Suicide Prevention Training

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Suicide Prevention Training

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Suicide Prevention Training is designed to increase Soldier, Family and Leader awareness of the signs and symptoms of suicidal thinking and behavior, to promote help seeking behavior, to improve one’s ability to provide care and referral for those around them, and to provide advanced intervention training to gatekeepers. Suicide Prevention Training falls into two categories:  Awareness and Intervention. The proponent for Suicide Prevention training is the Army G1 office, and while training requirements are established by AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion) and further clarified by DA PAM 600-24 (Health, Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention), some of the requirements are also established through policy memorandums or clarified in ALARACTs. This is particularly true for training requirements of gatekeepers.
The following topics are discussed below:
  • Ask, Care, Escort (ACE)
  • Suicide Awareness Training for Soldiers, Leaders, Families and Civilians
  • ACE Suicide Intervention Training (ACE SI)
  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
  • Suicide Prevention Training in the Deployment Cycle
  • Funding for Suicide Prevention Training

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Suicide Training



Supporting Resources

Ask, Care, Escort (ACE)

All Army suicide awareness training has at its core the Ask, Care, Escort (ACE) model for identifying and supporting someone who may be struggling. ACE Cards can be ordered from the Public Health Command e-catalogue.

Ask Your Buddy

·         Have the Courage to ask the question, but stay calm

·         Ask the question directly, e.g. Are you thinking of killing yourself?

Care for Your Buddy

·         Remove any means that could be used for self-injury

·         Calmly control the situation; do not use force

·         Actively listen to produce relief

Escort Your Buddy

·         Never leave a buddy alone

·         Escort to the chain of command, chaplain, behavioral health professional or primary care provider.

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)

Suicide Awareness Training for Soldiers

All Soldiers are required to attend a one hour suicide awareness training on an annual basis. The Army conducts suicide prevention training using the ACE training model. The goal of training is to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs, resources available, and to encourage intervention with at-risk members. This training should be instructed at the squad or platoon level by First Line Leaders. Completion of training will be documented in the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) and the Individual Training Record (ITR) IAW AR 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development).

·         AR 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development)

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)

      ·     ALARACT 079/2012, Army Suicide Prevention Program (Annual Guidance on Suicide Prevention Training)


Suicide Awareness Training for Leaders

All Leaders E5 and higher are required to attend a one hour suicide awareness training on an annual basis. The Army conducts Leader training using the ACE training model. The goal of training is to increase awareness of suicide risk factors, warning signs, available resources, and to encourage intervention with at-risk members. The Leader training adds a focus on Leader responsibilities, Soldier care and building a climate that encourages Soldiers to seek help.  This instruction can be conducted in larger groups and should be instructed by organic unit leadership.  Completion of training will be documented in the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) and the Individual Training Record (ITR) IAW AR 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development).

·         AR 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development)

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)

      ·    ALARACT 079/2012, Army Suicide Prevention Program (Annual Guidance on Suicide Prevention Training)


Suicide Awareness Training for Families

The Army developed suicide awareness training to support all Family members. This training includes special focus on spouses, youth, elderly, stress reduction and the ACE training Model. The goal of training is to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs, resources available, and to encourage intervention with at-risk members. This training takes advantage of extensive use of integrated video vignettes. The training package is ideally suited to be presented by chaplains and Family Programs personnel.

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)


Suicide Awareness Training for Civilians

The Army developed suicide awareness training to support DA Civilians, State Workers and Technicians. This training focuses on applying the ACE training Model to the stressors unique to our Civilian workers. The goal of training is to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs, resources available, and to encourage intervention with at-risk members. 

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)


Army ACE Suicide Intervention Training (ACE-SI)

This is a four hour block of instruction which provides First Line Supervisors and Junior Leaders advanced instruction in suicide intervention. This training focuses on applying the ACE training model and includes discussions to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs, stigma reduction, resilience, resources available, and to encourage intervention with at-risk members. It is a practical skills based instruction utilizing small group discussion and problem solving.

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)


Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

The Army G1 has established ASIST by LivingWorks as the only approved training for Gatekeepers. This is a two day course that teaches advanced practical skills for intervention and referral.  ASIST can only be facilitated by someone who has completed all the requirements for certification by LivingWorks as a trainer. States can send their own trainers to the ASIST Training for Trainers (T4T) or they can contract for outside trainers to come in and provide the training to their Gatekeepers.

·         ALARACT 133-2010 (Suicide Intervention Trainers Additional Skills Identifier (ASI))

·         ALARACT 079/2012, Army Suicide Prevention Program (Annual Guidance on Suicide Prevention Training)

·         AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion)


Suicide Awareness Training in the Deployment Cycle

The Army G1 mandates suicide awareness and prevention training for the different phases of the deployment cycle. The requirements for each phase are provided on the Army G1 Website – Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Process.


Funding for Training

Funding usually comes in two categories, 2065 and 2060. 2065 funds can only be used for goods and services. Examples might include paying for the ASIST tuition, purchasing refreshments for training, purchasing training materials, purchasing the Army Suicide Awareness for Leader’s Quick Series, and contracting for outside trainers or speakers. These funds cannot be used for Soldier pay or travel expenses.  2060 funds are used for Soldier pay, allowances, travel and per diem. Once funds are downloaded to the State, SPPMs should work with the State USPFO and funding managers to access those funds.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Who are gatekeepers?
  • What is the required training for gatekeepers?
  • What does it take to become certified as an ASIST Trainer?
  • What does it take to become an ACE-SI trainer?

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Points of Contact

Division: Soldier Family Support Division (ARNG-HRS-R)


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