Families with Kids

Homecoming: Tips for Reuniting with the Family

reuniting with your family, come home after deployment

There are several things to keep in mind that will help when you come home after a deployment. The following list includes suggestions that can help with children of any age:

When to Seek Help for a Child

when to seek help for a child

Parents are usually the first to recognize when a child is having a problem with emotions or behavior. When children have had challenges with their emotions and behavior before deployment, deployment can sometimes make these problems worse.

Information for Deployed and At-Home Parents

Children’s Responses to Deployment

Building resilience in children and teens

Ten Tips for Building Resilience in Children and Teens

1. Make Connections. When we connect with people we get and give support and we strengthen resilience.

War Zone-Related Stress Reactions: What Families Need to Know

War-related stress and families

War-Zone-Related Stress Reactions: What Families Need to Know

Families with Kids: Helping children cope during deployment

Families with kids: help children copy during deployment

Helping Children Cope During Deployment

Military Family Resiliency: Tips for parents and day-care providers of preschool children

Family resilience: pre-school

Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Day-Care Providers of Preschool Children

Events are uncertain for children. Their friends’ parents, or perhaps their own parents, may be called away to serve in the military. Although you may think they are too young to understand what is happening, even very young children can absorb frightening events from the news or from conversations they overhear.

Military Family Resiliency: Tips for parents and teachers of elementary school children

Military family resilience: elementary kids

Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Teachers of Elementary School Children

Events are uncertain for children. Their friends’ parents, or perhaps their own parents, may be called away to serve in the military. They look to teachers as well as to parents to make them feel safe in a time of war.

Military Family Resiliency: Tips for parents and teachers of middle school children

Military family resilience: middle school kids

Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Teachers of Middle School Children

Tips for Parents and Teachers of Middle School Children

Events are uncertain for children. Their friends’ parents, or perhaps their own parents, may be called away to serve in the military. They look to teachers and friends as well as to parents to make them feel safe in a time of war.

Military Family Resiliency: Tips for parents and teachers of teens

Military family resiliency: teenagers

Resilience in a Time of War: Tips for Parents and Teachers of Teens

Tips for Parents and Teachers of Teens

Although your teens may tower over you, they are still very young and can keenly feel the fear and uncertainty of a time of war, especially because terrorism has brought fear so close to home…


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