U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

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Public Statements Archive

Missile Defense Agency Public Statements

In this complete archive, the statements prepared by leadership of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), or its legacy organization, the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), are organized in reverse chronological order.

Read the written statements prepared for congressional committees and selected other forums by clicking the links below.

MDA Public Statements: 2016

MDA Public Statements: 2015

  • March 19, 2015 - Vice Adm. Syring
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Written Statement
  • March 18, 2015 - Vice Adm. Syring
    Senate Appropriations Committee
    Subcommittee on Defense
    Written Statement [Video Footage]

MDA Public Statements: 2014

MDA Public Statements: 2013

  • July 17, 2013 - Vice Adm. Syring
    Senate Appropriations Committee
    Defense Subcommittee
    Written Statement

  • May 9, 2013 - Vice Adm. Syring
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Written Statement

  • May 8, 2013 - Vice Adm. Syring
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Written Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2012

  • April 25, 2012 - Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Ballistic Missile Defense Policies and Programs for Fiscal Year 2013 and the Future Years Defense Program — Written Statement

  • April 18, 2012 - Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Appropriations Committee
    Subcommittee on Defense
    Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request — Written Statement

  • March 06, 2012 - Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request - Written Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2011

  • Nov. 8, 2011- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Counterfeit Parts — Written Statement

  • May 25, 2011- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request for Missile Defense Programs — Written Statement

  • April 13, 2011- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request for Missile Defense — Written Statement

  • March 31, 2011- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2012 National Defense Authorization Budget Request for Missile Defense — Written Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2010

  • Dec. 1, 2010- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) — Written Statement

  • June 16, 2010- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Impact of the New START Treaty on Missile Defense Programs — Written Statement

  • April 15, 2010- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2011 Missile Defense Programs — Written Statement

  • April 20, 2010- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Fiscal Year 2011 Defense Authorization — Written Statement
    [Hearing Transcript]

  • April 21, 2010- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Appropriations Committee
    Defense Subcommittee
    Fiscal Year 2011 Missile Defense Programs — Written Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2009

  • Oct. 1, 2009- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Missile Defense in Europe — Written Statement

  • Sept. 24, 2009- Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Missile Defense in Europe — Written Statement

  • June 16, 2009 - Lt Gen O'Reilly
    Senate Armed Services Committee
    Fiscal Year 2010 Missile Defense Programs — Written Statement

  • May 21, 2009 - Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    Fiscal Year 2010 Missile Defense Program — Written Statement

  • Feb. 25, 2009 - Lt Gen O'Reilly
    House Armed Services Committee
    BMDS Testing Program — Written Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2008

  • Spring 2008 - Lt Gen Obering
    House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

  • Spring 2008 - Lt Gen Obering
    Missile Defense Program and Fiscal Year 2009 Budget

MDA Public Statements: 2007

  • Spring 2007 - Lt Gen Obering
    Missile Defense Program and Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

MDA Public Statements: 2006

  • Spring 2006 - Lt Gen Obering
    Missile Defense Program and Fiscal Year 2007 Budget

MDA Public Statements: 2005

  • Spring 2005 - Lt Gen Obering
    Missile Defense Program and Fiscal Year 2006 Budget

MDA Public Statements: 2004

  • July 19, 2004 - Lt Gen Obering
    Multinational BMD Conference, Berlin, Germany

  • Spring 2004 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Missile Defense Program and Fiscal Year 2005 Budget

MDA Public Statements: 2003

  • Spring 2003 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Missile Defense Program and Fiscal Year 2004 Budget

MDA Public Statements: 2002

  • April 17, 2002 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Senate Appropriations Committee,
    Defense Subcommittee, Written Statement

  • March 3, 2002 - Honorable Pete Aldridge
    Senate Armed Services Committee,
    Strategic Subcommittee, Written Statement

  • March 13, 2002 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Senate Armed Services Committee,
    Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Written Statement

  • March 7, 2002 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Senate Armed Services Committee,
    Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Written Statement

  • Feb. 28, 2002 - Lt Gen Kadish
    House Appropriations Committee,
    Defense Subcommittee, Written Statement

