Environment, Safety & Occupational Health

Mission: The office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (DASA-ESOH) provides policy, programming and oversight of the Army's ESOH programs; provides recommendations to milestone decision authorities on Army materiel regarding ESOH concerns; executes the Army's arms control program; and serves as the Executive Agent for several DoD programs.

DASA-ESOH Directorates

Munitions & Chemical Matters

Develops recommended policy for the Army's Explosives Safety Management, Military Munitions Response, Chemical Warfare Material and related programs; oversees, manages and provides technical assistance to OASA(IEE) on munitions and chemical matters that have the potential to affect the environment, safety and occupational health. Scope includes developing recommended explosives safety policy for Army and matters related to addressing unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions and munitions constituents, including, but not limited to environmental responses (i.e., munitions responses), operational range clearance activities, explosives and munitions emergencies, and the Army's 3Rs (Recognize, Retreat, Report) Explosives Safety Education Program.

Environmental Quality

Provides policy, strategic direction, and oversight for Army Environmental Quality programs and Native American Affairs to include compliance with air, water and waste requirements, conservation of natural and cultural resources, and consultation with Federally-recognized Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations.


Provides policy and oversight, in accordance with Federal environmental regulations, to the Army's environmental restoration programs with the goal of protecting human health and the environment at Active and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) installations, and Formerly Used Defense Sites properties.

Safety & Occupational Health

Safety & Occupational Environmental Health (SOEH) assists the DASA-ESOH in setting the strategic direction, goals and objectives for Army SOEH; establishes policy and sets standards; proposes programming and funding; and provides program management and oversight. The desired outcome is to ensure the Army, its soldiers, civilian employees, and their family members are educated, and encouraged to employ composite risk management in their on-duty and off-duty activities, to foster a safe and healthy work and living environment.


Oversees programs and provides policy guidance on environmental quality technology, environmental information technology management, and environmental quality considerations in materiel acquisition programs. Additionally provides guidance on arms control treaty compliance issues.

DoD Unexploded Ordnance Center of Excellence

The Department of Defense (DoD) Unexploded Ordnance Center of Excellence (UXOCOE) serves as the DoD's clearinghouse for the coordination of research and engineering (R&E) technologies that have application to the detection and neutralization of explosives hazards (EH) in order to acquire user required technology in a cost effective and efficient manner while reducing the potential for duplication of effort. http://uxocoe.dtic.mil/index.html

Regional Environmental and Energy Offices

The Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Offices protect and advance the Army and DoD military mission by engaging State governments, regional Federal agencies, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to identify and address issues and actions that may affect military operations.

DASA-ESOH executes the following DoD Executive Agencies for the SECARMY:

ESOH Powerpoint Presentation Slides