOT maintenance mangers, and towers, all of which support responses and conduct clean up after an incident. Kimberly Vásconez Early 2014 Outreach/Coalition Building — Training
Fire Service Technical Assistance Support and Outreach Support to increase fire participation in SHRP2 Training (CVVFA, IAFC and NVFC). Kimberly Vásconez / Jim Austrich Late FY13 to end March 2015 Outreach/Coalition Building — Training
Executive Leadership Group — Resulting from the 2012 Transportation and Senior Executive TIM Summit, FHWA established a group of senior executives from AASHTO, IACP, IAFC, NVFC and TRAA to meet twice a year to discuss policy and leadership issues and gaps that hinder State and local TIM programs. The groups identify actions and each group, plus FHWA lead efforts to develop products or conduct research. FHWA held two meetings (December 2012 and July 2013) and one mid-term conference call (October 2013) and a variety of draft products like briefing deck for senior leaders on SHRP2 TIM Responder program, Presidential Directive on TIM, etc. Kimberly Vásconez Begun FY13 & ongoing Leadership — Outreach/Coalition Building
Expand National TIM Network — As a part of the 2012 Trans and PS TIM Summit, the group recommended supporting the TIM Network, the only group consisting of practitioners, and not just association members. FHWA is funding this. Two working groups have been formed to date. (1) improving the TIM Knowledge Management System and (2) Collecting pictures, after-action reports, and other tools to share. Kimberly Vásconez Begun FY10 & ongoing Outreach/Coalition Building
Collaborate with International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Executive Leadership Group (ELG) to support Presidential Directive Kimberly Vásconez Started FY13 – on hold to be packaged with Executive Order & S1 Letter Leadership

National Policy
Secretary letter endorsing national implementation of TIM/L12 Kimberly Vásconez Started FY13 – on hold to be packaged with Executive Order & Presidential Proclamation Leadership

National Policy
Executive Order on TIM Collaboration among Federal Stakeholders/ Propose Traffic Incident Awareness Week & New relationships with DHS, DOJ and HHS to support TIM Responders Kimberly Vásconez Started FY13 – ongoing – to be packaged with S1 Letter & Presidential Proclamation Leadership

National Policy
Support the development of a discipline to speak on behalf of transportation in public safety forums — AASHTO and ITE began working on a transportation operations discipline to speak as a unit in TIM meetings, like the fire, law enforcement, EMS, towers, public works and other disciplines. FHWA will continue to work with these groups, especially through the AASHTO SSOM and ITE, to help the new coalition grow. Kimberly Vásconez Started November 2012 and ongoing Leadership

National Policy
Conduct Public Works Senior Leaders SHRP2 TIM Meeting & Develop Strategic plan on public works in TIM — FHWA met with the executive directors and board of directors in the key Public Works Associations, to include APWA, IMSA, ASCE; they and the DOT maintenance groups are interested in participating in the SHRP2 TIM training and other TIM program activities, since they often clean up and repair roads after scenes. Kimberly Vásconez / Jim Austrich Spring 2014 & Plan in early FY15 Leadership

National Policy
2nd Transportation & Public Safety Executive Leadership Summit — Conduct the second Trans & PS Summit and expand membership to Federal Partners, public works, EMS and other key TIM stakeholders. Kimberly Vásconez / Paul Jodoin Start in FY14 for conduct in Spring 2015 Leadership

National Policy
Complete FY13 Report and Conduct FY14 TIM Self-Assessment (100% participation in top-75 areas and increase participation by 5 in other areas) Paul Jodoin FY13 & FY14 Performance Measures

Institutional Development & Sustainability
Assess Self-Assessment Tool vis-à-vis Capability Maturity Model tool & Develop Action Plan — Work with HOTM and the L06 SHRP2 product to integrate the Traffic Incident Management Self-Assessment into the SHRP2 Capability Maturity Model products. Paul Jodoin FY14 Performance Measures

Institutional Development & Sustainability
Traffic Incident Management Performance Measures Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting — Develop process that integrates FHWA work on incident-specific PM criteria, NCHRP Studies, IACP TIM Subcommittee Work and Office of Safety MUTCD database fields. Paul Jodoin FY14 Performance Measures

Institutional Development & Sustainability
Traffic Incident Management Framework — Update TIM Framework with updated TIM Handbook based on SHRP2 L12 Course Curriculum and package the Framework, Handbook and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation tactical manual as a set. Kimberly Vásconez FY13

