About Us

HQDA "Commander"

Resource Management

Resource Services-Washington (RSW) provides resource management and force management support for over two hundred activities within the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) that perform a variety of readiness and operations support functions Army-wide. RSW manages the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution process for Army headquarters organizations and activities. Also, the Director, RSW is the Co-Executive for the Army Organize Program Evaluation Group (OO PEG), the authority that determines valid to critical requirements in support of the Army's Strategic Initiatives and priorities.

Manpower and Force Management

The Manpower and Force Management Division controls manpower allocations for HQDA organizational elements and activities resourced through Operating Agency 22 (OA22). When required, changes to manpower resources are adjusted to conform to objectives, priorities and decisions of Army and Department of Defense (DoD) leadership. In addition, the organization analyzes and evaluates the OA22 manpower program to ensure conformance to policies, standards and mission priorities. Programs managed include: Level II POC for Army Suggestion Program, Custodian for HQDA Welfare Fund, proposal authority for HQDA Office Symbols, and Unit Identification Code (UIC) Information Officer for the Status of Resources and Training System.

National Capital Region Space Management

Real Estate and Facilities-Army (REF-A) is responsible for allocating space to Army personnel and other executive agent entities while optimizing space utilization within the National Capital Region, which includes the Pentagon, leased facilities, and HQDA occupied facilities on Fort Belvoir, VA; providing oversight of design and construction projects for HQDA occupied Pentagon space, leased space, and selected facilities on Fort Belvoir, VA; and overseeing installation of and maintaining Army exhibits and signage in the Pentagon.

Human Resources Management

The Human Resources Management Directorate (HRMD) implements and administers human resource policy for both military and civilian personnel in the Headquarters, Department of Army. For military (includes Joint, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and Army-assigned personnel), HRMD provides personnel information (selection boards, personnel asset inventory), awards processing, and personnel management at both the headquarters and unit levels. Functions include requisitions/assignments/personnel assignment policy; managing Common Access Cards/Defense Eligibility Enrollment, Military and Family Member IDs, and Retiree IDs (military and civilian); casualty operations, and liaison with the Fort Myer Military Personnel Directorate.

For civilians, HRMD administers and implements human resource programs and policies for the Appropriated Fund (General Schedule, Federal Wage System, and National Security Personnel System (NSPS)) and Non-Appropriated Fund personnel. In addition, HRMD administers performance management for the Senior Executive Services employees. Regionally, HRMD serves as the Priority Placement Program Army coordinator.

Civilian Drug Testing Program

The Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army prescribes drug testing policies and procedures for Headquarters, Department of the Army civilians and its field operating agencies. The Army civilian drug abuse testing program mandates the random testing of Department of the Army civilian employees in testing designated positions (TDPs).

Reference: Department of the Army Regulation 600-85, Headquarters, Department of the Army Drug Testing, located at http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r600_85.pdf

Equal Employment Opportunity

The role of the Employment Opportunity (EEO) office is to ensure compliance of equal employment opportunity and affirmative employment policies, practices, and procedures for civilians. The EEO office promotes human relations awareness through Special Emphasis Programs, training, and staff assistance visits. Further, the EEO office manages the Employee Disability Awareness/Accommodation Program. EEO is responsible for establishing and maintaining a model equal employment opportunity program for Department of Army civilians in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Rehabilitation Act. The office provides total EEO Program support for HQDA and serviced activities which perform a variety of policy, readiness and operations support functions.

Coin Policy and Army Incentive Awards Program

Coins are often used as a tool by HQDA leaders to provide tangible, honorary recognition to HQDA and other DoD personnel for acts of exceptional service, achievement, special recognition of a job well done, or for unique contributions towards the accomplishment of the Army’s mission. The Secretary of the Army has the overall responsibility for the Army Incentive Awards Program.

Conference Approvals

The Special Programs Directorate is responsible for managing the Army conference effort for the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army as the proponent on conferences on behalf of the Secretary of the Army (SA), as directed in Army Directive 2015-01, Army Conference Policy, located at http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/ad2015_01.pdf.

Local Boards and Committee Member

In the role of "HQDA Commander," the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (AASA) represents the Secretary of the Army on local boards and committees. The AASA serves with counterparts in other Services, Joint Staff and OSD including the Pentagon Governance Council, Pentagon Building Council, and the DOD Concessions Committee.

