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Career Path Exploration

How does one even begin to explore career options? It is important to know about the job market but more important to know about yourself. Before you can decide the best course of action, you need to consider all your options and create new options.

Reinventing yourself takes some exploration. You need to identify your skills, discover what drives you, what energizes you. This is the time to focus on goals and not the obstacles.

Evaluate your qualifications and utilize skills inventory assessments to help you identify career options. Your VMET (Verification of Military Experience and Training) document, or DD Form 2586, is the best place to start your training and education inventory SFL-TAP counselors can guide you through this process and they will provide the resources you need to help you make the right choices.

The Army COOL website provides information on certifications and licenses for technical and vocational occupations. The Veterans Administration eBenefits website: eBenefits is the Army’s dedicated resource for translating military MOSs to civilian occupations, researching employers, and applying for jobs.

Networking: Your network of friends, relatives, colleagues, and acquaintances is a valuable job search resource. Your network is bigger than you think it is. It includes all of your family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, colleagues, and even casual acquaintances. Start writing down names and you’ll be surprised at how quickly the list grows. Use professional networking websites like LinkedIn to assist in building your online connections.

Additional Resources:

O*Net Online
Boots to Business
Dantes distance learning readiness self assessment