  • Feb. 27, 2002 - Lt Gen Kadish
    House Armed Services Committee,
    Military Procurement Subcommittee,
    Military Research and Development Subcommittee, Written Statement

  • February 2002 - Lt Gen Kadish
    FY 03 Budget Hearings Written Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2001

  • July 31, 2001 - Dr. Patricia Sanders
    United States Senate, Committee on Appropriations,
    Subcommittee on Military Construction

  • July 19, 2001 - Lt Gen Kadish
    U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Armed Services,
    Amended FY 2002 Budget

  • July 14, 2001 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Missile Defense Press Briefing

  • July 12, 2001 - Lt Gen Kadish
    United States Senate, Committee on Armed Services, Prepared Statement

  • June 14, 2001 - Lt Gen Kadish
    U.S. House of Representatives,
    Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Military Research & Development, Prepared Statement

MDA Public Statements: 2000

  • Sept. 8, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform,
    Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs
    and International Relations

  • June 22, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Military Research and Development

  • June 5, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Address to the Year 2000 Multinational BMD Conference

  • April 12, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    United States Senate, Committee on Appropriations,
    Subcommittee on Defense, Prepared Statement

  • March 30, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Prepared Statement to Congressional Breakfast Series

  • March 21, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish and Mr. Kenneth H. Bacon,
    ASD PA — DoD Press Briefing Transcript — NMD Testing Schedule

  • March 16, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations,
    Subcommittee on Defense, Prepared Statement

  • March 10, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    United States Senate, Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support,
    Prepared Statement

  • Feb. 28, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    United States Senate, Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Prepared Statement

  • Feb. 16, 2000 - Lt Gen Kadish
    U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittees on Research and Development and Procurement,
    Prepared Statement

MDA Public Statements: 1999

  • Sept. 20, 1999 - Lt Gen Kadish
    Remarks to National Defense Industrial Association

  • June 10, 1999 - BG Davis
    DoD Press Briefing Transcript - THAAD Intercept

  • April 14, 1999 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense,
    Prepared Statement

  • March 24, 1999 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Appropriations Committee,
    Subcommittee on Defense, Prepared Statement

  • March 11, 1999 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Prepared Statement

    Feb. 25, 1999 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittees on Research and Development and Procurement,
    Prepared Statement

  • Feb. 24, 1999 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Prepared Statement

MDA Public Statements: 1998

  • April 22, 1998 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Appropriations,
    Subcommittee on Defense, Prepared Statement

  • April 22, 1998 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Appropriations,
    Subcommittee on Defense, Opening Remarks

  • March 24, 1998 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Prepared Statement

  • March 24, 1998 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Committee on Armed Services,
    Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Opening Remarks

  • March 10, 1998 - Brig Gen Davis
    DoD News Media Briefing

  • March 4, 1998 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on National Security

MDA Public Statements: 1997

  • Nov. 5, 1997 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Committee on National Security

  • July 2, 1997 - BG Cosumano
    DoD Press Briefing Transcript Briefing Slides with Text
    National Missile Defense Integrated Flight Test 1A - Overview

  • May 15, 1997 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Committee on National Security

  • April 16, 1997 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Appropriations Committee

  • March 19, 1997 - Brig Gen Emery
    House Committee on National Security

  • March 6, 1997 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Committee on National Security

  • Feb. 27, 1997 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Remarks - Senate Committee on Armed Services

  • Feb. 27, 1997 - Lt Gen Lyles
    Statement - Senate Committee on Armed Services

MDA Public Statements: 1996

  • Nov. 13, 1996 - Lt Gen Lyles
    U.S. Army Strategy Symposium

  • Sept. 27, 1996 - Lt Gen Lyles
    House Committee on National Security

  • June 18, 1996 - RADM West
    House Committee on National Security

  • March 7, 1996 - LTG O'Neill
    House Committee on National Security

  • March 7, 1996 - LTG O'Neill
    House Committee on National Security (With Charts)

MDA Public Statements: 1995

  • May 15, 1995 - LTG O'Neill - Hous Committee on National Security