Joint Chiefs of Staff

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September 12, 2013 — ADMIRAL JAMES WINNEFELD: All right. Well, good morning. Don’t feel so bad about the people who are stuck out there on the highway because this means I get to talk to all the smart people – (laughter) – who knew to leave early to get here on time. So this is sort of Darwinism of AFCEA, if you will – (laughter) – although don’t tell anybody I said  more…
July 27, 2013 — MR. SINGER: Hello, I'm Peter Singer, Director of the Center for 21st Century Security Intelligence at Brookings, I'm delighted to welcome you all to this event. I'd like to begin it with a story. The first time I ever saw a computer, I was 7 years old, my father took me to a science museum in North Carolina to see a Commodore computer, if you  more…
July 27, 2013 — Thank you Peter.I am honored to be here at Brooking’s Center for 21st Security and Intelligence.When I asked my staff about the fellows at your Center, they told me that you have experts on drones, private security contractors, one of the people who discovered Stuxnet, the editor of the most controversial national security blog, and our former  more…
July 27, 2013 — Mr. President, veterans of the Korean War, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I’m honored to join you here today to commemorate 60 years since the signing of the Korean War Armistice. I’m humbled to speak among so many who shed blood and otherwise sacrificed to “defend a country they never knew and a people they never met”  more…
July 18, 2013 — Good morning Chairman Levin, Ranking Member Inhofe, and distinguished members of the Committee on Armed Services. I’m honored to appear before the committee this morning alongside my friend and colleague General Marty Dempsey. The military is a family business, and I’m pleased to have with me today my wife Mary, who has been a tireless advocate for  more…
July 18, 2013 — Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Inhofe, distinguished Senators, I am honored to appear before you today on this 18th day of July as the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I am also thankful. Thankful for the confidence put in me two years ago …. for the continued confidence of our Commander-in-Chief and Secretary of Defense … and for the  more…
July 09, 2013 — Hi, I’m General Marty Dempsey, 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. About 90 days ago, I sent a short video out to the field as the reality of sequestration came upon us—the day it was signed into law. And I asked you at that time to help us lead our way through this period of uncertainty, and you have.I also want to come you today because  more…
June 21, 2013 — Thanks - thanks a lot. Well, this is a great way for me to end my week; I hope it's - it turns out to be a great way for you to end your week. Thanks for being here at the convention writ large, but [also] on this military line of effort--the military summit. And I want to compliment all of you, the leadership of this organization for strapping  more…
June 21, 2013 — J.J. GREEN: Just for the record, would you please give me your name, title and organization please, sir? GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Yeah, I’m General Martin E. Dempsey. I’m the general in the United States Army and currently the 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. MR. GREEN: General Dempsey, one of the things that’s high up on the list –  more…
June 17, 2013 — MR. : Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you the 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E. Dempsey. (Applause.) GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Please, have a seat. All right, who parked their aircraft out behind the – can’t miss that thing. Well, how are you, Minot? (Cheers.) Who’s here from the 91st Missile?   more…
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