Product due end FY14

Program Planning
Traffic Incident Management Gap Analysis — Conduct analysis to determine what projects need to be addressed to fill TIM programmatic gaps that is appropriate for FHWA action. Laurel Radow FY14 Strategic Planning

Institutional Development & Sustainability
Integrate Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Knowledge Management System (KMS) with SHRP2 L17 project and populate newly expanded TIM KMS Kimberly Vásconez / Grant Zammit FY14 Institutional Development & Sustainability

Professional Capacity Building
Implementation plan for law enforcement or fire dispatch and communications systems into the TMCs/TOCs project Kimberly Vásconez FY14 Institutional Development & Sustainability

Professional Capacity Building
Spectrum Awareness & Outreach Laurel Radow FY14 Policy

Institutional Development & Sustainability
Explore V2V and V2I technologies & integrate them into National TIM plans Kimberly Vásconez FY14 & ongoing Policy

Institutional Development & Sustainability
Update the 2006 Safe Quick Clearance Law Compendium, Alternate Route Planning docs Kimberly Vásconez FY14 Doctrine

Program Planning
Struck-by Database — Support IAFC efforts to obtain funding to continue development of the Responder Near-Miss and Struck-by database so the Nation has a good idea of how serious the problem is for responders. Kimberly Vásconez FY14 Policy


Responder Safety
Work with DHS to get EOC guidance and training to include increased coordination with TMCs. Kimberly Vásconez / Laurie Radow / Jimmy Chu FY14 Policy

Institutional Development

Professional Capacity Building
Startup funding for new TIM PFS Laurie Radow FY14 Policy

Institutional Development

Professional Capacity Building
TMC PFS — Participate with TFHRC on SBIR Phase II project to develop quick incident detection and warning system as a part of the TMC PFS. Jawad Paracha Completed Research
Finalize work on NCHRP Panels on Performance Measurements (NCHRP 03-108: TIM Assessment Framework) Jawad Paracha Ongoing Research
Continue writing articles on TI&EM topics for Public Roads (1-year TIM series) and other professional journals — The TIM Series began in the Public Roads publication in July/August 2013, with the introductory article and editorial by Jeff Lindley. A second article is coming out in November/December with a third in the March/April edition. Kimberly Vásconez FY13 through early FY15 Public Awareness

Capacity Building

Conduct TIM Practitioner Workshops in up to 4 large metro areas Paul Jodoin FY10 and ongoing Professional Capacity Building
SHRP2 L12 and TIM Outreach — Conduct 10 Executive Leadership Awareness Meetings with State Police, State Fire Marshall and Big City Police Chiefs on SHRP2 L12 and TIM. Additionally, conduct 4 General TIM webinars and bi-monthly SHRP2 L12 Webinars. Paul Jodoin / Jim Austrich / Kimberly Vásconez FY12 and ongoing Leadership

Professional Capacity Building
Knowledge Management System (KMS) Efforts — Develop Good Practices, Lessons Learned and Tools for KMS and an electronic book to distribute after conducting 10 final post-workshop interviews. Paul Jodoin / Kimberly Vásconez FY12 and ongoing Professional Capacity Building
Knowledge Management System (KMS) and Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Outreach Efforts — Conduct follow-up calls with jurisdictions that offered tools and reports for the KMS or who want to collaborate on other TIM topics. Paul Jodoin / Kimberly Vásconez FY12 and ongoing Institutional Development

Professional Capacity Building
Conduct 3 TIM, PSE or TIM/Public Safety Peer-to-Peer Exchanges Laurie Radow FY12 and ongoing Institutional Development

Professional Capacity Building
Develop Law Enforcement Strategy for TIM Program Paul Jodoin FY14 Leadership

Building Coalitions
Update TIM Public Education toolkit products and produce outreach tools for the SHRP2 TIM Training course Laurie Radow FY12 – original product FY14, Updated Public Awareness & Education

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Work Zone Management

Work Zone Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services

Work Zone Safety Grants & Clearinghouse — SAFETEA-LU established the FHWA Work Zone Safety Grant Program, which was continued in MAP-21. This effort provides funds to nonprofit and not-for-profit organizations to provide training to prevent and reduce work zone injuries and fatalities. The three grant emphasis areas include:

  • (Area 1) Training for construction workers;
  • (Area 2) Development of guidelines to help improve work zone safety; and
  • (Area 3) Training for State and local governments, transportation agencies, and other groups implementing the guidelines.

