Online Application for
Correction of Military Records - or - Discharge Review

Who may apply?

Soldiers and veterans. If the Soldier or veteran is deceased or incompetent, the surviving spouse, next of kin, or a legal representative may apply. The application must include documentation to prove this relationship such as a certified copy of a marriage license, death certificate, or power of attorney as appropriate.

Supporting Documents

In the online application process, you will be asked to provide documents and evidence to us by mail to support the request on your application to correct your military record or review your discharge. Please send copies of applicable military records in your possession. Do not assume the your military record on file contains all such documents.

"NOTICE: Personal hearing before the Army Discharge Review Board (ADRB) is available only in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area (Arlington, Virginia) at the applicant's own expense. Travel panels of the ADRB to locations elsewhere have been discontinued due to government budget limitations."

Apply Online

Apply online for a Correction of Military Records or a Discharge Review