U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) 10th Anniversary

In 2004, the Army took an historic step in creating the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Recognizing a changing face of warfare and advances in Army Medicine that enabled more Soldiers to survive battlefield injuries, the Army established this dedicated program to provide personalized support to its most severely wounded, ill and injured.

Over the past decade, AW2 has resolved nearly 45,000 Soldier, Veteran and Family issues and tasks related to employment, finance, human resources and the Department of Veterans Affairs. AW2 has also provided dedicated support to AW2 Soldiers and Veterans on the Army team at all four Warrior Games. Seven AW2 Symposiums have resulted in change to policies, regulations and legislation, including:

For more information, click on the following press release .

AW2 Today

Today, AW2 plays a strategic and tactical role in executing the Army’s Warrior Care and Transition Program (WCTP) under the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM), Deputy Chief of Staff for Warrior Care and Transition (DCS, WCT).  Building on their breadth of experience in supporting the most severely wounded, ill and injured, AW2 transition professionals help write policies and guidance affecting all recovering Soldiers, including those at the Warrior Transition Units (WTUs). AW2’s expertise has impacted almost every aspect of the recovering Soldier’s experience, from the Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) and career and employment readiness to adaptive reconditioning and community support resources. 

Each AW2 Soldier and Veteran is paired with an AW2 Advocate who guides the Soldier throughout the recovery and transition process and educates the Soldier on the benefits and resources available and ensures continuity of care as the Soldier transitions. Together they collaborate to set goals for the Soldier’s, Veteran’s and Family’s future to meet the personal needs and abilities of the individual AW2 Soldier or Veteran.

AW2 Advocates are integrated into the WTU’s interdisciplinary team of medical and non-medical professionals where they help facilitate the Soldiers’ achievement of his/her Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) goals. Today, through the combined efforts of the WTUs and AW2, the WCTP provides personalized support to more than 24,000 Soldiers and Veterans throughout the recovery and transition process.

AW2 Stories

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AW2 Historical Milestones

  • April 2004: Established the Disabled Soldier Support System (DS3)
  • November 2005: Name changed to U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2)
  • June 2006: First AW2 Symposium
  • November 2008: Assumed Recovery Coordination Program mission for Army
  • April 2009: Moved under the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM)
  • September 2009: Established AW2 Community Support Network (now WCT Community Support Network with 300 organizations)
  • October 2009: WTC was established and AW2 was integrated into WTC structure
  • May 2010: First annual Warrior Games
  • January 2011: COAD/COAR Forum
  • November 2011: Supported Comprehensive Transition Plan policy and guidance, impacting all wounded, ill and injured Soldiers
  • February 2011: Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference
  • February 2012: Wounded Warrior Employment Conference
  • 2013: Conducted online Symposium and AW2 Advocate training
  • 2014: Regional trainings (planned) on resilience, lessons learned, VA integration and continuity of services

Press Kit

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