To date the Work Zone Safety Grants have generated a wealth of products, publications, and training resources. All of these products as well as many other Work Zone materials can be found on the Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse also provides a forum for discussions on a wide variety of work zone topics. More information can be found on the Clearinghouse website at:

2011 Grant work has been completed. Work continues on 2013 safety grants.

Jawad Paracha April 2017 Guidance, field guides, brochures, and training

Work Zone Process Reviews — All State highway agencies receiving Federal-aid funds are required to perform work zone process reviews every two years. These reviews are an opportunity for the agency to reexamine how it is meeting Federal requirements in 23 CFR 630 Subparts J and K in accomplishing work zone safety and mobility management.

Work Zone management (WZM) team is working closely with Division offices and State DOTs to ensure these reviews are conducted on time and as envisioned in subpart J.

Guidance for Conducting Effective Work Zone Process Reviews has been completed and is available on FHWA's Work Zone Management Web site.

Jawad Paracha Ongoing Technical Assistance
Guidance on Using TMCs for Work Zone Management — This document presents guidance for DOTs to consider how TMC resources (staff, data, and tools) can be used to support all stages of a work zone, providing examples of where these resources are used today. Jawad Paracha January 2016 Publication — Technical

Work Zone Capability Maturity Framework Workshops — The concept of using capability maturity frameworks to improve transportation systems management and operations was developed by research conducted under the AASHTO Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2).

Workshops are being planned for state DOTs to utilize this framework and assess their current capabilities, determine which areas need the most improvement, and identify high-priority actions to take to improve their capabilities in those areas.

Jawad Paracha January 2018 Workshops
EDC-3 Smarter Work Zones — Smarter Work Zones (SWZ) is one of the initiatives selected under EDC-3. WZM team is working closely with FHWA Division offices and State DOTs to ensure all implementation goals are achieved and state-of-the-practice is significantly improved. Jawad Paracha January 2017 Technical Assistance
State-of-the-Practice Review of Work Zone Project Coordination — This report summarizes the role of Project Coordination (PC) as a strategy to reduce the cumulative impacts of work zones on transportation operations. Though this task was initiated prior to PC being identified as a component of Smarter Work Zones in EDC-3, this report complements those efforts and will serve as a resource for agencies looking to implement PC in their work zone management programs. Todd Peterson February 2016 Technical Assistance
Work Zone Technical Transfer and Outreach — This on-call task coordinates program outreach activities to accomplish goals for improved work zone safety & mobility. Outreach activities include maintaining the Work Zone Management Team Web site (, conducting periodic webinars, development of informational publications, and facilitating information exchange through the Work Zone Peer-to-Peer Program (WZP2P). Revisions to the Work Zone Marketing Plan are underway and are expected to be completed by December 2015. Todd Peterson Ongoing Technical Assistance
Work Zone Intelligent Transportation System Planning Tool — The Work Zone ITS Implementation Guide (FHWA-HOP-14-008) has become a valuable resource for agencies seeking to implement ITS technologies in their work zone management strategies. This tool will enhance the accessibility of this guidance through a semi-automated decision-support-system which will guide users through topics covered in the Guide and provide customized feedback based on user inputs. The first phase of this project, developing the tool architecture, will be completed by January 2017. Development of a tool prototype will follow. Todd Peterson January 2017 Technical Guidance
Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Effectiveness Framework and Pilot — The TMP Framework will provide a set of measures of effectiveness (MOE) for TMP strategy evaluation, categorizations of TMP strategies, description and assessment of available evaluation results and the results of the synthesis pilots. Martha Kapitanov April 2016 Technical Guidance
Design Build Research for Sharing Best Practices — The task will identify work zone best practices in design-build projects and will develop materials for transportation agencies and design-builders. Martha Kapitanov January 2016 Guidance, checklists and inspection forms
Develop Targeted Work Zone Engagement Framework and Conduct Outreach Webinar — The goal of this strategic approach is to assist the FHWA with the development of a Targeted Work Zone Engagement Framework and strategic tools that will further assists States in achieving positive results systematically through work zone safety and mobility initiatives that decrease fatalities, reduce crashes, reduce the severity of crashes in work zones, and improve mobility and operations. Martha Kapitanov October 2016 Webinar and Workshop

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MAP-21 Addendum

MAP-21, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, authorizing funds for Federal-aid Highways, highway safety programs, transit and other purposes, requires a number of actions to be handled by the Office of Operations. These include the following:

  • Section 1115 – Establishment of the National Freight Network — MAP-21 directed the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) to develop a National Freight Strategic Plan. This process will involve seeking input from States and others in the development of this first-ever plan to identify a range of freight considerations including the existing network; sources of freight congestion; major trade gateways and national freight corridors; best practices for improving the performance of the national network and mitigating impacts on communities; a process for addressing multistate projects and strategies to improve freight intermodal connectivity.

