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San Francisco District Regulatory Division

Regulatory News:

As chief federal steward of wetlands - marshes, tidelands and vernal pools - the Corps' regulatory team has responsibility for regulating and enforcing rigorous environmental standards while balancing appropriate development. The Corps’ efforts to balance society’s many needs officially begin with the permit process. In cases where an impact on aquatic resources is unavoidable, organizations must obtain a permit from the Corps.  This process is designed to be fair and flexible and to provide timely decisions. In many cases, the Corps works with potential applicants during the planning and design of projects so that problems can be spotted early on and addressed, saving development costs while still reducing potential environmental harm.  The Corps is committed to ensuring that the public has the opportunity to provide input on projects that will have more than a minimal impact on the environment. In carrying out its regulatory program, the Corps works closely with a diverse array of federal, state, tribal and local government agencies, nonprofit groups, businesses and individuals.

To learn more about the specifics of the regulatory program, including regulations and policies, applicable laws, recent announcements and court decisions visit: http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits.aspx This site also has links to related organizations, including Corps district offices and other federal agencies that deal with wetlands and environmental resources.

District Regulatory Policies

Customer Survey

We at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch are committed to improving service to our customers and would like to know how well we have been doing. Who are our customers? You are our customers if you submitted a permit application, requested a jurisdictional determination or wetland delineation, or scheduled a pre-application meeting with us. Other customers include those of you who receive our Public Notice and/or comment(ed) on a particular project or our work in general, because of your interest in the Regulatory Program. To identify how we can better serve you, we need your help. Please take the time to fill out this brief survey and mail it back to us. Your honest opinions will help us determine areas in which we need to improve.

Click here to take our Customer Survey



Regulatory Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1455 Market Street, 16th Floor
San Francisco, California 94103-1398


PHONE NUMBER: (415) 503-6795
FAX NUMBER: (415) 503-6693