Voting Assistance Program

The OAA provides voting assistance to Soldiers and civilians attached to or serving the Army outside the continental United States, and their accompanying family members.

Army Emergency Relief Campaign

The OAA conducts the Headquarters, Department of the Army’s annual AER Fundraising Campaign (March 1 through May 31). AER is a private, nonprofit organization incorporated in 1942 by the Secretary of War and the Army Chief of Staff. The sole mission of AER is to help Soldiers and their families. Campaign contributions assure AER's continued ability to meet the needs of our Soldiers and their families facing financial emergencies. To find out more about the Army’s Emergency Relief efforts, visit http://www.aerhq.org

Reference: Army Regulation 930-4, Army Emergency Relief, located at http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r930_4.pdf.

DoD Executive Agents (EA)

As defined in DoD Directive 5101.1, the DoD Executive Agent (EA) is the head of a DoD Component to whom the Secretary of Defense or the Deputy Secretary of Defense has assigned specific responsibilities, functions, and authorities to provide defined levels of support for operational missions, or administrative or other designated activities that involve two or more of the DoD Components.

The nature and scope of the DoD Executive Agent's responsibilities, functions, and authorities are prescribed at the time of assignment and remain in effect until the Secretary of Defense or the Deputy Secretary of Defense revokes or supersedes them.

In addition to its Executive Agent responsibilities, the Army has many other authorities than Executive Agents that are assigned by a DoD Directive, United States Code, or another authority source.

To access a list of authorities for which the Army is an Executive Agent, go to Executive Agent.

To access a list of Army authorities other than Executive Agents, go to Army Authorities.

Document Management

FOIA and Privacy Act

In fiscal year 2007, the U.S. Army processed over 33,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the general public. The Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA), in conjunction with the Department of the Army FOIA/Privacy Act Office (FOIA/PA), facilitates worldwide tracking and coordination for more than 340 FOIA/PA offices, to include timely responses to FOIA/PA requests. Additional information is available at the following web site: https://www.rmda.army.mil/foia/RMDA-FOIA-Act.html.

Document Declassification

The Army Declassification Activity reviews Army classified records as well as sensitive documents related to the Global War on Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction and determines the appropriateness for declassification.

Records Management

The Records Management Division supports the Archivist of the Army, represents the U.S. Army to the National Archives and Records Administration, and ensures that statutory requirements established by Congress are complied with during the collection and preservation of Army records. Army records are preserved and maintained on the Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS).

PTSD Claims Research

The Joint Services Records Research Center (JSRRC) serves as the Department of Defense Executive Agent for the research of records related to Gulf War Illness and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for Army, Air Force and Navy personnel.* JSRRC works hand in hand with the Veterans Administration to facilitate the processing of claims.

Should medical attention be required, contact your local VA Hospital or Veterans Center to determine the type of help you need. Call the VA Health Benefits Service Center toll free at 1-877-222-VETS. You can also contact the VA online at http://www.va.gov.

* NOTE: The JSRRC does not conduct PTSD research for USMC veterans and Navy personnel attached to USMC units. This research is conducted by the USMC Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, 1254 Charles Morris Street, SE, Washington, D.C. 20374

Publications and Forms Management

The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is the Army’s centralized publications and forms management organization.

The Army Publishing Directorate manages the publishing and forms functions of the Army for both electronic and physical media, from inception to obsolescence or rescission. This organization sets the Army-wide standard for graphic design, typography, and multicolor use. It manages authentication, standards development, publications and forms preparation; distribution and publishing media; and, electronic composition, replication, printing and indexing on behalf of the Army.

APD also manages procurement and distribution requirements of various types of printed and electronic media products in support of Army-wide and Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) customers. The Directorate provides graphic design services and art direction to HQDA agencies.


Distribution of Multimedia Products

The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) manages, stores, and distributes over 29 million pieces of published multimedia products to include: classified and accountable items, technical publications, field manuals, wartime certificates and administrative publications. In support of the Global War on Terror, over 236,000 products, weighing 116 tons were shipped.

Directorate of Executive Travel

The Directorate of Executive Travel (DET) provides executive airlift and ground transportation services to Congress, Combatant Commands, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, and Headquarters, Departments of the Air Force and Army. DET authors, implements and manages Army-wide travel policy on behalf of the Secretary of the Army and in accordance with Title X responsibilities. DET also serves as a trusted policy and travel advisor to the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and senior officials within the Headquarters, Department of the Army.