    Current Status: US DOT's Office of the Secretary (OST) is directing the work on the National Freight Strategic Plan. Input is being collected from outreach sessions around the nation by members of the Freight Policy Council, and from the National Freight Advisory Committee (NFAC), as well as through other mechanisms including State freight plans, reports, surveys and national freight data. OST is compiling suggestions on the scope and content of the Plan, and what level of detail the Plan should contain.

  • Section 1115 – Freight Conditions and Performance Report — MAP-21 requires US DOT to develop a Freight Transportation Conditions and Performance Report by October 1, 2014, and again every 2 years. The report will contain a description of the conditions and performance of the national freight network in the United States. US DOT is focused on creating a multi-modal freight conditions and performance report that will provides a comprehensive look at the United States freight system. The output of this report will be used as a key input into the required National Freight Strategic Plan.

    Current Status: The OST has organized teams to develop measures of condition and performance for the freight system, and is soliciting input on what measures would be most useful for shippers, planners, and other users of freight conditions and performance data.

  • Section 1115 – Investment Data and Planning Tools — MAP-21 requires USDOT to begin development of new tools or improve existing tools to support an outcome-oriented, performance-based approach to evaluate proposed freight-related and other transportation projects, including methodologies for systematic analysis of benefits and costs, and identifying transportation-related model data to assist in making transportation investment decisions and improve existing freight flow data collection efforts.

    Current Status: The OST is tapping into the strength and expertise of offices throughout the Department. As input to the efforts to develop or enhance freight planning tools, FHWA is leveraging current or planned SHRP2, NCFRP, and FHWA research for cost/benefit analysis, project selection process tools, and model elements. The OST is inviting input on which areas of freight analysis would most benefit from improvement in the available tools.

  • Section 1115 – Establishment of the National Freight Network — MAP-21 requires the Secretary to establish a National Freight Network to assist States in strategically directing resources toward improved system performance for efficient movement of freight. The National Freight Network will consist of the Primary Freight Network as designated by the Secretary; portions of the Interstate System not designated as part of the Primary Freight Network; and Critical Rural Freight Corridors, designated by the States.

    Designation of the Primary Freight Network will be based on measurable and objective data, include up to 27,000 centerline miles and a possible 3,000 additional centerline miles of existing or planned roadways critical to the future efficient movement of goods.

    Current Status: In February 2013, FHWA published a notice in the Federal Register outlining the process for the designation of the National Freight Network and an estimated schedule. FHWA is undertaking an analysis of the freight network and will publish the results and draft designation of the Primary Freight Network for review and comment in the coming months. FHWA is also developing guidance and technical assistance for States to begin the identification of Critical Rural Freight Corridors. Final initial designation of the Primary Freight Network and a request to States to identify Critical Rural Freight Corridors is expected in October 2013 followed by designation of National Freight Network (including Primary Freight Network, the rest of the Interstate system, and the Critical Rural Freight Corridors) by early 2014.

  • Section 1116 – Prioritization of Projects to Improve Freight Movement — MAP-21 provided that States may seek a higher federal share (up to 95 percent) of federal aid highway funding for projects that are identified in a state freight plan and can improve the efficiency of freight movement. In order to qualify, the project must be identified in a State freight plan, and the freight plan must meet the statutory requirements as defined in MAP-21.

    Current Status: FHWA issued implementation guidance for this provision in October 2012 and held a webinar on the subject in March 2013. The first State to qualify for the increased federal share is Indiana DOT for upgrades to U.S. 31.

  • Section 1117 – State Freight Advisory Committees — MAP-21 directs the Secretary to encourage each State to establish a State Freight Advisory Committee. These advisory committees may consist of public and private sector freight stakeholders, including representatives of ports, shippers, carriers, freight-related associations, the freight industry workforce, State transportation departments, and local governments.

    Current Status: Draft implementation guidance for this provision was issued in October 2012. FHWA is actively working with States to encourage the establishment of advisory committees. A webinar was held in May 2013 and FHWA is promoting its workshop: "Engaging the Private Sector in Freight Planning." Interest in this workshop has increased dramatically since 2012. The workshop is for practitioners addressing freight issues at metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), State departments of transportation, local governments, and economic development agencies. Private sector participation is welcomed and beneficial.

