Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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America's Army - Our Profession America's Army - Our Profession America's Army - Our Profession America's Army - Our Profession


In October 2010, the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff, Army directed the Commander, Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), to conduct a critical review to assess how protracted years of war impacted members of the Profession of Arms. This Army-wide review took the form of a year-long campaign of learning with focus groups at 5 major installations, 15 symposiums and 2 Army-wide surveys that reached more than 40,000 members of the active and reserve components and the DA Civilian Corps. The results of this assessment led to the development of this program.

Frequently Asked Questions (click to toggle)

What is the America's Army - Our Profession Program?

It is a program designed to generate an inspirational and aspirational dialog for Soldiers and Civilians to reaffirm their understanding of themselves as Army Professionals, to recommit to a culture of service, and to understand and serve in accordance with the Army Ethic and Army culture.

How will this program help shape the Army of 2020?

During the America’s Army - Our Profession Program, the Army will begin to institutionalize and operationalize the Army Profession concepts. This will be done by developing and integrating the Army Profession concepts into doctrine (ADP/ ADRP 1), revision of PME and CES, training, tools and products.

How can leaders help with this effort?

Include the Army Profession in command training/LD guidance and professional development sessions; Generate robust dialog at all levels; Leverage trained Army Profession and Ethic personnel; Use AP Concepts in iconic events, Soldier and NCO boards, and unit functions; Command emphasis on standards and discipline (unit NCOPD focus topic); Foster candor and transparency; coaching, teaching, mentoring, and counseling; and Use AP certification criteria (“3 Cs”) in training and development assessments.

Are Army Civilians included in America’s Army – Our Profession Program?

Yes, the Army Civilian Corps is a vital component of the Army Profession. Materials will be tailored to specifically address the importance of Army Civilians in today’s Army and how they can aspire to be better professionals.

What is the best way to present the America's Army - Our Profession Program?

The lesson plan for each theme contains an outline for your presentation. We would also encourage you to Join the Community of Practice. Within the Community of Practice you are able to share your best practices, ask questions and receive feedback from your peers.