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Regulatory Jurisdiction Overview

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Regulatory News: The final rule defining the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act was published in the Federal Register on June 29, 2015. Additional information on the Rule may be found on the HQ Regulatory Program website.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has permitting authority over activities affecting waters of the United States. Waters of the United States include surface waters such as navigable waters and their tributaries, all interstate waters and their tributaries, natural lakes, all wetlands adjacent to other waters, and all impoundments of these waters.

Two federal statutes mandate Corps jurisdiction over navigable waterways and adjacent wetlands. These are Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act applies to all navigable waters of the United States and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act applies to all waters including wetlands that have sufficient nexus to interstate commerce. The diagram below illustrates the lateral limit where Section 10 and Section 404 apply.

  • Territorial Seas. The limit of jurisdiction in the territorial seas is measured from the baseline in a seaward direction a distance of three nautical miles. (See 33 CFR 329.12)
  • Tidal (Navigable) Waters of the U.S. The landward limits of jurisdiction in tidal waters:
    Extends to the high tide line, or
    When adjacent non-tidal waters of the United States are present, the jurisdiction extends to the limits identified for Non-Tidal Waters of the U.S.
  • Non-Tidal Waters of the United States. The limits of jurisdiction in non-tidal waters:
    In the absence of adjacent wetlands, the jurisdiction extends to the ordinary high water mark, or
    When adjacent wetlands are present, the jurisdiction extends beyond the ordinary high water mark to the limit of the adjacent wetlands.
    When the water of the United States consists only of wetlands the jurisdiction extends to the limit of the wetland.

The regulatory authorities and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers are based on the following laws:

Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) prohibits the obstruction or alteration of navigable waters of the United States without a permit from the Corps of Engineers.

Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Section 301 of this Act prohibits the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States without a Section 404 permit from the Corps of Engineers.

Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1413) authorizes the Corps of Engineers to issue permits for the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters.

Other laws may also affect the processing and evaluation of applications for Corps of Engineers permits. Among these laws are the National Environmental Policy Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Federal Power Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

  • Under the Supreme Court’s decision in Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County v. United States Army Corps of Engineers, 531 U.S. 159 (2001), directed that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not have jurisdiction over isolated, intrastate, non-navigable waters under 33 C.F.R. § 328.3(a)(3), based on their use as habitat for migratory birds pursuant to preamble language commonly referred to as the “Migratory Bird Rule,” 51 Fed. Reg. 41217 (1986).
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued agency guidance regarding Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the consolidated cases Rapanos v. United States and Carabell v. United States (“Rapanos”). The agencies have issued this guidance to ensure that jurisdictional determinations, administrative enforcement actions, and other relevant agency actions being conducted under the CWA are consistent with the Rapanos decision and provide effective protection for public health and the environment. An Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form must now be completed by Corps personnel for all delineations verified by the Corps.

Wetland Delineations and Jurisdictional Determinations

The Corps of Engineers receives thousands of requests each year to perform wetland delineations for potential applicants for permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Due to limited staff and resources, response time can be several months or longer. To expedite this process, the San Francisco District encourages applicants to use consultants to conduct wetland delineations, especially for large and/or complex areas. The San Francisco District is not authorized to recommend any private consulting services and advises applicants to check references and referrals of prospective consultants before contracting services.

All delineations must be conducted in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, or appropriate Regional Supplement, and submitted to the District for review and verification. Two Regional Supplements have been approved for use within the boundaries of the San Francisco District:

Please see the attached document for a list of requested information for verification of Corps' jurisdiction. The Aquatic Resources sheet of the Consolidated ORM Upload workbook is also requested for acceptance of delineation reports. This spreadsheet facilitates efficient and accurate data entry of the aquatic resources into the Corps' database.

The Consolidated ORM Upload workbook spreadsheet contains a validation tool to ensure accuracy of the data. To run the validation tool, first enter all data in the appropriate columns and tabs. Once you have completed entering the data and have saved the document in a .csv format, click the gold shield at the top of the workbook window. The tool has a tooltip showing "Validate Worksheets." After clicking this button, validation of data is performed and any possible errors are added to the Validation tab. This tab is opened after the process is complete to allow the user to see the output. The validation output includes the tab (data type), column, and cell for where the possible error was found and a brief explanation of the issue.

Approved jurisdictional determinations (JDs) and Preliminary JDs are tools used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to help implement Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Sections 9 and 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (RHA).

Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 08-02 explains the differences between these two types of JDs and provides guidance on when an approved JD is required and when a landowner, permit applicant, or other “affected party” can decline to request and obtain an approved JD and elect to use a preliminary JD instead.

Map and Drawing Standards have been established for the South Pacific Division Regulatory Program for maps and drawings submitted as part of delineations and applications for U.S. Army permits and jurisdictional determinations.