  • Section 1118 – State Freight Plans — MAP-21 directed the Secretary of Transportation to encourage States to develop statewide freight plans for immediate and long range freight planning and investment. These plans will enhance freight planning at the State and local levels and aid in the development of a comprehensive national freight policy and National Freight Strategic Plan to improve US economic competitiveness. FHWA approval of State freight plans is only a requirement with respect to qualifying for higher federal match for freight projects.

    Current Status: To date, one state freight plan has been received for review. In October 2012, US DOT published draft guidance in the Federal Register regarding State freight plans. Final guidance is expected in the coming months. In addition, FHWA held a Talking Freight webinar in March to address questions by States seeking to develop or revise State freight plans for federal review. "Talking Freight" is a series of technical webinars and dialogues for the public.

  • Section 1120 – Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) — MAP-21 authorized for appropriation in FY 2013 $500 million for PNRS projects and expanded the number of eligible PNRS applicants, reduced the floor on total project costs, and modified evaluation criteria. MAP-21 also required USDOT to develop a Report to Congress on PNRS by October of 2014. The Report will include a list of potential PNRS projects, compiled from a survey of State departments of transportation, and will be accompanied by an analysis of the information collected and recommendations on financing for eligible project costs.

    Current Status: FHWA published the process for the PNRS survey in the Federal Register in May 2013. The survey will be conducted in the fall of 2013. Additionally, OST and FHWA are determining the need for a rulemaking to adjust the eligibility and evaluation criteria of the current PNRS regulations to meet the MAP-21 changes. PNRS was not funded in the FY13 appropriations.

  • Section 1203 – National Performance Management Measure for Freight — MAP-21 requires US DOT to establish performance measures and standards for States to use to assess freight movement on the Interstate System. This rulemaking is to begin by March 2014. Each State will set performance targets that reflect the freight performance measures. USDOT intends to include these measures in the Freight Conditions and Performance Report.

    Current Status: In the fall of 2012, US held a national on-line dialogue on performance measures, a national freight forum and outreach sessions with key stakeholder groups to get input on possible measures. The FHWA is currently developing the performance measures Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for public comment. The NPRM is expected to be published in late 2013 or early 2014.

  • Section 1401 – Jason's Law Truck Parking Study — MAP-21 requires a study to be completed within 18 months of enactment of MAP-21 and made available on a public web site. The Study will evaluate each state’s ability to supply adequate truck parking facilities, an assessment of truck volumes in each state, and development of metrics measuring the adequacy of truck parking facilities in each state.

    Current Status: In June, FHWA published a Federal Register notice regarding the survey process. The survey will be conducted this summer and fall and a metrics workshop will be held in the fall. The FHWA will ask key stakeholder groups, along with FHWA Division Offices, to help support data collection for the study.

  • Section 1405 – Highway Worker Safety — Directs FHWA to modify section 630.1108(a) of title 23, Code of Federal Regulations (the Work Zone Rule, Subpart K: Temporary Traffic Control Devices) to ensure that positive protective measures are used to separate workers on highway construction projects from motorized traffic in all work zones that satisfy certain criteria (e.g., no means of escape such as tunnels and bridges).

    Current Status: FHWA has initiated development of a rulemaking to make the revisions specified in MAP-21. As part of the rulemaking process FHWA must conduct a cost-benefit analysis to estimate the impact of the revisions. FHWA has completed the analysis and it is currently being reviewed by the relevant offices within FHWA and the Office of the Secretary before further action is taken. Contact Paul Pisano ( for more information.

  • Section 1511 – Special Permits During National Emergencies — MAP-21 amends Section 127 of Title 23, USC to allow a State to issue special permits during periods of national emergency to overweight vehicles and loads that can easily be dismantled or divided. Prior to October 1, 2012, Special Permits for vehicles and loads operating in excess of Federal weight limitations on the Interstate System were only available for those loads that were not easily dismantled or divided (non-divisible loads).

    Current Status: On September 24, 2012, FHWA issued guidance on Special Permits authorized by Section 1511. In June 2013 FHWA issued clarifying guidance on Special Permits. FHWA is also undertaking outreach and sharing of best practices in permitting.

  • Section 1512(a) – Tolling — Provides a complete replacement for the statutory language of 23 U.S.C. 129(a). The new language makes a number of significant changes to the program, including tolling eligibilities; requirements for tolling agreements; and requiring audits to ensure compliance with requirements on the use of toll revenues.

