Military Sexual Trauma

Military Sexual Trauma Military Sexual Trauma
Military Sexual Trauma

This topic area supports service members who have experienced a sexual trauma. Sexual trauma (harassment, assault, rape and associated violence) can trigger a range of emotions and physical symptoms. In this section, you will find two types of resources. The self-assessment will provide you with immediate feedback about the amount of stress you’re having. The library contains in-depth information about sexual assault and trauma, including facts (and myths) about sexual assault in the military, approaches for recovery, and legal issues.

If you need immediate assistance, click the CALL button (upper right-hand corner on this page) to link to the SafeHelpline for Military Sexual Assault.

Remember, you are not alone: sexual assaults occur in the military as well as in civilian life.


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The self-assessment provides immediate results regarding level of post-traumatic stress, recommendations based on the test results, and helpful resources (for example, links to useful websites and books). The assessment takes about five minutes to complete. Because stress-related problems often affect other emotions, this page also includes quick links to related assessments.


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