National Wetland Plant List (NWPL) - The updated NWPL provides the most recent list of wetland plants by species and their wetland ratings and should be referenced on data forms used in the wetland delineation.

Verified Jurisdictional Determinations

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The following is a list of "no-jurisdiction" determinations made by the San Francisco District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, for sites with potential or actual waterbodies and wetlands that do not meet the definition of waters of the United States. This determination may be based on features not meeting wetland criteria as determined by the Corps 87 Wetland Delineation Manual and appropriate Regional Supplement(s), or lack of regulatory jurisdiction due to the Supreme Court decisions in Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) vs. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rapanos v. United States, and/or Carabell v. United States. Click on the Summary Description to view additional information about the site and its location.
Date of No Jurisdiction Letter
(File Number)


Summary Description
(click on attached pdf file)
June 16, 2016 (2016-00466N)
Newell Ranch
 No Water
May 27, 2016 (2015-00478S)
San Mateo
 No Water
January 19, 2016 (2015-00464S)
San Francisco
 No Water
November 30, 2015 (2013-00149S)
 Isolated Waters
December 04, 2015 (2003-280180N)
 Isolated Waters
September 23, 2015 (2015-00273N)
 No Water
August 18, 2015 (2002-271030S)
San Mateo
 No Water
July 14, 2015 (2015-00167S)
 No Water
July 07, 2015 (2015-00167S)
Contra Costa
 No Water
June 10, 2015 (2015-00172N)
 No Water
May 05, 2015 (2015-00050N)
 No Water
April 20, 2015 (2015-00011S)
Santa Cruz
 No Water
March 16, 2015 (2011-00108N)
 No Water
March 12, 2015 (2014-00047S)
 Isolated Waters
March 11, 2015 (2011-00108)
 No Water
March 2, 2015 (2014-00151S)
Santa Clara
 No Water
February 5, 2015 (2014-00151)
Santa Clara
 Isolated Waters
May 9, 2014 (1998-24107)
San Mateo
 Isolated Waters
January 16, 2013 (1992-196990)
 Isolated Waters
March 29, 2012 (2006-30384N)
 No Water
November 22, 2011 (2003-28144N)
 Wetland with No Significant Nexus to a TNW
September 21, 2011 (2011-00322N)
 Artificial and Isolated Wetlands
June 9, 2011 (2004-28880N)
 Artificial Lagoon

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List of Confirmed Jurisdictional Determinations

The following is a list of recently confirmed jurisdictional determinations made for waterbodies and wetlands that do meet the definition of waters of the United States. Click on the Summary Description to view additional information about the site and its location.

File Name
(File Number)
Date of Jurisdiction Determination


Summary Description
(click on attached file)

