
NMCPHC Workplace Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

Complete the HRA at

HRA Helpdesk (757) 953-0737 or

About the NMCPHC Workplace HRA: The NMCPHC Workplace HRA is a 22-question, anonymous, optional tool for military members and GS civilians which measures lifestyle behaviors that are most commonly associated with adverse health outcomes. Users are asked to select their workplace from a searchable database within the tool. The user is scored as healthy or unhealthy for each of the questions and is scored as high, medium, or low risk based on the number of unhealthy behaviors they reported. “High risk” means the user is likely to be a high consumer of healthcare services. Persons who complete the HRA receive a printable Participant's Report which can identify specific health risks, provide credible sources of health information, encourage and empower the user to better manage their personal health, and serve as a tool for dialogue with a health care provider. This HRA is not intended to replace consultation with a health care provider.

Command Reports: Every command or workplace can designate one (or more) member(s) to serve as their “Registered HRA Administrator”. This person can generate a “Command Report” at any time for any time period (CaC required). The “Command Report” is based on a workplace identifier (Navy or Marine Corps UIC or Coast Guard OPFAC) and can be used to assess the overall health of a workplace or any group of workplaces. For each of the 22 health questions, it displays the percent of records scored as healthy and unhealthy, and indicates the number of HRA records for the workplace during the report time period selected. These data are generated in summary form only - without personal identifying information. This report may be useful for focused delivery of workplace health promotion efforts.

Become a Registered HRA Administrator: Please send your name, rank, command-name, UIC or OPFAC and phone number via email to the NMCPHC Helpdesk at:

Using the NMCPHC Workplace HRA:

  • Decide how and when you will use offer the HRA to your workplace members. For example, during a discreet time period or birth month.
  • Invite all GS civilian and military members to complete the HRA once annually (and only once).
  • Tell them what UIC or OPFAC you want them to use.
  • Tell them the HRA is optional, and anonymous.
  • Tell them the HRA is intended to identify some of their specific health risks, provide credible sources of health information, encourage and empower them to better manage their personal health, and serve as a tool for dialogue with a health care provider, if so desired.

Supporting Documents

HRA Newsletter: Subscribe

Annual Summary Reports

Stand-Alone CD: A stand-alone Access© version of the Fleet and Marine Corps HRA has been developed for Fleet customers that lack consistent Web connectivity for their crews to complete the HRA. To request a CD, click here and provide a good mailing address.