Regional Environmental & Energy Office - Northern

Partnerships | Publications | Regional Initiatives

Regional Environmental & Energy Office - Northern
Dr. James Hartman, Director
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army
Installations, Energy and Environment
Building 4117, Boothby Hill Avenue
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
Phone: (410) 278-6991
Fax: (410) 278-6171

The REEOs were established in September 1995 to support Army and DOD readiness, training, and testing. Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 4715.02, updated in August 2009, establishes the Regional Environmental Coordinator (REC) function within the REEOs. The RECs serve as the REEOs' direct link with state regulatory and legislative bodies. RECs work as part of multi-disciplinary teams that include legal, policy, engineering, and science experts. The teams understand state regulatory and legislative climates and interact directly with Army installations and the other Service RECs. Each REEO Director serves as the DOD lead REC in an assigned region. The REEO-N area of responsibility includes the 22 states and territories of federal Regions 1, 2, 3, and 5. REEO-N serves as the DoD REC for federal Region 5.

REEOs primarily support Army and DoD readiness and training through:

• Legislative and Regulatory Support

Monitoring and engaging on state regulatory and legislative activities in the states

• Mission Sustainment Support

Coordinating and communicating Army/unified DoD positions, facilitating programs or projects, and addressing issues that can affect military sustainment

• Energy Program Support

Monitoring state legislative and regulatory efforts that affect the Army's energy security, renewable energy and Net Zero programs

• Outreach and Partnerships

Developing cooperative partnerships and educating stakeholders on issues that support long-term sustainability of the military

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