Staff Weather Officer

The Staff Weather Officer advises the Commander on weather impacts to training and operations. The SWO tailors and refines the forecast guidance received from Field Units to the specific operational needs of the Division in terms of time, space, and form of presentation. Remote support is provided to subordinate commands of each echelon through the G2 section, which is responsible for transmitting forecasts and weather information to those users in the field. Call-up capability from the subordinate commands to the WETM for special requests or unscheduled forecasts is through area communication networks.

Contact Information

 Fort Stewart 

Area Code: 912
CDR: 767-8564
Superintendent: 767-0145
OPS OIC: 767-8564
OPS NCOIC: 767-2431
Weather Desk: 435-3147

 Hunter Army Airfield 

Area Code: 912
Weather Desk: 315-5467