AWC Fellows

Army War College (AWC) Fellows work on projects of mutual interest to the fellow, the Army, and the AEPI Director for a period of one year. The Fellows workplan is approved by the DASA (ESOH). The Fellowship provides an excellent professional development opportunity, and an opportunity to bring safety and occupational health perspectives to the identification and resolution of systemic environmental issues and policies that bridge functional areas.

Academic Year Officer Policy Research Topic
1994-1995 COL Steve Stone Controlling DoD Environmental Security Costs Or Do Prevention Programs Pay? (PDF)
1995-1996 COL James Carr Considerations for the Development of a DoD Environmental Policy (PDF)
1995-1996 COL James R. Stewart Assessment of United States Army Environmental Quality Research, Development, and Acquisition (EG RDA): Application of Opportunities from Defense and Army Acquisition Reforms (PDF)
1997-1998 COL Roland Weisser Mending the Seams in Force Protection: From the Pentagon to the Foxhole (PDF)
1998-1999 COL Harry Good Environmental Security: Army's Role in National Military Strategy
1999-2000 COL Alan Moloff Environmental Security and Engagement in Central Command (PDF)
1999-2000 LTC Tim Rensema Environmental Security Engagement - A Role for the Reserve Component (PDF)
2000-2001 LTC William Fitzpatrick The Lessons of Massachusetts Military Reservation (PDF)
2000-2001 COL Bradley Freeman Health Risk Communication in the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program: Lessons for the Future (PDF)
2001-2002 LTC Ro Cardarelli Maintaining A Trained and Ready Army From an Environmental Perspective (PDF)
2001-2002 LTC Judith A. Kemper The HALF Imperative: Foundation for Improving the Health of the Force (PDF)
2002-2003 COL Jan Harrington Assessing National Guard Readiness to Respond to Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorist Events (PDF)
2002-2003 LTC Susanne Clark Striking At The U.S. Army's Strength: Soldiers. The Imperative Of Bio-Technology For Force Health Protection (Received AWC Commandant's Award for Distinction in Research) (PDF)
2003-2004 LTC(P) Jeffrey G. Phillips An Army National Guard (ARNG) Installation Sustainability Program (ISP) Modeled to Ensure Long-Term Mission Readiness at ARNG Training Centers (PDF)
2003-2004 LTC Robert W. Brown II National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams - Are They Ready and Capable to Support the Global War on Terrorism? (PDF)
2003-2004 LTC Judith Ruiz Longitudinal Tracking of Health Risks Associated with the Soldier's Lifecycle Assignment (PDF)
2004-2005 COL John P. McGuinness Nanotechnology: The Next Industrial Revolution - Military And Societal Implications (PDF)
2004-2005 LTC Felicia French How The Army Can Be An Environmental Paragon on Energy (PDF)
2005-2006 COL Mary E. Hallmark Sustainability: Cultural Considerations (PDF)
2005-2006 LTC Denise T. Rooney Transforming the Army National Guard Health Promotion Policy - Meeting the Challenges of a "Fit to Fight" Army National Guard in the 21st Century (PDF)
2006-2007 COL Gordon D. Kuntz Use of Renewable Energy in Contingency Operations (PDF)
2006-2007 COL John H. Grote, Jr. Agroterrorism: Preparedness and Response, Challenges for the Departments of Defense and Army (PDF)
2007-2008 COL Timothy E. Hill Reducing an Insurgency's Foothold: Using Army Sustainability Concepts as a Tool of Security Cooperation for AFRICOM (PDF)
2008-2009 COL Daniel J. Bochicchio Integration of National Guard Medical Capabilities During Domestic Disasters: Developing the Synergies (PDF)
2008-2009 LTC Natalie D. Northern Energy Sustainability and the Army: The Current Transformation (PDF)
2009-2010 COL Gregg S. Goldsmith Environmental Impacts of Military Range Use (PDF)
2009-2010 COL Robert J. Mayberry Jr. Strategic Value of Water to the National Guard (PDF)
2010-2011 COL Kimberly O'Keefe Pursuing the Delta ~ Maximizing Opportunities to Integrate Sustainability in the Funding Process (PDF)
2010-2011 LTC Bill Myer Department of the Army Policy Considerations For Green Sustainable Remediation (PDF)

Sustainability Report 2009

Sustainability Report 2009
The Army offers its second annual sustainability report to both inform and engage its primary shareholders on progress to embody the principles of sustainability in 2008. read more (PDF)

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