    Current Status: On July 6, 2012, the President signed into law P.L. 112-141, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). The Express Lanes Demonstration Program (ELDP) was authorized under Section 1604(b) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU); it expired on September 30, 2012. The five tolling agreements that were executed by FHWA and project sponsors under this program will continue in force. Projects for which slots were allocated but still not subject to an agreement should proceed under Section 129.

    The Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) was first authorized under the Section 1012(b)(8) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), and was subsequently amended under other laws, most recently in Section 1604(a) of SAFETEA-LU. MAP-21 does not make any changes to this program. While no additional funds are authorized after Fiscal Year 2012 for the discretionary grant component of this program, FHWA's ability to enter into cooperative agreements for tolling projects under the VPPP will continue in force. Of the 15 slots authorized for this program, seven have been permanently reserved for States that have executed tolling cooperative agreements under the VPPP.[5] The remaining eight slots are currently reserved for State agencies that are undertaking studies or non-toll projects under the program. Once these studies or projects have been completed, these slots will become available for use by any States with eligible tolling projects under the program, at the discretion of the Secretary.

    A number of congestion pricing strategies, including HOV to HOT conversion and the construction of priced express lanes, can now be accommodated under the Section 129 general tolling program and the Section 166 HOV/HOT lanes program. FHWA prefers that the two mainstream programs be used where possible as opposed to the pilot programs. As a result, requests for tolling authority under the VPPP will be limited to situations that cannot be accommodated under the mainstream tolling programs, such as the pricing of existing toll-free facilities without substantial reconstruction of those facilities.

    The Interstate System Construction Toll Pilot Program (ISCTPP) was authorized under Section 1604(c) of SAFETEA-LU. To date, only one of the three slots authorized under this program has been reserved[3] and no projects have received final acceptance into the program or executed tolling agreements. The ISCTPP, which expires on August 9, 2015, was not directly affected by MAP-21. However, MAP-21 does amend Section 129 to include the initial construction of any highway, whether on or off the Interstate System, as an eligible activity for tolling. As this pilot program has thus been effectively mainstreamed under the general tolling program, FHWA will no longer be accepting applications for this program. Division Offices should direct project sponsors interested in constructing new Interstate highways, bridges, or tunnels as toll facilities to the requirements under Section 129. Contact Wayne Berman ( for more information.

  • Section 1512(b) – Tolling — Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) Interoperability: Not later than 4 years after the date of enactment of MAP-21, all toll facilities on the Federal-aid highways shall implement technologies or business practices that provide for the interoperability of electronic toll collection programs

    Current Status: Continue monitoring developments by the toll industry to achieve ETC Interoperability.

  • Section 1514 – HOV Facilities (23 U.S.C. 166) — Replaces Section 102(a) of 23 USC with a new Section 166, clarifying the operation of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities and provides more exceptions to vehicle occupancy requirements. A State agency that has jurisdiction over the operation of a HOV facility must establish the occupancy requirements of vehicles operating the facility. Except as provided otherwise in this new section, no fewer than two occupants per vehicle may be required for use of a HOV facility. Motorcycles and bicycles must be allowed to use HOV facilities unless a State certifies that such use would create a safety hazard. Until February 28, 2010, States may permit vehicles certified and labeled as Inherently Low-Emission Vehicles (ILEV), in accordance with Sections 88.311-93 & 88.312-93 of CFR 40, to use HOV facilities. States may also establish exceptions for public transportation vehicles, certified low emission and energy efficient vehicles, and High Occupancy Toll (HOT) vehicles. Tolls under this section may be charged on both Interstate and non-Interstate facilities.

    To void the need for potential corrective action, States are encouraged to work with their local FHWA Division Office before allowing HOT, alternative fuel, or low emission and energy-efficient vehicles (i.e., hybrid vehicles), that do not meet minimum occupancy requirements, to use HOV facilities. When HOT and low emission and energy-efficient vehicles are allowed to use HOV lanes, States are required to annually certify that operational performance monitoring programs and enforcement programs are in place to ensure HOV facilities are not degraded and are operated in accordance with the restrictions and requirements of 23 U.S.C. 166. States must limit or discontinue the use of the facility by a sufficient number of HOT and/or low emission and energy-efficient vehicles, if the operation of the facility has degraded.

    Current Status: On May 24, 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement elements of the SAFETEA-LU Section 1121 (23 U.S.C. 166) to provide exemptions for vehicles certified as low emission and energy-efficient for use in high occupancy vehicle lanes. HOV Program Guidance has been updated with MAP-21 inclusions, and was published in November 2012. The site is As part of the recent passed extensions, the low emission and energy-efficient vehicle exemption provision has been extended through September 30, 2017. Contact Neil Spiller ( for more information.

