Data Center Consolidation Already Results in Savings

Published, March 22, 2012

Fast Fact IconData center consolidation is not a new concept to the Department of the Navy. The department has been actively consolidating IT resources and has already seen significant savings as a result. ...

To date, the U.S. Navy has closed 13 data centers and plans to close approximately 23 more during the next fiscal year. Additionally, during the past five years, the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) has transitioned a number of applications out of existing data centers and into SPAWAR hosting facilities. This has resulted in significant savings for affected commands. "In work for the Commander of the Navy Reserve Force, we realized over $31 million of life cycle savings and $6 million that would have been spent on contractor services and license fees," said Rear Adm. Patrick H. Brady, Commander, Space and Warfare Systems Command in the October–December 2011 issue of CHIPS magazine.

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TAGS: DCC, Efficiencies

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