DLA at a Glance

As America’s combat logistics support agency, the Defense Logistics Agency provides the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, other federal agencies and partner nation armed forces with a full spectrum of logistics, acquisition and technical services. DLA sources and provides nearly all of the consumable items America’s military forces need to operate – from food, fuel and energy to uniforms, medical supplies and construction material.

DLA also supplies nearly 86 percent of the military’s spare parts and 100 percent of fuel and troop support consumables, manages the reutilization of military equipment, provides catalogs and other logistics information products, and offers document automation and production services to a host of military and federal agencies. Headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, DLA is a global enterprise – wherever the United States has a significant military presence, DLA is there to support.

Take a look at DLA's fact sheet for a print-friendly overview of the organization's logistics roles and responsibilities.

DLA Quick Facts:

  • DLA provides more than $42 billion in goods and services annually.people performing logistics tasks
  • Employs more than 25,000 civilians and military.
  • Supports more than 2,300 weapon systems.
  • Manages nine supply chains and nearly 5.1 million items.
  • Administers the storage and disposal of strategic and critical materials to support national defense.
  • Operates in 48 states and 28 countries.
  • Processes 100,000 orders and performs more than 9,000 procurement actions each day.
  • Manages 24 distribution centers worldwide. DLA’s warehousing strategy is driven by the commitment to better serve warfighters, co-locating with the armed forces while placing supplies where they are most needed. By positioning material closer to its customers, DLA is able to decrease wait time, reduce cost and improve military readiness.
  • Leads DoD’s efforts to supply the military services with alternative fuel and renewable energy solutions. 
  • Supports humanitarian relief efforts at home and abroad.
  • Supports 112 nations with $2.1 billion of support items annually through the Foreign Military Sales program.
  • Supports other federal agencies, state and local governments with items such as uniforms, food and fuel. Customers include the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of the Interior, Health and Human Services, U.S. Coast Guard, Forestry Service, and the Department of Agriculture School Lunch Program.

DLA Primary-Level Field Activities

DLA Strategic Materials

Defense Business Services


DLA Regional Commands


DLA Values

Our values provide the foundation for all of the actions we take and the decisions we make in support of our customers, stakeholders, workforce, and partners:

  • Integrity: Honest and trustworthy, we follow through on what we promise.
  • Resiliency and Diversity: Flexible, responsive, recoverable, and able to quickly adapt to changing business environments while achieving outstanding results. Composed of people from varied backgrounds. We celebrate and leverage our differences to deliver innovative and effective outcomes.
  • Innovation: We pioneer new ideas, devices, and methods. Working with each other, customers, and stakeholders to provide solutions that are unique and creative.
  • Accountability: Obligated and willing to accept responsibility. We are accountable to DoD and our customers, just as our workforce is accountable to the DLA mission to provide effective and efficient global solutions to Warfighters and our other valued customers.
  • Excellence: Extremely high quality. We take pride in providing first-class solutions on time, every time.


DLA is a big agency with a big mission, but it couldn't be successful without hardworking employees. This video highlights how the DLA team is connected and valuable to mission success around the world.