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Third Annual Huntington Small Business Conference

WOW!  What a great experience last week at the 3rd Annual Huntington Small Business Conference. If you missed that, you missed a lot of learning opportunities and insights into the work and mission of the Huntington District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Attendees of both large and small firms discovered how they can support the Corps in completion of its mission.

There were great networking opportunities and we had a full house of display tables demonstrating the capabilities of the firms on display.  Input from the Small Business Administration and the Regional Contracting Assistance Center, both of Charleston, W.Va., offered expert information on the topics of Construction Finance and Subcontracting Smarts. 

The Commander of the Huntington District, Col. Philip Secrist, and the Deputy District Engineer for Project Management, Joseph Savage, were on hand to welcome attendees and make themselves available to answer questions and discuss the unique needs of the district.   

A full panel of Corps experts in various disciplines spoke about their particular roles in meeting mission needs. The Huntington Contracting Branch participated, as the contracting officers and contract specialists were present throughout the day, and Ginny Morgan, senior contract specialist, presented a class on “Acquisition 101.”  

The morning panel discussion with Amy Frantz, Chief of Planning Branch, and Kim Davidson, Senior Geologist of the Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise, gave details about each of their offices and how contractors support the needs of these offices.   

This was followed up by a Proposal Writing Tips session taught by the Chief of the Contract Management Section, Shane Hall, and Project Engineer Scott Pittman.   

Capping the day, the Programs and Project Management’s Assistant Chief, Lisa Morgan, covered some of the Corps basic contractor requirements and fielded questions regarding the working with the Corps in a “Business as Usual” discussion.  

Attendees were able to earn Professional Development Hours and the opportunity to learn from each other how they can work together to fulfill the goals of the Huntington District’s Office of Small Business Programs.  

The presentations are uploaded on this page if you need a refresher or weren’t able to attend a session that you were interested in.  As was heard frequently at the event, “if you have any questions, call Eileen.”  

A special thanks to the Huntington Post of the Society of American Military Engineers for hosting the event, and to our platinum, gold, and silver sponsors and displaying firms, without whose support the conference would not have been possible.  I would be remiss if I did not recognize our esteemed emcee, Mack McCarty, who does a great job keeping things moving – thanks, Mack!  

If you missed it this year, we’ve already started planning the 4th Annual Huntington Small Business Conference - you won’t want to miss it!

Contact Us

Huntington District Small Business Office



Mission Statement

To sustain the Corps of Engineers as a premier organization in developing small businesses and maximizing their opportunities to participate in our procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers to support the Corps of Engineers’ mission and strengthen our Nation’s economic development.



Conference Photos