Joint Chiefs of Staff

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December 17, 2013 — SERGEANT MAJOR BRYAN BATTAGLIA:  Thanks, Megan, and good morning, everyone.  Joined by my wife, Lisa, and our chairman, let me too welcome each of you to what is a very, very special moment in our military’s lineage.  As our MC mentioned earlier, a complimentary copy, these are in fact our first limited batch of books that we are fielding.   more…
December 04, 2013 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Thank you. Please. (Applause.) Thanks very much. It’s I that should be giving you a standing ovation, but it wouldn’t make much impact, one guy up here, one old Irishman up here clapping his hands. You can see that any place you go around Washington, D.C., actually. (Laughter.) But I really am honored to be here today to –  more…
December 02, 2013 — ANNOUNCER: Please be seated. Ladies and Gentleman, General Martin Dempsey, the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY:  Well it's my honor to begin the festivities today as we celebrate, I do mean celebrate, the career and accomplishments and contributions of Doctor Ash Carter, who has served most recently as our Deputy  more…
November 20, 2013 — ADMIRAL JAMES “SANDY” WINNEFELD: Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats . . . and if our wonderful Native Americans who have received their medals would like to retire to your seats, I’m not going to make you stand while I talk.But I will say good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, and while, while may be taking your seats again, allow me to  more…
November 18, 2013 — JOHN BUSSEY: Well, General Dempsey, thanks very much for joining us. You heard a lot about leadership in our last session. It seems to be THE topic here in Washington. Everybody seems to be searching for it. We have a room full of CEOs. They manage 5 million employees. You alone have 2 million in uniform. So I figured you do more performance  more…
November 16, 2013 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: I thought he was running away with the water, but he tells me there’s another one here. (Laughter.) There’s actually a lot of them here, if anybody’s thirsty right now. (Laughter.) You’ll be excused if you allow yourself to be distracted by the view over my shoulders, which is quite remarkable, as is this facility. And my  more…
November 15, 2013 — ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony will now continue for the retirement of General C. Robert Kehler, beginning with remarks by General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Applause.) GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Well, let me add my congratulations to the men and women of Strategic Command for the award of the Joint  more…
November 02, 2013 — MS. : Hi. If everyone could sit in your seats, we’re about to begin. And after General Dempsey finishes speaking, if you can stay in your seats until he leaves that would be great. General Martin Dempsey is the 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is the highest-ranking military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces and a principal military  more…
October 15, 2013 — RETIRED GENERAL CRAIG MCKINLEY: So without further ado, I’d like to introducethe vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Sandy Winnefeld.(Applause.) ADMIRAL JAMES “SANDY” WINNEFELD: All right. Well, thank you,my good friend Craig, for that kind introduction, and good morning. Thank you somuch for inviting me to speak to you. Just a sort  more…
September 18, 2013 — ADMIRAL JAMES WINNEFELD: All right, thank you, General Sullivan. Thank youvery much for inviting me here this evening to the Strategic Issues Forum. I’veheard about this of late, and the people I’ve – I know I talked to MartyDempsey, who spoke here before, and he very much enjoyed the opportunity tospeak with this group. And I really do want to  more…
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