
Resilience Resilience

Resilience is the ability to respond successfully to the challenges of life. No one is immune to setbacks when faced with these challenges, but those who feel like they are prepared to manage life's difficulties have the greatest chance of overcoming them. This program provides a number of tools to help you anticipate and manage the challenges associated with the deployment cycle. Take an assessment to get feedback on how you are doing or jump into the workshops to learn more about resilience. Check out the videos of others talking about how resilience has played a role in their lives, and explore the e-library for in-depth information.


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Emotional pain and sadness are common in people who have suffered major adversity or trauma. Being resilient does not mean that you won't experience difficulty or distress. However, resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or other significant sources of stress such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. Stated simply, resilience means ''bouncing back'' from difficult times

The Resilience Assessment, and each of the related assessments below, takes about five minutes to complete; recommendations follow based on your results.

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