RPW = Relatively Permanent Water
TNW = Traditional Navigable Water

Rio Marin Mitigation Bank
July 27, 2016


TNW & Adjacent Wetlands

Canyon Oaks Condominiums
July 27, 2016


RPW & Abutting wetlands

#2 Fullerton Lane Restoration
July 7, 2016



Wagner Access Road, Calistoga
June 28, 2016


RPW & Non-RPWs

Pilarcitos Quarry
April 20, 2016

San Mateo

RPW & Wetlands

Mission Creek Mitigation Area
March 22, 2016



Woodside Holding Property
March 9, 2016


Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs

Schaefer Ranch
March 08, 2016


RPW & Wetlands

Hamilton Fields Sports Park
March 07, 2016


RPW & Wetlands

Hawthorne Mill Development Project
February 9, 2016


RPWs, Abutting and Adjacent Wetlands

Lund Ranch II Development
January 11, 2016


RPW, Wetlands, Isolated Wetlands

Lytton Residential Development
November 11, 2015

Sonoma County

RPW & Wetlands

Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant
September 22, 2015

Santa Clara

TNW and Adjavent Wetlands; RPW and Abutting Wetlands

Faria Ranch
September 15, 2015

Contra Costa

 RPW, Abutting and Adjacent Wetlands

Noyo Harbor Marina Mooring Basin Dredging
September 11, 2015



Port of Redwood City Berths 1 - 4 Maintenance Dredging
August 24, 2015

San Mateo


Larkspur Marina Maintenance Dredging
August 24, 2015



Fortuna Waste Water Treatment Plant JD
August 21, 2015


 Wetlands Adjacent to a non-RPW

Roblar Road Quarry Access Road
July 27, 2015



450 Green Island Road Project
July 13, 2015


 non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands

Park Reserve Forces Training Area
July 01, 2015


 RPW and Abutting Wetlands

Port of Richmond's Terminal 2 Berth Maintenance Dredging
April 20, 2015

Contra Costa


100-110 Point San Pedro Road Maintenance Dredging
April 01, 2015



Redwood City Saltworks
March 19, 2015

San Mateo

 Approved JD
 Exhibit 1

Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant
March 18, 2015

Santa Clara

 TNW, a5, a6

Marin Yacht Club Maintenance Dredging
March 02, 2015



Pacific Rod and Gun Club Remediation Project
February 20, 2015

San Francisco

 TNW and Adjavent Wetlands

DeSilva Group - Sunol Valley Aggregate
February 12, 2015



Victoria Oaks Subdivision
February 10, 2015


 RPW and Adjacent Wetlands

Paradise Cay Yacht Harbor
January 13, 2015



Oakland Zoo California Exhibit Expansion
December 24, 2014


 RPW and Adjacent Wetlands

Kiewit Infrastructure West Company Maintenance Dredging
December 04, 2014



1363 Embarcadero, Oakland Boat Ramp
October 16, 2014



Honu Group Residence - 149 Jamaica Street
July 15, 2014



Benicia Urban Waterfront Enhancement Project
July 15, 2014


 TNW and adjacent wetlands

Chabot Dam Seismic Upgrade Project
July 7, 2014


 TNW, RPW and abutting wetlands

2254 Marsh Road
July 2, 2014


 RPW and abutting wetlands

24165 Turkey Road
May 22, 2014


 RPW and abutting wetlands

2045 Lawndale Road Culvert Replacement
April 1, 2014



Albany Beach Restoration
March 12, 2014

Contra Costa


C&H Sugar Refinery Dock Maintenance Repairs Project
January 28, 2014

Contra Costa


Waterfront East Pipeline Maintenance Project
July 2, 2013

Contra Costa

 RPW and wetlands adj to TNW

Culvert Removal in Trinidad
January 9, 2013



Oak Grove Property (Kottinger Hills)
January 16, 2013


RPW and non-RPW
non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands
RPW and non-RPW
RPW, non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands
non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands
RPW and non-RPW
RPW and non-RPW

Pescadero Corp Yard Fire Restoration
January 29, 2013

San Mateo
 Impoundment of Jurisdictional Waters

Podva Property
January 31, 2013

Contra Costa

non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands
RPW, non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands
RPW, non-RPW and Adjacent Wetlands

New England Lobster Company Water Diversion, El Portal Canal
February 4, 2013

San Mateo

Sky Ranch II - Pittsburg
March 6, 2013

Contra Costa
 Wetlands Abutting a RPW

Faria Ranch
November 09, 2012

Contra Costa

 RPW, Wetlands directly abutting a RPW, Wetlands adjacent to a RPW

Noyo Harbor District Maintenance Dredging
June 26, 2009



Appeals Data

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Appeals Information

For more information about the Regulatory Administrative Appeal Program,
please see the Corps' South Pacific Division web site.

Summary of Appeals


Applicant's Name and Location
Corps File
Final Appeal
Decision Date
Final Appeal Decision

Mr. Michael Halperin 

Hollister, CA

Jurisdictional Determination
November 29, 2013

Half Moon Bay Development/Pullman Ditch

Half Moon Bay, CA
Jurisdictional Determination
December 15, 2011
January 30, 2012
Withdrawn - New Information Received
Referred to District for reverification

Grand View Terrace

Half Moon Bay, CA
Jurisdictional Determination
August 14, 2008
October 21, 2009
Remanded to District for further consideration
Remand response letter reconfirming Corps jurisdiction on site signed April 19, 2010

Port of Oakland

Oakland, CA
Jurisdictional Determination
July 10, 2008
June 2, 2009
Remanded to District for further consideration
Remand response letter reconfirming Corps jurisdiction on site signed April 16, 2010

Union Pacific Railroad

Napa, CA

Jurisdictional Determination
June 26, 2009
July 2, 2009
Remanded to District for further consideration
Remand response reconfirming Corps jd signed May 14, 2010

Alameda County Juvenile Hall

Dublin, CA

Jurisdictional Determination
May 27, 2003
June 13, 2003
Not Accepted. Appellant provided insufficient basis for request for appeal
No further action required.
Gentry Property

Fairfield/Suisun, CA

Jurisdictional Determination
May 2, 2003
Withdrawn by Appellant.
No further action required.

Industry West (Davenport property)

Santa Rosa, CA

Jurisdictional Determination
December 30, 2002
April 29, 2003
No Merit.
No further action required.

Baccarat Fremont Developers

Fremont, CA

Jurisdictional Determination
July 9, 2001
October 25, 2001
Remanded back to the District for further consideration.
District Engineer reconfirmed wetlands jurisdiction on the subject property.

Murray Dam Committee

Cazadero, CA

Permit Denial
February 3, 2000
May 2, 2000
Remanded back to the District for further consideration.
Section 7 consultation in progress.