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For Institutions

Welcome to the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program’s My Career Advancement Account Scholarship

Welcome! These pages will provide you with information about the onboarding process, how to market your partnership with the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, frequently asked questions, how to contact the support teams, how to find useful tip sheets and commonly used forms, and much more.

Schools and Institutions "Tip" of the Month

Program completion data is significant to the Spouse Education & Career Opportunities program’s My Career Advancement Account Scholarship.

A program completion signifies a spouse has finished a program of study at their institution. The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is dedicated to focusing on the career development of
its participants; as such, it is essential for school officials to update the program completion section of the Academic Institution (AI) Portal at the end of every term.
This allows My Career Advancement Account Scholarship to track the overall success of the program and aids counselors in identifying opportunities to assist spouses with career readiness and career connections, and to work with Spouse Education & Career Opportunities partners, such as Military Spouse Employment Partnership.