  • Section 1519 – Consolidation of Programs — Directs FHWA to carry-out the following four activities safety-related activities: Operation Lifesaver, Work Zone Safety Grants, the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse, and the Public Road Safety Clearinghouse.

    Current Status: The Office of Operations is responsible for two of those four programs: Work Zone Safety Grants and the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse. Both efforts are currently going through the procurement process; award is anticipated by late FY13 or early FY14. Contact Paul Pisano ( for more information.

  • Section 1529 – Engineering Judgment — Requires that the Secretary issue guidance to clarify that the standards, guidance, and options for the design and application of traffic control devices provided in the MUTCD should not be considered a substitute for engineering judgment.

    Current Status: A revision was made to the 2009 MUTCD (Final Rule published 5/14/12) that modified the definition of the term "standard", and restored language from the 2003 edition of the MUTCD relating to engineering judgment. The statement "Standard statements shall not be modified or compromised based on engineering judgment or engineering study", was removed from the definition of the term "standard". In addition, the following language was restored under Section 1A.09 of the MUTCD:

    "The decision to use a particular device at a particular location should be made on the basis of either an engineering study or the application of engineering judgment. Thus, while this Manual provides Standards, Guidance, and Options for design and applications of traffic control devices, this Manual should not be considered a substitute for engineering judgment. Engineering judgment should be exercised in the selection and application of traffic control devices, as well as in the location and design of roads and streets that the devices complement."

    With these revisions to the 2009 MUTCD, the objectives of Section 1529 of MAP-21 are considered satisfied and no further action is required. Contact Chung Eng ( for more information.

  • Section 1539 – Rest Areas — Among other things, Section 1539 allows the installation of signs that acknowledge the sponsorship of rest areas and requires the Secretary to establish criteria for the installation of such signs.

    Current Status: Criteria for both the design and placement of rest area sponsorship acknowledgment signs are currently included in FHWA Order 5160.1 and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The current criteria for sponsorship acknowledgement signs have been assessed to determine if any enhancements may be appropriate. Based on this assessment, substantive revisions to language in FHWA Order 5160.1 concerning acknowledgement signs and plaques are proposed. An update to FHWA Order 5160.1 is anticipated during FY 2013. Contact Kevin Sylvester ( for more information.

  • Section 32801 – Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study — Provisions in MAP-21 require US DOT to conduct a study addressing differences in safety risks, infrastructure impacts, and the effect on levels of enforcement between trucks operating at or within federal truck size and weight (TSW) limits and trucks legally operating in excess of federal limits; comparing and contrasting the potential safety and infrastructure impacts of alternative configurations (including configurations that exceed current federal TSW limits) to the current Federal TSW law and regulations; and, estimating the effects of freight diversion due to these alternative configurations. A Report is due to Congress by November 15, 2014. The Study includes an extensive public outreach process. Following completion of the technical studies in early 2014 and peer review, US DOT will begin drafting a Report to Congress.

    Current Status: In summer 2012, US DOT convened a multi-modal "Policy Oversight Group" to help guide the Study. A FHWA Truck Size & Weight Working Group was also created to lay out the scope of the study, manage the schedule, secure the necessary technical expertise, and write the report. FHWA contracted with CDM Smith in April for technical support. On May 29, 2013, the first Public Input Meeting was held at USDOT in Washington, DC. More than 80 stakeholders attended the event while more than 240 stakeholders and stakeholder groups participated via the webinar service that was offered. This session concentrated on receiving input from stakeholders on the proposed data sets, analytical models and methods that are available and appropriate for use in completing the Study. FHWA also sought input to identify three additional "alternative configurations" to be included in the Study. Work is currently underway synthesizing the public input, analyzing alternative configurations, developing a list of prior studies to review and scheduling the next public meeting for the fall of 2013.

  • Section 32802 – Compilation of Existing State Truck Size and Weight Limit Laws — MAP-21 requires FHWA, within 90 days of enactment, to begin work on the compilation of three "state-by-state lists": (1) A list of National Highway System (NHS) routes that allow trucks to operate over federal size and weight limits; (2) A list of limits in place, on an NHS segment basis, allowing sizes and weights in excess of federal limits and a description of truck configurations operating under such authority; (3) A list of state laws allowing trucks to exceed federal size and weight limits, including under a non-divisible load permit. A Report to Congress on this work must be completed by October 2014.

