Data Strategy

The DON CIO is the Department's senior data strategy official. In this role, the DON CIO organizes and coordinates the Secretariat, U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps representation to the DoD and Joint Service net-centric data strategy communities and associated communities of interest. Data strategy defines the policies, guidance, processes and tools used to produce data and to make data discoverable, accessible, usable and trusted.

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DON Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment Tasking

DON CIO Memo - December 20, 2010

This memo establishes Department of the Navy information technology/cyberspace policy and governance strategy to meet the long-term objectives of the Department's information management, IT/cyberspace and information resources management efficiency and effectiveness goals. The memo also outlines initial DON IT/cyberspace efficiency focus areas.

Encryption of Sensitive Unclassified Data at Rest on Mobile Computing Devices and Removable Storage Media

DoD Memo - July 3, 2007

This memo establishes additional DoD policy for the protection of sensitive unclassified information on mobile computing devices and removable storage media. It applies to all DoD Components and their supporting commercial contractors that process DoD information.

Updated DON Guidance for BEA Compliance Assessment to Address Additional Requirement of the Real Property and Inventory Life Cycle Management

DTG 161552Z MAY 07 - May 16, 2007

This Naval message contains updated Department of the Navy Guidance for program managers of DON Defense Business Systems whose primary mission area and domain is Real Property and Inventory Life Cycle Management.

DON Information Technology Applications and Data Management

SECNAVINST 5000.36A - December 19, 2005

This instruction establishes policy for DON applications and data management and describes the responsibilities of the Functional Area Managers, Functional Data Managers and Functional Namespace Coordinators. It also establishes responsibilities for DON IT processes and tools to transform applications and data into net-centric naval capabilities consistent with DoD policy for interoperability and data sharing. ...


Transparency: The Right Data at the Right Time

January 29, 2013

Chances are you've seen the TV ad for a used-car company that begins with a potential buyer looking for “a car.” He is suddenly facing a sea of automobiles, which he narrows down by being more specific: "A red car. With good gas mileage. With four doors." And so on. This is a good example of what we in the IT world call "transparency." Contrary to common misconceptions, data transparency does not mean access to all ...

DON CIO Speaks at Naval War College's Senior Enlisted Academy Graduation

August 1, 2012

There are few milestones that better mark a time, an accomplishment and the hope for a bright future than a graduation. On July 12, 2012, Terry Halvorsen, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, had the honor of speaking at the graduation ceremony of the most recent graduating class of the Senior Enlisted Academy of the Naval War College in Newport, RI. He spoke of the challenges the graduates will face and how ...

Message From the DON CIO: Changing the IT Business Model

by Terry Halvorsen - July 27, 2011

The Department of the Navy must change the way it manages its business information technology (IT) systems. It is the reality of these fiscally constrained times; and frankly, it is the right thing to do as good stewards of taxpayer money.

Implementing DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives & Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - May 4, 2011

In the January-March 2011 issue of CHIPS, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer announced the DON CIO's role in addressing information technology/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy, in response to a memo released by the Under Secretary of the Navy Dec. 3, 2010. The Under Secretary directed the DON CIO to take the lead for this endeavor.

DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - January 31, 2011

The Under Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Robert O. Work, signed a memo, dated Dec. 3, 2010, addressing information technology (IT)/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy. The memo underscores the challenge from Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Robert Gates to think about the DON's approach to IT initiatives and to centralize and consolidate efforts where it makes sense. Work ...

Input Sought in Developing DON IM/IT Policy

May 4, 2009

To ensure Department of the Navy Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) policies fully support the needs of the warfighter and all levels of the supporting establishment, the DON Chief Information Officer has begun to pilot the use of the Intelink wiki (Intellipedia) as a tool to assist in the development of proposed updates to existing policy.

METOC Data Management for Net-Centric Operations

by Dr. Roy Ladner - February 20, 2009

The departments of Defense and the Navy have adopted a data sharing strategy that supports network-centric operations on the Global Information Grid (GIG). This strategy redefines interoperability from traditionally defined point-to-point interfaces between databases and applications, to a many-to-many data exchange where many users and applications may leverage the same data on the network.

Guidance Updated for DAR Compliance Effort on Non-NMCI Networks

July 11, 2008

An enterprise solution to encrypt DON data-at-rest (DAR) for non-Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) networks is anticipated to be available this fall from the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative/SmartBUY Enterprise Software Agreements.

Industry News

Serious Games Scoring Big In Government

Government Computer News - March 20, 2015