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 Navy Reserve organization and components Structure
10 USC CHAPTER 1003 Sec. 10102. Purpose of reserve components

The purpose of each reserve component is to provide trained units and qualified persons available for active duty in the armed forces, in time of war or national emergency, and at such other times as the national security may require, to fill the needs of the armed forces whenever more units and persons are needed than are in the regular components.

The Navy Reserve is the Reserve Component (RC) of America’s Navy, and is broken down into several categories based service responsibilities and commitment status.
The Navy Reserve is comprised of the Ready Reserve, Standby Reserve and Retired Reserve-Inactive. Each component has its own way of contributing to the overall mission.
As a Reservist, you will fall into one of these categories based upon details such as your military experience, your military status and your individual situation.
Ready Reserve

The Ready Reserve provides a pool of trained service members who are ready to step in and serve whenever and wherever needed. It is made up of the Selected Reserve – which includes Drilling Reservists/Units as well as Full-Time Support (FTS) personnel – and the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).

Selected Reserve (SELRES)

This group – the largest and most relied upon of the Ready Reserve – consists of:

  • Drilling Reservists/Units – These are designated Reservists who are available for recall to Active Duty status. They serve as the Navy’s primary source of immediate manpower. They typically fulfill the traditional service commitment of one weekend a month and two weeks a year. And they receive many of the same benefits and perform many of the same duties as their Active Duty counterparts. This includes persons on initial Active Duty for training.
  • Full-Time Support – These are designated Reservists who perform full-time Active Duty service that relates to the training and administration of the Navy Reserve program. They may be assigned to shore activities and commands or operational units. They typically are not reassigned to different locations as often as those on regular Active Duty. And they receive the same pay, allowances and benefits as Active Duty members.
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)

This group consists of individuals who have had training or have previously served in an Active Duty component or in the Selected Reserve.
  • Inactive status – These members of the IRR do not drill, are not obligated to take part in military activities, and receive no pay or benefits.
  • Active status – Individuals assigned to the IRR may be eligible to receive pay or benefits for voluntarily performing specific types of Active Duty (AD) service.
Standby Reserve

The Standby Reserve is made up of Reservists who have transferred from the Ready Reserve after fulfilling certain requirements established by law. Most common Standby Reservists are those who have been deemed key civilian employees by the government or those suffering through personal adversity or disability.

While they are not required to perform training and are not part of any specific unit, they do create a pool of trained individuals who could be mobilized, if necessary, to fill manpower needs in specific skill areas.
Retired Reserve-Inactive
The Retired Reserve-Inactive is made up of Reservists who are drawing retired pay or are qualified for retired pay upon reaching 60 years of age.
Navy Reserve Organizational Structure and Responsibilities

Office of Navy Reserve: appointment of Chief, Echelon I
The Chief of Navy Reserve (CNR) is the official within the executive part of the Department of the Navy who, subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations, is responsible for preparation, justification, and execution of the personnel, operation and maintenance, and construction budgets for the Navy Reserve. As such, the Chief of Navy Reserve is the director and functional manager of appropriations made for the Navy Reserve in those areas.
Navy Reserve Force, Echelon II
(a) Establishment of Command.--The Secretary of the Navy, with the advice and assistance of the Chief of Naval Operations, shall establish a Navy Reserve Force. The Navy Reserve Force shall be operated as a separate command of the Navy.
(b) Commander.--The Chief of Navy Reserve shall be the commander of the Navy Reserve Force. The commander of the Navy Reserve Force reports directly to the Chief of Naval Operations.

Echelon I     Chief of Naval Operations/Chief of Navy Reserve
Echelon II    Commander, Navy Reserve Force (00072) (CNRF)
Echelon III   Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (3447B) (CNRFC)
Echelon III   Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve (00071) (CNAFR)
Echelon IV   Reserve Component Commands (RCC)
Echelon V    Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC)


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