Passports and Visas

The Directorate of Executive Travel (DET) processes over 122,000 passport and 19,000 visa applications for DoD personnel worldwide, interfaces with foreign embassies to obtain visas for DoD Military Service members, and supports and trains Passport Field Agents worldwide.

Real Estate Leasing and Repairs

The Real Estate and Facilities-Army (REF-A) manages, plans and administers a comprehensive real estate and facilities program to the Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) within the National Capital Region (NCR).

Ground Transportation

The Motor Operations Division, a part of the Directorate of Executive Travel, provides the bulk of ground transportation for eligible customers in the National Capital Region (NCR). The division logs over 700,000 miles in support of over 60,000 missions annually.

Special Programs

Combined Federal Campaign

The OAA administers the annual Combined Federal Campaign for the Headquarters, Department of the Army Staff and Army organizations in the National Capital Area (NCA). Annually, Army NCA CFC efforts raise approximately $3.0M to help local and national charities throughout the world.

Army Birthday

The OAA is responsible for coordinating the Army Birthday Week events. These observances highlight the Army’s support to the Nation, historic events, and achievements, while communicating the Army’s vision for the future. Examples of Army Birthday Week events and observances include a cake-cutting ceremony, wreath laying ceremonies, the Army Staff Run, and the Army Birthday Ball.

Army Civil Liberties Program

The OAA manages the Army’s Civil Liberties Program. Civil liberties are fundamental rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution of the United States. These freedoms, which include the right to privacy, are concentrated primarily in the Bill of Rights. The Department of the Army is committed to the protection of the civil liberties of Army employees, members of the military, and the public to the greatest extent possible, consistent with its operational requirements. The Army’s Chief Civil Liberties Officer and Primary Civil Liberties Point of Contact are charged with implementing the Civil Liberties Program through advice, monitoring, official reporting and training. For more information, visit the Army Civil Liberties Program website.

Army Gift Program

The Army's Gift Program is managed by the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and can provide assistance with channeling specific gifts to the Army. For more information, you can visit the Army Gift Program website. Questions regarding gift assistance can be emailed to usarmy.pentagon.hqda-oaa.mbx.army-gift-program@mail.mil.

Army Performance Improvement Criteria

APIC provides the framework for an organization to assess its performance and improvement opportunities. Leaders can examine all aspects of their organization and align processes and procedures with Army selected best practices. This promotes change and creates avenues of excellence for organizational learning. APIC is modeled after the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria.

Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army

The OAA manages the Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) Program. CASAs are business and community leaders appointed by the Secretary of the Army to advise and support Army leaders across the country. CASAs come from many professions including business, education, finance, industry, law, the media, medicine, and public service. Each is proactively involved in the community and brings to the position an interest in the Army, a high degree of business and civic leadership, and an ability to influence the public. They advise the Secretary on the public's issues of significance in their regions, communicate the Army's objectives and priorities, and serve as a vital link between their local and state communities and Army leadership at all levels. CASAs are Special Government Employees who agree to serve as representatives of the Secretary without salary, wages or related benefits, and are afforded a 3-star protocol status. Questions regarding the CASA program can be emailed to usarmy.pentagon.hqda-oaa.mbx.casa@mail.mil.

Civilian Welfare Fund

The Resource Services-Washington manages and executes the HQDA Welfare Fund. The Civilian Welfare Fund is equally available to all employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, marital status, or national origin. The fund is used for recreational, social, and other group activities and events in which both military and civilian personnel participate. Funds may also be used to purchase flowers for employees (i.e., illness/death) or to purchase nominal value memento items to recognize individuals who have provided support to Department of the Army Welfare Fund activities.

Mass Transit Subsidy Program

The OAA manages and oversees the Army’s National Capital Region (NCR) - Mass Transit Benefit Program (MTBP). This program entitles participating employees to a monthly benefit to offset their daily commuting expenses. Currently the Army provides $13M in benefits to approximately 10,000 military and civilian employees. The program helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. Army employees may apply for benefits by going to http://www.whs.mil/MTBP/index.cfm.

DA Committee Management

The Headquarters, Department of the Army is responsible for committee management established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as well as other Army committees. FACA and other Army committees have fostered a multitude of proposals, recommendations, improvements, and plans that benefit, not only the Department of the Army, but also the Department of Defense, the Soldier, the civilian, and the nation. These initiatives and the implementation of various committee recommendations encompass the areas of science, education, environment, and health and impact them all. The Army is committed to upholding the integrity and credibility of its committee management program. More information on the Department of Army’s and other Federal Advisory Committees, is located at http://facadatabase.gov/.

