Emergency Transportation Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations using 21st Century Technologies

Emergency Transportation Operations


Good Incident and Emergency Highway Plans and Practices Save Lives, Safeguard Citizens and Improve Mobility.


2017 SOLAR ECLIPSE Transportation Fact Sheet for State and Local Departments of Transportation

To help the 14 states under the path of the first solar eclipse to transverse the continental United States since 1918, FHWA has prepared the 2017 Solar Eclipse Transportation Fact Sheet for State and Local Departments of Transportation. With approximately 200 million people living within a day's drive of the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse, the fact sheet was designed to alert state and local DOTs of the eclipse, provide the link for events and festivals to celebrate the event in the 14 states; and if appropriate, to provide information should the states need to develop transportation plans.

NHTSA's Move Over Public Outreach Campaign

Additional resources for your awareness campaign are available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and their Move Over initiative toolkit at http://www.trafficsafetymarketing.gov/

The Office of Operations welcomes you to the Emergency Transportation Operations (ETO) home page, featuring information on the ETO for Disasters, Traffic Planning for Special Events (PSE) and Traffic Incident Management (TIM) programs.

FHWA, through the ETO programs, provides tools, guidance, capacity building and good practices that aid local and State DOTs and their partners in their efforts to improve transportation network efficiency and public/responder safety when a non-recurring event either interrupts or overwhelms transportation operations. Non-recurring events may range from traffic incidents to traffic Planning for Special Event (PSE) to disaster or emergency transportation operations (Disaster ETO). Work in ETO program areas focuses on using highway operational tools to enhance mobility and motorist and responder safety. Partnerships in ETO program areas involve non-traditional transportation stakeholders since ETO programs involve transportation, public safety (fire, rescue, emergency medical service [EMS]), law enforcement) and emergency management communities. ETO, as a discipline, spans a full range of activities: from transportation-centric (fender benders) to those where transportation is a critical response component (e.g., hurricane evacuations).

The Emergency Transportation Operations Web site uses National Incident Management System or NIMS categories to functionally organize its content. The NIMS chart provides specific information as it pertains to Disaster ETO, PSE, and/or TIM.

Peer-to-Peer Program

The Traffic Incident Management & Planned Special Events Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program is a Federal Highway Administration Technical Assistance Program that provides public sector transportation stakeholders with a convenient method to tap into the growing knowledge base of TIM & PSE experience and receive short-term assistance.

Comments and Suggestions

We welcome all comments and suggestions. Please address your comments and suggestions to ETO@dot.gov.

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Office of Operations