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Emergency Operations

(415) 289-3099

1455 Market Street

San Francisco, CA 94103  

Emergency Response

The San Francisco District takes an active role in preparing for – and responding to – natural and national emergencies in peace time and during war in support of the U.S. Army and the nation.

District Roles

  • The San Francisco District Corps emergency managers develop plans tailored to specific hazards, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., and coordinate these plans with appropriate federal, state, and local agencies to prevent destruction of property and save lives.
  • The district participates in federal, state and local disaster preparedness exercises.
  • The district is the lead federal agency (under the Federal Response Plan) for emergency public works and engineering assistance following disasters.  This work includes debris clearance/removal, emergency water supply, emergency power, temporary restoration of public facilities, temporary housing, and technical assistance on behalf of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), under Public Law 93-288 (the Stafford Act).
  • The San Francisco District provides life protection and public infrastructure repair assistance following major or catastrophic disasters in coordination with state and local response efforts.

A History of Helping

Floods of 1997. Supported numerous efforts throughout the U.S. and internationally in debris removal, temporary roofing, emergency generators and pumps, potable water, portable toilets, ice, temporary housing support, and
technical assistance for  Hurricane Georges, Hurricane Katrina, and Hurricane
Ike struck Louisiana and parts of Texas from 1999 – 2008.

  • The district prevented millions of dollars in damages by conducting advance measures, flood fighting and rehabilitation efforts in the Northern California Winter floods of 1994 – 1995 in the Monterey area.
  • Provided search and rescue, structural assessment, and technical assistance and resources support following the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing in1995.
  • The district provided engineering and technical support and resources (personnel) in relief and recovery efforts in response to the Loma Prieta earthquake in Northern California in October 1989 (magnitude 7.1) and the Northridge earthquake (6.8 magnitude) in Los Angeles, in January 1994.  Provided electrical power and structural inspections of schools, public buildings, and medical facilities; distributed water; and constructed temporary rail facility for mass transit.
  • Supported $230 million worth of rehabilitation of levees damaged by the Corps of Engineers during the Midwest Flood of 1993.
  • Provided support personnel to emergency water assistance to Jamestown, Rhode Island, to relieve drought conditions in 1993.
  • Supported the nationwide U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which provided over $536 million in assistance after Hurricane Andrew struck Florida in 1992.  This assistance was of the same type provided for hurricane Fran.


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