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Eufaula Lake Shoreline Management Plan & Master Plan

The Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan regulate activities and the long term management strategy of the lake. The Record of Decision implements the Preferred Alternative listed in the Eufaula Lake Final Environmental Impact Statement as part of the SMP and MP.

Shoreline Management Plan

Master Plan

Record of Decision

Eufaula Lake Final Environmental Impact Statement

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including guidelines in 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230, the Tulsa District has assessed the environmental impacts of federal actions associated with revising the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), supplementing the Master Plan (MP), and considering a request for lease of federal property for construction and operation of a public marina and recreational facilities at Eufaula Lake, Oklahoma.

This web page contains a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for these actions. The Tulsa District requested the review of this document in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1503 and received approval on June 7, 2013.

For a fact sheet summarizing the Preferred Alternative, click here.

For a .zip file of all parts and appendices, click here.

Part 1: Cover, Table of Contents, and Executive Summary
Part 2: Purpose and Need
Part 3: Description of Alternatives Pages 1-30
Part 4: Description of Alternatives Pages 31-53
Part 5: Description of Alternatives Pages 54-83 
Part 6: Descrpition of Alternatives Pages 84-100
Part 7: Affected Environment
Part 8: Environmental Consequences
Part 9: Chapter 5-11
Appendix A: Scoping Report Part 1 
Appendix A: Scoping Report Part 2
Appendix A: Scoping Report Part 3
Appendix B: Vegetation and Wildlife Part 1
Appendix B: Vegetation and Wildlife Part 2
Appendix B: Vegetation and Wildlife Part 3
Appendix C: Vegetation Change Analysis
Appendix D: Water Quality
Appendix E: Recreation Study Report Part 1
Appendix E: Recreation Study Report Part 2
Appendix E: Recreation Study Report Part 3
Appendix E: Recreation Study Report Part 4
Appendix E: Recreation Study Report Part 5
Appendix E: Recreation Study Report Part 6
Appendix F: Visual and Aesthetics Part 1
Appendix F: Visual and Aesthetics Part 2
Appendix F: Visual and Aesthetics Part 3
Appendix G: Cultural Resources
Appendix H: Resource Categories Not Affected
Appendix I: Comment Responses
Appendix J: Public Comments Part 1
Appendix J: Public Comments Part 2 
Appendix J: Public Comments Part 3
Appendix J: Public Comments Part 4
Appendix K: Agency Comments
Appendix L: Preferred Alternative Master Plan Land Use Classification