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Domestic Violence/Family Advocacy Program

If you or someone else is in immediate danger call 911
or contact National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or contact Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 to locate a victim advocate in your area.
Domestic violence can happen to anyone, anywhere, at anytime regardless of military service, race, ethnicity, education level, religion, gender or age. Although experiencing stress is common for Service members and their families, it should never be used as an excuse to explain or justify domestic violence under any circumstances. Moreover, anger, alcohol, or drugs are never excuses for abuse. That is why members of every military family — including service members, spouses, parents, siblings or other caregivers — need to be aware of the valuable resources available for anyone experiencing domestic violence.
Domestic Violence is an offense under the U.S.C., the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or State Law involving the use, attempted use, or threatened use of force or violence against a person of the opposite sex, or a violation of a lawful order issued for the protection of a person of the opposite sex, who is: (a) A current or former spouse; (b) A person with whom the abuser shares a child in common; or (c) A current or former intimate partner with whom the abuser shares or has shared a common domicile. Domestic abuse is domestic violence or a pattern of behavior resulting in emotional/psychological abuse, economic control, and /or interference with personal liberty that is directed toward a person of the opposite sex who is: (a) A current or former spouse; (b) A person with whom the abuser shares a child in common; or (c) A current or former intimate partner with whom the abuser shares or has shared a common domicile.
Domestic violence includes the following acts:
  • Physical violence—hitting, pushing, grabbing, squeezing, yanking, biting, choking, shaking or slapping
  • Sexual violence—attempted or actual sexual contact without consent
  • Threats of physical or sexual abuse—words, looks or gestures to control or frighten
  • Psychological or emotional abuse—humiliating, insulting, isolating, ignoring or financially controlling
  • Stalking—following, harassing or electronic tracking that makes you feel afraid
  • Teach young people that violence is not acceptable;
    • Promote general domestic violence awareness by talking to your friends and family about this issue;
    • Offer support and understanding – not judgment – to a friend or family member that you may be concerned about;
    • Support your friends and family by informing them of resources that can help them if they are experiencing relationship problems;
    • Become active in domestic violence prevention activities on your installation or in your local community; and
    • Report to law enforcement or your local family advocacy program is you suspect abuse.
  • Teen Dating Abuse Hotline
Family Advocacy Program
For a list of FAP Directories by state click here.
The Family Advocacy Program provides clinical assessment, treatment and services for military members and their families involved in incidents of domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.
Child abuse is the physical or sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment or neglect of an unmarried person under 18 years old.
The Family Advocacy Program provides a variety of interventions and treatment services to meet the needs of individual families. FAP provides counseling, clinical case management, treatment groups, and refers families to military and civilian resources as appropriate.
Restricted / Unrestricted Options
There are two types of reporting options for adult victims of domestic abuse, restricted and unrestricted. Both options make available to victims the full range of advocacy, medical and counseling services.
Reservists Reporting Requirements
Navy Reserve personnel do not always fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and therefore the reporting requirements will vary from those personnel on active duty. When the suspected abuse occurs while the Reservist is in an active status, the ombudsman must report the incident to the commanding officer who will contact the appropriate authorities. A Reservist is considered to be activated or mobilized under the following circumstances:
  • In the Navy, and potentially in other branches as well, this means that from the moment one leaves home, enroute to report for active duty, one is subject to the UCMJ.
  • While on inactive duty training (IDT), including travel to and from the drill site.
  • If made the subject of Article 15 or Article 30 proceedings, and called to active duty for the purpose of dealing with these proceedings (e.g. trial by court-martial).
If a Navy Reservist is not serving in the capacity of his/her Navy job when an incident occurs, the requirement to report an incident to the command is not applicable. The abuse should be reported to the nearest local law enforcement authorities and/or the state’s Child Protective Services Agency.
However, please note: if the commanding officer has stated that he/she wants to know this information no matter the status of the Navy Reservist, then this falls into the category of whatever the commanding officer wants to know—the fifth reportable category.
Victim Reporting Options
Effective May 2006, new Department of Navy (DoN) guidance allowed adult victims of domestic abuse an option to make a restricted or unrestricted report of domestic abuse.

An unrestricted report may be made to security, an ombudsman, or the service member’s chain of command and may be followed by administrative action.
A restricted report can only be received by a FAP clinician, victim advocate or healthcare provider, who can then offer a restricted report as an option. (If the report is made to anyone else, including an ombudsman, the report becomes unrestricted.) A restricted report allows the victim to seek medical services, counseling, and access other resources without involving the command or security in the incident. FAP and healthcare personnel will discuss the benefits and limitations of a restricted report with the victim so that an informed decision can be made. The victim can utilize advocacy and counseling to explore his/her options and can take their time in deciding when or if he or she wants to involve others. A victim always has the option to change a restricted report to an unrestricted report.

If you are in an abusive relationship, contact Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647 to locate a victim advocate in your area. You may also contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). OCONUS personnel can seek assistance from the Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center at 1-866-USWOMEN (879-6636).
Education and other Resources
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Navy is raising awareness of ways to prevent domestic violence and is committed to promoting healthy relationships, strengthening families and preventing abusive behavior. Learn more and view a calendar of activities - "Home is Not a War Zone: Bringing Peace to Relationships."

Provides DoD policies, programs information and resources, to include training, on Domestic Violence.

CDC Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
Provides resources and information on domestic violence and teen dating abuse.



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