Employee Services

Religious Support

The Pentagon Chaplain has provided extensive religious support for every member of the Pentagon workforce for over thirty years. This includes worship opportunities for major faith groups, ceremony support for all services, pastoral counseling, crisis interventions, numerous small group faith studies throughout the Pentagon reservation, and major faith related programs featuring world class speakers and musical groups.

Pentagon Athletic Center

The Pentagon Athletic Center (PAC) provides physical fitness facilities and fellowship for Department of Defense (DoD) military and civilian employees. The PAC is a non-appropriated fund activity operated by the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army, Support Services-Washington.

Pentagon Parking

Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) Pentagon Parking coordinates with the Pentagon Force Protection Agency to allocate parking passes to HQDA organizational elements at the Pentagon.

The HQDA Pentagon Reservation Parking Program is coordinated by the HQDA Directorate of Mission Assurance in close cooperation with the Pentagon Force Protection Agency. The Pentagon Reservation parking lots are controlled and enforced to identify all vehicles parked on the Reservation. Security mandates that all individuals along with their vehicle license number must be identified while parked on the Reservation. Pentagon Reservation parking passes are allocated to all HQDA organizational elements for local issuance to individual employees.

Heraldry & History


The Institute of Heraldry provides heraldic services to the Armed Forces and other United States government organizations, including the Executive Office of the President. The activities of the Institute encompass research, design, development, standardization, quality control, and other services relating to official symbolic items awarded to or authorized for official wear or display by government personnel and agencies. Limited research and information services concerning official symbolic items are also provided to the general public.

Military History

The Center of Military History (CMH) is responsible for recording the official history of the Army in both peace and war, while advising the Army Staff on historical matters. In terms of this tradition, the Center traces its lineage back to those historians under the United States Secretary of War.

Museums and Art

The Center of Military History's art and documents collections, library, and reference services are available to private researchers. Official priorities permitting, its historians, curators, and archivists advise researchers on military history and stand ready to share their expertise concerning the location of sources. The Collections Branch of the Museum Division arranges temporary loans of paintings and drawings from the Army Art Collection to private organizations that agree to display the art publicly in accordance with Army regulations. The Army’s museums and historical holdings throughout the country and abroad are open to the public, and their curators are available to answer reference questions.



The Army Graphics Branch provides graphic products and services to the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) and select Department of Defense (DoD) military and civilian action officers. Graphics produces large scale exhibits, custom digital illustrations, logos, branding, catalogs, posters, brochures and flyers in support of Department of the Army official ceremonies, special events and activities. Customer can visit the website at https://sslweb2.hqda.pentagon.mil/vidwos/WorkOrders/NewWO.aspx to submit a work order.

Video/Photo Documentation

The Army Photo Documentation Branch photographs the Department of the Army (DA) and select Department of Defense (DoD) significant yearly events and activities for the historical retention of past and present achievements. The annual events and activities assignments consist of foreign liaison and dignitary visits to the Pentagon and Military District of Washington (MDW) areas, Walter Reed Wounded Soldiers, Army/Navy Game, Army Ball, White House, Congress, Presidential State Funeral, conferences, awards and promotions. Services include a portrait studio that provides Pentagon Community and select DoD General Service, Senior Executive Service, General Officers portraits; and Department of the Army (DA) photo of military service members in uniform used for promotion boards. Customers can access the website http://www.hqda.army.mil/AMVID to schedule an appointment for portrait or schedule a photographer for an assignment.


Pentagon Auditorium

The Pentagon Auditorium is a Department of Defense facility managed by OAA’s Army Multimedia and Visual Information Directorate. The multimedia room offers theater-style seating for approximately 350 people with a large stage suitable for a variety of events. The auditorium is located near the Pentagon Athletic Center and is handicap accessible. Events can be video taped upon request.

Visual Production Contract Management

The Production Acquisition Division (PAD) of AMVID provides contract procurement of commercial audiovisual productions and support services for the Department of Army, Department of Defense, US Marine Corps, and other governmental agencies. PAD is the only Army multimedia/visual information activity authorized to contract for total productions. PAD provides advisory and assistance services for all contracts relating to visual information product acquisition.

Reference: Department of Defense Instruction 5040.8, AR 25-1, DA Pam 25-91, AFARS 5137.9101