Ready and Resilient Mission

The Army provides Ready and Resilient (R2) capabilities to Commanders and Leaders to enable them to achieve and sustain personal readiness, foster an environment of trust, and optimize human performance in environments of uncertainty and persistent danger.

What's Different?

The Ready and Resilient Campaign integrates and synchronizes multiple efforts and initiatives to improve the readiness and resilience of the Total Army - Soldiers (active duty, Reserve, National Guard), Army civilians and Families. Ready and Resilient will build upon mental, physical, emotional, behavioral and spiritual resilience in our Soldiers, Families and civilians to enhance their ability to manage the rigors and challenges of a demanding profession. At the heart of this initiative is a focus on building the personal as an enabler to achieving enhanced performance, which directly links to the increased readiness of the individual, their unit and the Total Army.

Specifically, Ready and Resilient will...

  • Provide comprehensive resilience training for Soldiers, Family members and Army civilians, which develops coping skills and behaviors and increases capability.
  • Ensure education about and promotion of preventative measures that encourage self-awareness, deter high-risk behaviors, and support healthy alternatives that produce positive outcomes.
  • Develop improved methods to provide leaders and commanders timely and accurate information and metrics to aid them in better identifying "at risk" and "high-risk" Soldiers, enabling early intervention.
  • Increase emphasis on leadership involvement, empowerment and accountability to promote help-seeking behavior.
  • Produce an enduring cultural change and yield an Army environment that supports and develops its members to perform at their optimum level both personally and professionally, and enables them to overcome setbacks, recover and grow from adversities and thrive on a sustained basis.
  • Challenge its members and leaders to embrace and live by the Army profession, values and ethics.
  • Produce a supportive Army climate that ensures its members are treated with dignity and respect while sustaining a resilient force.
  • Institute a scientific process for measuring success and implementing lessons learned to restructure Army systems and processes to better prioritize resources while promoting resilience throughout the Total Army.

Why Is It Important?

  • A healthy mind and body are essential to individual and unit readiness.
  • Resilience combines mental, emotional, and physical skills to generate optimal performance (i.e. readiness) - in combat, healing after injury, and in managing work and home life.
  • Resilient individuals are better able to bounce back and overcome adversity by leveraging mental and emotional skills and behavior by seeking out training.
  • Individual resilience can be built, maintained, and strengthened when viewed as an enduring concept and acquired through regular training.

An Army Soldier...

  • Is a skilled professional who lives by the Soldier's creed and Army values.
  • Works with strong Army civilian teammates, who embody the same resilient characteristics.
  • Is a valued member of the Army team, who treats all with dignity and respect.
  • Manages sleep, diet and mind/body conditioning to become stronger and optimize performance.
  • Bounces back from adversity to thrive and meet goals and objectives.
  • Is self-aware, seeks help when needed and intervenes to help others, treats all with dignity and respect.
  • Embraces challenges, solves problems, continuously learns, improves and strengthens.

An Army Family...

  • Is an essential member of the Army Team
  • Is able to thrive and remain strong through deployments, reassignments, and adversity
  • Is aware of resources, and willing to seek help for themselves and their Soldier when needed
  • Supports other families, connects with their community and makes positive contributions

An Army Civilian...

  • Is a skilled professional who lives by the Civilian Corps Creed and Army Values
  • Works with strong Army Soldiers to provide stability and continuity during war and peace
  • Is a valued member of the Army Team crucial to support military operations and provide full complement to military occupational specialties
  • Seeks out training and self development opportunities to strengthen readiness and resilience

An Army Leader...

  • Leads by example, sets and enforces high standards and holds themselves and others accountable
  • Establishes a climate that fosters resilience and trust
  • Knows their team and equips team members with the skills to achieve missions, overcome challenges and grow
  • Teaches, coaches and mentors team members through positive thinking and effective problem solving

An Army Unit...

  • Is well-led and cohesive, with members proud to be part of the Team
  • Is trained, resourced and equipped to accomplish assigned tasks and quickly adapt to future missions
  • Is comprised of members who provide each other and their families strength and encouragement in all situations and conditions
  • Is stronger and more resilient than the sum of its individual parts


Military Crisis Line (U.S.)
(800) 273-8255 (TALK)

Military Crisis Line (Europe)

Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community
(877) 995-5247
Text: 55-247 (inside the U.S.)
Text: 202-470-5546 (outside the U.S.)

Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE)
(866) 966-1020 - 24/7 Outreach

Vets4Warriors (855) 838-8255

R2 Leadership


  • There is great value in leaders at all levels participating in Resiliency Training. Army Ready and Resilient Training empowers Commands and Army leaders to take care of those they lead by providing Soldiers, Family Members and Army Civilians with the training, tools and resources to win in a complex world.

    Hon. Debra S. Wada, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower & Reserves

  • I want every Soldier deployable in the Army. It's about building readiness in the United States Army, doing what's right, taking care of Soldiers and getting them healthy.

    Daniel A. Dailey, Sergeant Major of the Army

    Army Times, Feb. 22, 2016

  • All Army leaders are responsible to set conditions for a culture encouraging help-seeking behaviors.

    Gen. Daniel Allyn, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

  • Our collective strength depends on our people - their mental and physical resilience is at our core.

    Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army

    First message to the Army as CSA

  • Every Soldier in every unit counts and must be able to perform their mission at home or abroad, in peace and in war. Commanders at every level are responsible for the readiness of their formations and must be committed in ensuring the individual readiness of each and every Soldier in their formations.

    Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army

    Army Readiness Guidance, Calendar Year 2016-17

  • Readiness begins with our Soldiers. We must assess our nation's very best, train them, manage their talesn and instill in them the warrior ethos. In doing so, we build a cohesive team of trusted professionals, resilient, fit, and ready to fight and win our nation's wars.

    Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army

    Army Readiness Guidance, Calendar Year 2016-17

  • Readiness is #1 and there is no other #1

    Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army

  • We want leaders that are tough, resilient, that can think, and out-fight and out-smart the enemy. We want them to be adaptive and agile and flexible. And, we want them not only competent, but we want leaders of character.

    Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the Army

    Remarks to the National Guard Association of the United States on Sept. 11, 2015

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