    Current Status: FHWA began work on this provision in the summer of 2012 by consulting with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials on approaches for compiling the required information. FHWA will procure the services of a contractor with extensive expertise in compiling laws and regulations. This work will then be verified by key associations that represent States. Currently, a Request for Information is being prepared to procure contractor services.

  • DOT Freight Policy Council — In the fall of 2012, US DOT announced the creation of a US DOT Freight Policy Council (FPC) to coordinate implementation of MAP-21's freight provisions. This group of senior leaders from DOT's operating administrations and the Office of the Secretary is supported by a multimodal team tasked with implementing MAP-21 freight provisions in a coordinated, multimodal manner. In developing the National Freight Strategic Plan, the FPC will actively solicit the advice and recommendations of State departments of transportation and State freight advisory committees, as well as other federal agencies and interagency committees.

    Current Status: The US DOT Freight Policy Council continues to meet. Individual members are soliciting input for the National Freight Strategic Plan by conducting forums around the country. In May 2013, the Deputy Secretary participated in a freight roundtable convened by members of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

  • National Freight Advisory Committee (NFAC) — US DOT established a NFAC. The NFAC will provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary on matters related to freight transportation in the United States, including (1) implementation of the freight transportation requirements of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141); (2) establishment of the National Freight Network; (3) development of a National Freight Strategic Plan; (4) development of strategies to help States implement State Freight Advisory Committees and State Freight Plans; (5) development of measures of conditions and performance in freight transportation; (6) development of freight transportation investment, data, and planning tools; and (7) legislative recommendations.

    Current Status: US DOT recently announced the selection of members to serve on the NFAC. An initial meeting was held on June 25, 2013 at USDOT headquarters in Washington, DC. Subcommittees are currently being formed.


SAFETEA-LU, the Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, authorizing funds for Federal-aid Highways, highway safety programs, transit and other purposes, requires a number of actions to be handled by the Office of Operations. These include the following:

  • Section 1201 – Real Time System Management Information Program — Requires the establishment of a real-time system management information program to provide, in all States, the capability to monitor, the traffic and travel conditions of the nation's major highways and to share that information with State and local governments and the traveling public. The purpose of the program is to improve the security of the surface transportation system, to address congestion problems, to support improved response to weather events and surface transportation incidents, and to facilitate national and regional highway traveler information. The program will also identify longer range real-time highway and transit monitoring needs and develop plans and strategies for meeting such needs.

    Current Status: Final Rule was published in November 2010 and codified as 23 CFR Part 511. Interim guidance on data exchange formats to facilitate sharing of program information was published October 2007 in the Federal Register, and a new task is using a system engineering approach to develop guidance to be available in October 2013 for using the Data Exchange Formats. See the web site at for more information.

  • Section 6001 – Transportation Planning – Operations — Metropolitan transportation plans shall include operational and management strategies to improve the performance of the existing transportation facilities to relieve vehicular congestion and maximize the safety and mobility of people and goods. The requirement for the inclusion of operational and management strategies must be in place prior to MPO adoption of transportation plans addressing SAFETEA-LU provisions. Congestion Management Processes in Transportation Management Areas (TMAs): there must be "a process that provides for effective management and operation" to address congestion management. Management and Operations Planning Factor: The metropolitan transportation plan shall provide for consideration of projects and strategies that will "(G) promote efficient system management and operations."

    Current Status: Guidebooks for the Congestion Management Process (CMP) and Management & Operations in the MTP were disseminated to the public in May 2008 with an extensive outreach program that was conducted for the remainder of the calendar year that included workshops and numerous presentations provided. As a result of the dialogue that occurred in discussing these documents, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have developed a consolidated guidebook that illustrates how the CMP and M&&O provisions working together can provide the legislative basis for advancing an outcomes driven, performance based approach to Operations in the metropolitan planning process. This consolidated guidebook, "Advancing Planning for Operations: An Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach — A Guidebook" has been completed with the document available for distribution.

    In addition to the completion of the consolidated guidebook, FHWA and FTA have also collaborated in the creation of a Model Transportation Plans Desk Reference document. This Desk Reference document showcases types of outcomes driven Operations Objectives and Operations focused Performance Measures that MPO organizations can utilize to advance a strategic focus of Operations in their Planning processes. The Model Plan document utilizes the above mentioned Guidebook as the approach to advance achieving compliance with Section 6001. The Model Plans Desk Reference document has been completed with the document available for distribution. Contact Wayne Berman ( for more information.

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Office of Operations